Chapter 22

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Chiaku can hear birds chirping outside. A patch of sunlight filtering through the window touches her cheek. She can feel Sanemi's soft breathing as he maintained nuzzled on her chest, his arm draped across her waist. She smiled at him as she caressed his soft hair. She decided to close her eyes again when Sanemi isn't showing any signs of waking up. Memory about last night brought smile to her lips.

Sanemi placed a hand at the back of her neck and deepened the kiss. Chiaku clutched on the hem of his yukata for support. His inner self tells him to stop but his body tells otherwise. Her lips feels soft and she tastes like sweet berries.
It is Chiaku's first time to be kissed by someone since her father and foster brother won't allow any boy come near her. She can't deny the warmth that spreads through her chest. She can now understand what her mother meant when you met the one for you.
They were breathing heavily when they parted. Sanemi looked sternly at her half-lidded eyes and flushed cheeks.
"How can you feel the same way I do? I am cursed. I killed my own mother. I cast away my remaining brother and I deal with demons."
Chiaku smiled and leaned on his shoulder. "My heart tells me that Nemi is a nice person."
Sanemi flustered. His starts beating fast upon hearing his childhood nickname.
"I don't know what awaits tomorrow but I found my one, the one that I will cherish and love till the end of time. And he is right beside me. That's all I know."
Sanemi scratched the back of his head, his cheeks dusted pink. "Why are you doing this to me, Uggo?"
Chiaku laughed softly but before she can say a word, Sanemi landed another kiss on her lips.

"Kagaya, you said I will be seeing my daughter. It's been a day. Where is she?" Chiyo has her usual smiling face but her tone clearly says how unamused she is of the situation.
Kagaya and his wife smiled uncomfortably. None of his pillars came back after their respective missions. The crows have said that most of them ended up successful but none has reported back yesterday. This concerns Kagaya as his pillars never failed to defy his orders. What worries him more is that he doesn't know the fairy's whereabouts and it displeases the fairy queen to great extent. Even the girls from the butterfly estate don't know where to find them although he suspects that something is going on. He immediately summoned the pillars including Tanjiro and his companions. They assembled at their usual place. His wife told him that they quite look sheepish and suspicious. Genya looks stoic as usual and no one can tell what Inosuke is thinking under his mask. Murata and Zenitsu are actually trembling and the honest-looking boy, Tanjiro looks really weird. Kiriya and his younger sisters snickered when they saw the young demon slayers.
"Hmm. It must be a wonderful day today. I am glad to see you all safe. However it worried me that none of you came to see me yesterday."
"Please forgive us Oyakata-sama."
"Perhaps one of you can explain to me? You are my children after all. Tanjiro? Did something happen?"
Tanjiro stuttered and made a somewhat funny face. Obanai hissed and glared sideways. He's going to sell us out, the little shit.
Mitsuri bit her lip and was about to speak since it was her idea after all when Sanemi finally arrived, pulling Chiaku with him. Mitsuri was stricken with horror. Chiaku cannot be here with them. The other pillars mentally slapped themselves, their plan to keep the fairy and Sanemi away until the fairy queen leaves failed after all.
"Please forgive me for being late Oyakata-sama and please forgive me for missing yesterday's meeting. It was disrespectful of me."
Chiaku curtsied as the wind pillar continues. "I am glad to see you healthy, Oyakata-sama."
"Thank you, Sanemi."
Chiaku sensed something familiar behind Kagaya and his family. All of a sudden, the fairy queen emerged. Sanemi widened his eyes in surprise when he saw her. Tanjiro and his friends look at her in awe since it is their first time meeting her.
Chiaku ran to her mother for an embrace. "Okaa-sama!"
"Oh! My little sweet pea! I miss you so much!"
"I miss you too, Okaa-sama!"
"I feel so sad, I can't find my favorite earcuff!"
"That's very reckless of you, Okaa-sama."
The onlookers paused in their thoughts. Huh?!
Mitsuri is holding her breath, trying her best not to laugh. The other pillars are also trying their best to keep their composure.
Chiyo looked behind her daughter and smiled widely at Sanemi. She held his hand and brimmed with excitement and enthusiasm.
"You must be Shinazugawa Sanemi! My, you're so handsome!"
Sanemi raised an eyebrow and glanced at Chiaku, who only smiled in return. "Uh..."
"And oh! I haven't got a chance to speak to any of you yet!" The fairy queen suddenly turned dark and her voice turned cold. "Although I'm not particularly happy you were trying to hide my daughter from me."
The pillars flinched. Zenitsu was not able to hold it and screamed in fear. His friends tried to hush him down but to no avail. "We're deeeaaaad!!!"
Chiyo's aura suddenly turned back to normal and brimmed when she saw the younger hunters. She went to hug the boys, suffocating them with her chest. They blushed heavily and cannot utter a single word. The pillars sweatdropped. She resembles her daughter so much.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I just love cute things!"
"They're not things, mother!"
"Don't be selfish sweatpea, you only wanted to keep these children for yourself."
"You're mistaken!"
Ignoring the playful banter of mother and daughter. Sanemi walked towards his companions, hands on his hips.
"Oi. There's no real urgent matter yesterday, isn't it? "
"Shut up, Shinazugawa! We did this for you, you ungrateful bastard!" Obanai spat back.

Mitsuri groveled at the fairy queen and apologised several times. Chiyo laughed back. "I know what's going on, young lady. I know everything."
"Eh? But how?"
Chiyo only hummed in response. "I did not come here to take my daughter back. But as for those children-"
The slayers flinched once again. "- they are to come home in five days from now before their parents will know that they actually left the moors. We cannot anger the other clans, especially Taka's brother. Yuki is to take them home. As for you my daughter..."
Chiyo held out a bracelet with dangling charms made of frozen forget-me-nots.
"You can stay as long as you wish. Take this off and you will find your way back home, put it back and you will be with humans again. That is my begetting gift for you. You are now old enough to make your own choices. I will always be happy with whatever you choose, love."
Chiaku's face lit up and gave her mother a hug. The slayers sighed in relief. Chiyo looked back at Ubuyashiki couple, her eyes both filled with sadness and happiness. Amane understood what she meant and simply bowed at the fairy queen. Sanemi understood it too as his lips formed a straight line.
"Ah! Why don't we have a small celebration? Human feasts are always a delight!"
"Ano... Okaa-sama? Is Otou-sama upset with me?"
"Don't worry my beautiful tulip. I am keeping him busy at the moment." Chiyo winked at her. Chiaku raised an eyebrow, undecided whether she could trust her mother on that.

"Why are there lots of paperwork?! There is another matter on hand! My daughter is missing!"
"Please calm down, Heika, Chiyo-sama said your daughter went on a short trip to meet up with some friends and that she is safe."
"And she didn't bother to tell me?! Am I that unreliable?"
A dark-haired elf sighed inwardly.
"Please don't be mistaken, my king. Your daughter loves you so much. Its just you know how different are youth these days."
Reo harrumphed as he hopelessly stared at huge pile of papers.
"And where is my wife? I'm lonely!"

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