Chapter 3

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Soft footsteps can be heard and as Chiaku raised her head she saw a young man sauntering towards them. He is being accompanied by two white-haired girls that look identical with each other. She noticed a purple mark spreading on his face, covering his eyes and she immediately felt that it is somehow a kind of curse.
"The weather must be very nice today." The man spoke in a very soft tone. Chiaku describes it to be as gentle as wind and as cold as water.
"I heard Sanemi, Shinobu and Obanai have brought someone to meet me today."
"A demon of another kind, Oyakata-sama!"
"No, I'm not!"
"Stop lying in front of Oyakata-sama!"
"But I am not lying! I am Chiaku, Princess of the Hidden Moors!"
"Hidden Moors? What are you doing so far from home?" Kagaya asked the newcomer gently, surprising the rest and silencing Sanemi.
"You can't possibly believe this creature, Oyakata-sama!"
"Sanemi, let her speak and Obanai, you may release her."
Iguro stared at his master in shock then released Chiaku from her bonds. "As you command."
The fairy exasperatedly pulled herself up as she dusted her dress. She gave Sanemi and Obanai a glare.
"My apologies, young master." Chiaku curtsied at Kagaya who remained smiling as he always does. "I am Chiaku, the only daughter of Reo, the magnificent and Chiyo, the fairest. Both are rulers of the fairy world, also known as the hidden moors."
"Reo? Clearly not the boy I met many years ago? Is he the one with antlers?" Kagaya asked in an exciting tone, surprising his pillars. It is something they heard for the first time. Ubayishiki is known for always maintaining a calm and regal composure.
Chiaku gasped in excitement," He is the one! Look! I have the same ones like his!"
Chiaku happily exclaimed as she held her antlers.
Kagaya smiled gently. "I would love to see it, if only I could."
"I beg your pardon?"
"Stop being rude, Reindeer!"
"But! Oh... I'm sorry."
Kagaya tilted his head, smiling at her direction. "You must be as beautiful as your mother but knowing that you are here, you must have inherited your curiosity and mischievous attitude from your father."
"Really? I didn't know that. Hmm... Now I have something against him." Chiaku said in a mischievous tone earning a chuckle from the demon slayers' leader.
"By the way, how did you know my father?"
"Ah, I met him when I was little."
"Oh..." Chiaku thought deeply then she gasped in realization. "Oh, you are him! Ubuyashiki Kagaya! The cute boy who looked like a girl with pretty wisteria flowers on his hair!"
"Oi, Reindeer..." Sanemi suddenly stood up, emitting a very dark aura. He pulled out his sword, threatening to attack her.
"Calm down, Sanemi."
"But Oyakata-sama!"
"She meant no offense. I was often mistaken to be a girl when I was younger."
Chiaku curtsied once again. "I'm so sorry Master Kagaya, I did not mean to upset you."
"Do not worry young fairy, you did not. I'm glad to hear he can still remember me."
"We never forget young master. He tells me stories of your adventures together, that's why perhaps I wanted to see your world."
"This is not a safe place for you though. You are lucky you have encountered some of my pillars."
Sanemi stood up and bowed at Kagaya. "Please excuse my rudeness, Oyakata-sama. There is something I want to prove after all."
Sanemi made a small cut on his arm, red blood dripping then he chuckled darkly. "Why not take a short sniff demon?"
"What? Why? And what are you doing hurting yourself?!"
"Smell it! The blood you love so much!"
"Stop being delusional, who on earth would want it?!"
"Just smell Chiaku then tell us what you feel, Sanemi otherwise won't leave you alone." Shinobu told her gently. Puzzled by it, Chiaku sighed then did as she was told.
"Hmm... It smells strange. It gives a sweet scent!"
"Ha! I knew it!"
Ignoring Sanemi, she took another sniff. "His diet is composed of ohagi and strawberries."
"This morning, he ate red bean mochi and strawberry juice."
"What?!" Sanemi quickly pulled his arm away and blushed heavily. His companions laughed at him while Giyuu simply stared at him. Kagaya chuckled lightly. Tanjiro jumped happily. "Sugoi! You can figure out someone's diet by smelling on them? Teach me!"
Zenitsu pushed Tanjiro away and looked at her pleadingly.
"It's not fair Tanjiro! Teach me too, Chiaku-sama!"
"Wrrrryyyyy!!! Don't waste you time on these fools! Teach me your trick princess of fairies, I am. God of Mountains after all!" Inosuke exclaimed.
"You're just a moron."Zenitsu commented causing the two to start arguing again.
"Silence you fools!" Sanemi angrily shouted with fist on air. Giyuu suddenly approached him asking, "You like Ohagi?"
"Shut up!"
Ubuyashiki laughed softly silencing the group.
"I can sense that you lost your way home Hime-sama. Sanemi."
"Yes, Oyakata-sama."
"Take her with you and protect her at all cost."
"Ha?! I refuse!"
"I agree Kagaya-sama. I can't possibly stand Scrapewood here. Besides, I can protect myself."
"I beg to differ, Reo's daughter. No one else can take you in. Shinobu has to look after new patients and the rest will have their missions and nightwatch. You don't know this place and it is almost sundown. There are demons lurking in the dark. Sanemi, take her with you. Fairy blood is powerful and extremely rare. Any demon who finds out there is one walking around this village, he won't hesitate to prey on her."
The group were surprised of what they heard and Chiaku started to worry. She should have not left the borders herself. Sanemi bowed down. "As you wish."
"The meeting is over, you may now leave."
Before Chiaku can say anything, Sanemi carried her in bridal style and walked away.

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