Chapter 18

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Genya tried his best to comfort the crying girl. Unfortunately, he isn't really the best choice for that. He grew up socially awkward with girls and the only people he interacted most are Kagaya and Himejima.
Genya told her his family history and the most likely reason his brother hates him. Chiaku stopped crying as she listened closely, her eyes are still puffy and red.
"It's true that our family was slaughtered by a demon but that our mother. Sanemi had no choice but to kill her. Due to outrage, I wasn't able to control myself. I couldn't think straight and blamed Nemi for everything. I accused him for murdering our beloved mother. I came back home and my siblings have already turned cold."
"Your mother?" Chiaku paled at the thought.
Genya looked up at the sky with a longing expression, a faint smile came across his features.
"She is a small beautiful woman who always protects us even from our abusive father. We love her dearly."
Genya's expression shifted as he remembers those bittersweet memories and the nightmare that ended the lives of their family.
"One day she came home late, changed and unrecognisable. It turns out that the demon that attack our family is my mother. If Sanemi did not arrive, I would be dead as well. He saved me yet all I did was to call him a murderer."
Chiaku placed her hand atop of his. Genya gave her a faint smile.
"Nemi is a nice person. So, promise me no matter how many times he will push you away, please don't leave my brother's side... Nee-san."
Chiaku's eyes widened a bit. Her heart suddenly starts beating fast for an unknown reason. She never had younger siblings and no one has ever called her big sister before. Hearing that from Genya sends butterflies to her stomach.
"Hime-san! Did you find him yet?"
They saw three familiar figures running towards their direction. Genya scowled but did not try to run away because that would be rude to the fairy princess.
"Oh Genya! It's nice to see you!"
Genya scowled back at Tanjiro's brilliant smile and gritted his teeth in annoyance.
"Don't call me by my first name, shithead!"
Chiaku snickered. Genya resembles his older brother in a way. The younger Shinazugawa blushed in response.
Zenitsu frowned. "Why are you blushing, Genya? Ah! Don't tell me you are cheating on your brother?!"
Chiaku tilted her head in confusion.
"I don't know what you are talking about, you piece of shit!"
Tanjiro sweat dropped and tried to switch the conversation as soon as possible.
"I just remembered something, Chiaku-sama! I heard fairies can grant wishes if you give them a lose tooth."
"Here!" Tanjiro handed her the tooth that he was hiding from his pocket. Chiaku blinked several times before erupting into melodic laughter.
"That's Genya's tooth by the way."
"Hah?! Why do you have that?! You're fucking gross! Why are you giving that to her?! Throw that away!"
"But you dropped it in a hot spring so I picked it up. I am actually going to return it to you but I think I want a wish instead."
"The hell you are, brat!"
"We're at the same age!"
"You lost a tooth? What are you, a puppy?" Inosuke barged in, instigating another fight.
"What did you just call me, you pig?!"
Chiaku laughed merrily, silencing the boys.
"I am not a tooth fairy, Tanjiro-kun. But then again, if I am to grant you a wish, what would that be?"
"Simple. I want you, Chiaku-sama to follow your heart!"
"Eh? Me? Why?"
"The heart is what drives people, humans or not."
Zenitsu looked at her intently. "Don't you have feelings for Shinazugawa-san?"
"I know you have only met us for a short period of time but I can always hear your heart beating erratically when you are together."
Chiaku blushed slightly while trying to digest his words.
"He might look scary but I think he feels the same way for you." Zenitsu added, starting another bickering fight with Genya.
"My brother isn't scary-looking!"
"That's right. You are more an eyesore."
"I'm going to kill you!"
Inosuke laughed like a mad boar. "This is great! Come at me, shrimp!"
Chiaku stood up, her mind elsewhere. "Please excuse me, I think I have to do something."
"Good luck, Princess!"
"We'll be waiting for you."
Genya did not say anything but smiled gently.
"Challenge him on a bare fight!"
The three boys hit Inosuke hard for that comment.
Chiaku gave them a thankful smile before flying away.

An hour earlier, while the Kamaboko squad is playing with the fae kids and Kagaya's children...
"We have a favor to ask. You can leave these children to us."
Shinobu did the explanation and the boys immediately agreed, leaving Tokito, Gyomei, Giyuu and Shinobu with the children.

Mitsuri and Obanai are spying at the fairy queen who is having a happy conversation with the Ubuyashiki couple.
Shinazugawa on the other hand, has been cornered by Rengoku and Tengen.
Sanemi gritted his teeth in annoyance. He is still in a bad mood after his encounter with his brother. "What do you think you are doing?!"

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