Chapter 7

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Sanemi soaked himself in a tub and dazed at the ceiling. Sanemi Shinazugawa is a stern character with a very dark past. He can't hardly believe the things that's happening to him right now. The moment he felt those soft lips touch his cheeks, he felt his stomach churn, his cheeks burn and a sudden heartache. He swore to himself he will never fall in love. He cannot have a family of his own. That feeling should be foreign to him and he should be focusing on killing demons and secretly protecting his remaining brother. Now these thoughts are bothering him. If only the stupid fairy did not lose her way back, this won't be happening to him.
No, I was the one who insisted that she is a demon. I was the one who chased after her.
Sanemi slapped his cheeks and reminded to keep himself together. Perhaps tomorrow Oyakata-sama will show her way back and he won't see her ever again. He felt a sudden heartache knowing she will one day leave. Sanemi groaned. He shouldn't have these feelings. Perhaps Rengoku or even Giyuu can. Don't forget the freaking Iguro who has hots on Kanroji. But not him. He cannot love. He is cursed and dangerous. Everything he loves, disappears. He snapped at his thoughts when he heard something clattering from his kitchen. He pinch the bridge of his nose. The spoiled princess is stubborn as is she annoying as hell.
When he walked out of the bathroom, hair wet yet fully dressed and feeling refreshed, he saw her setting up the dinner table.
"There's only two of us, you know? You also have used up my food stocks for a month."
Chiaku flinched. "I'm sorry. I got too excited."
In front of them lies tons of food such as ohagi, wagashi, pancakes and muffins. How she managed to do all of them he would never know. Sanemi is also too tired to think.
"You'll help me finish all of it, you damned winged creature."
"Or we can preserve the rest and save it for tomorrow!"
Chiaku got up and went to the small window where the starlight shines upon them. She made a small gesture and place some sparkles on some desserts. "There!"
Sanemi was impressed but his pride didn't show it. "Tsk. Whatever. You should pay me or that though."
"Well I have few gold coins with me."
"Fine. Give it to me tomorrow so I can restock."
"Let me come with you! I want to see the village! Please!"
Sanemi tries his best not to give in with those pleading eyes. People might misunderstand and she's a trouble magnet. All of a sudden, Kagaya's voice flashed through his mind, "Protect her at all cost."
He sighed in agitation and scratched his head. "Fine, just don't cause me any trouble or I will really tie you up on a chair and have Himejima watch over you. That guy is boring as hell."
"The giant crybaby."
", tell me more about your friends."
"They are not my friends."
Chiaku blinked. "Acquaintances then."
"Can we eat first? I'm starving."
"We can do both."
"You'll never stop, will you?"
Chiaku simply smiled back causing him to blush slightly. He told her stories of how he joined the demon slayer corps, about Oyakata-sama, the only person he highly respects and his fellow pillars and how annoying they are. Chiaku laughed softly as he continued.
"What about your family?"
Sanemi refrained from eating his now tenth mochi.
"I have no one left. A demon killed them."
"You seemed hesitant."
"Stop asking about my family!"
"Oh, I'm sorry. But promise me, you'll tell me about them one day." Chiaku placed her hand atop of his. Sanemi slapped it away as he continued eating his mochi.
Chiaku fiddled her fingers as she spoke. "I know I must feel grateful to have a complete family. My mother would always brush my hair and sing me to sleep. My father always buy me books and hairdresses. He will always tell me how much he loves me and that he will always protect me. There are people who always do things for me. I have a foster brother who always look after me and I have excellent teachers who teach me magic spells and earth lore. Our place is at peace. I know I must be content." Chiaku placed her hand on her chest and frowned slightly.
"But there is always something missing. I want adventure. I want to explore things and do something I never did before. I want to be a free fairy not just some pampered princess."
"This place isn't for you. Oyakata-sama told you about demons."
"I know that!" Chiaku sighed deeply as she covers her face with her hands. "I don't want to go back home. Not just yet." She looked at him with sad eyes.
"Please don't send me back yet. Let me stay a bit longer."
Sanemi pursed his lips. "That is not for me to decide."
He wiped off his fingers and stood up. "You must be tired. You can take the futon. I'll stay on the floor."
The fairy princess tugged on his shirt.
"Stay with me. Please."
"You can't tell some random guy to sleep with you."
"But my parents will sometimes sleep with me."
"That is different!"
"How is that different?"
"I-ugh! Fine. But don't speak about tonight to anyone. Ever."
Chiaku nodded as Sanemi gathered the dishes to the sink. She helped in putting sparkles on the remaining food so they can be eaten again on the following day.
When they were done, Sanemi laid down the futon for both of them. He is thankful for the dim light for not showing his lightly dusted cheeks. He mentally slapped himself. In his mind, he blames Kagaya for letting him take the airhead fairy. He doesn't know what he is thinking. Surely there are many others out there who are actually females and can take her in instead.
Few minutes and the said girl is dozing off. He looked at her partially parted lips and beautifully laid down hair that matches the color of his floor. Her smooth skin sparkles under the moonlight. He laughed softly when her pointy ears twitched. "Reindeer." He muttered to himself as he laid back down. He stiffened when she moved to him closer and hugged his arm.
Kami sama. Why is this happening to me?

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