Chapter 5

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They arrived in a small genkan few steps away from Ubuyashiki household and Sanemi's dojo where he does trainings. It is a small place made of strong oaken wood, with sliding doors, small dining room, bedroom and a kitchen that is bigger than the rest of the rooms. It is a homely place despite its size. The bathroom has separate sections for shower and soaking. Outside lies a well and a several flower bushes much to the fairy's delight.
Sanemi placed her down on the porch where he removed his shoes. Chiaku tilted her head in confusion. The male pillar raised an eyebrow on her silent query. "Take off your footwear. I don't want you bringing dirt inside my house."
She did not say anything about his stern remark since she is busy looking around. She gently removed her slippers as she was told. Sanemi noticed what she was wearing for the first time since he was so busy accusing her of being a demon earlier.
"Glass slippers?"
"Eh? Oh! It's my father's begetting gift for me."
Sanemi simply shook his head. This is getting a lot weirder for him. "Whatever."
"Oh! Today's my begetting day! So much has happened today that I forgot."
"Begetting day?"
"Begetting day is the time when we celebrate the day we were conceived. Elven and fairy mothers can immediately know whether they are carrying or not."
"Hah? You celebrate the day your parents make you? Gross!"
"No, it's not!"
"Tsk! Whatever. Get in. It's already sundown and do not loiter around. Don't expect me to give you a gift or anything."
"You don't have to." Chiaku tiptoed and kissed him on the cheek, causing the latter to blush and step back that he almost fell. His heart is beating like crazy and Sanemi doesn't like that feeling at all.
"What the hell are you doing?!"
"Hmm? We give gifts on our Begetting day but I don't have anything with me right now and thank you for taking me in!" Chiaku brimmed.
"Don't bother! I don't need it!"
The fairy princess only smiled in return causing him to blush again. She got inside and looked around. Sanemi remained outside for a while clutching his chest.
Mitsuri squealed when she saw the scene. Uzui and Rengoku dropped their jaws, while Shinobu gave out a soft giggle. Iguro raised his brows in surprise. He didn't see that coming and yes, you guess it right. The pillars are unrest and not easy to satisfy. They can't get enough information as much as they wanted so they decided to sneak into Sanemi's property. Muichuiro tilted his head in confusion. While Giyuu and Himejima kept it silent. They watched as Sanemi got inside his house. Sliding his door hard. He must be fuming in anger and embarrassment.
Sanemi tightened his fist and followed the fairy who finds herself in his kitchen.
"Hmm! It's a nice smell! You must really like ohagi, Scrapewood! Do you want me to make you some tomorrow? Ah! Why do you make an ogre face? Did you just step on a goat's poop?"
"I did not you damned winged creature! Don't you dare touch my things here!"
"Why are you so upset?"
"I-" Sanemi rubbed his temples and inhaled deeply. He turned his back on her, hands on his hips. "Go and take your bath. Go to your right, you'll find the bathroom. You're soaked. You... You'll catch cold."
Chiaku laughed softly, "I don't get colds."
Sanemi scratched his head. "Fine you damned immortal. Just go. I'll leave some clothes for you." He kept his back turned, light pink dusted his cheeks.
"But I-"
Sanemi angrily turned around, veins popping on his forehead.
"Just go, will you?! Are all fairies as difficult as you?! You'll wash the clothes you'll wear tonight and return them to me tomorrow, got it?!"
Chiaku harrumphed and did as she was told. The wind pillar glared at the retreating fairy and sighed.

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