Chapter 27

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Daidaimaru is being carried by Muichirou while Non is being carried by Giyuu. Mitsuri squealed on how adorable Non looks while braiding some flowers on Giyuu's hair. Obanai's face is so red while Mitsuri is clinging on his arm. Shinobu laughed softly while watching them.
Meanwhile, Taka lost his way because he became distracted with some girls who think he is so cute rather than annoying.
Taka beamed upon seeing Mitsuri and flew towards her. The love pillar cuddled the young tengu. Iguro gritted his teeth in annoyance and hissed when Taka stuck his tongue out, mocking him.
"Are you lost, Taka-kun?" Shinobu asked.
"There's no way I will be lost! We are playing hide-and-go seek cute things with Kaa-chan and Tou-chan baka!"
"Did they really get married?" Kanroji asked.
"There's no way it would happen, Kanroji. They are just playing." Iguro argued.
"No we're not! They kissed! I saw it!"
"No way!"
"When I grow up, we are also going to get married!" Taka told Kanroji, looking smug. Mitsuri blushed heavily.
Iguro grabbed Taka's head in annoyance. "Leave her alone, you brat!"
Taka gave a piercing scream as he tried to get away. It took awhile calming him down. Iguro simply crossed his arms and huffed, ignoring Mitsuri's scolding.
All of a sudden, they felt something looming over them and the pillars are suddenly on guard. They were surprised of what they saw.
Above them, is a young man with black hair, short horns and huge black wings.
Taka suddenly squealed in delight as he flew towards the newcomer.
"Eh?! Nii-chan?!"
"Hmm! He is my nii-chan! He is the strongest tengu in my family!"
The said person looked at the stoically then bowed slightly.
"Thank you for looking after my brother. He must be a handful one."
"Uh no-"
Iguro stepped up, cutting off Mitsuri.
"Yes, he is. Now, please take him away."
"I am not leaving without my wife!" Taka grabbed Mitsuri's arm while Iguro tried to pull him away.
"She is not your wife, brat!"
The other pillars looked at the stranger carefully as if assessing him. He is a tall one with handsome comely appearance. He isn't saying anything instead he simply stares at his brother and Iguro as they strangle one another.
"Excuse me, we understand you are related to Taka-kun but we didn't get your name. Also, I'm afraid we cannot give him to you without informing his guardian." Shinobu told the older tengu.
"My name is Ryu, eldest son of the tengu chieftain. Taka is my youngest brother. By guardian, you mean the Princess Chiaku? It is true then that she ran away from home to see humans. She is always the curious one."
"You're quite familiar with her, are you not?" Shinobu asked suspiciously.
"We were introduced to each other when we were children."
"Ah, I see."
"If there's nothing else, we're going home. I will be taking those two as well. Taka, let's go."
"No!!!! I want to stay!" Taka cried so hard that it broke Mitsuri's heart. The other children with them started crying as well.
"Onii-chama! Please don't take us away! Hime-sama will look for us and she just got married!"
"To Nemi-niichama!"
Ryu frowned a bit but didn't say anything. The pillars felt something amiss and Mitsuri is starting to feel worried.
The tengu looked at Giyuu. "Take us to her highness."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2020 ⏰

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