Chapter 17

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"Oh my! What a cute child! Your parents must  be so blessed!"
Senjuro scrutinised the lady in front of him. She looks exactly like Chiaku except for her red hair. She doesn't have antlers like Chiaku too. She is a curvy woman and slightly taller than the first fairy he met. Despite having young features, she looks wise and ethereal.
Senjuro shifted uncomfortably. "Uh, are you a fairy too?"
"Eh? Too?"
The red-haired fairy beamed and leaned closer.
"You mean, you met my daughter?"
"Eh?! Daughter?! Chiaku-sama?"
"That's her! Oh my goodness! Where is she? She's been a very naughty girl. Her father and I were worried that we only had three meals for three days straight instead of eight!"
Senjuro blanched at the mere thought on how much they can eat. "Eight?"
"Would you be so kind to take me to my daughter? Also I didn't get your name, little potato."
Senjuro sweatdropped. Fairy folk are odd. Can't they distinguish between a human and a rootcrop?
"My name is Senjuro...uh,your grace and I'm not a potato. I'm a human."
The fairy laughed sweetly. "It's just a nickname, silly. I'm Chiyo from the hidden moors."
Heat rose up to Senjuro's cheeks. "Uh, hai!"
Kyojuro's younger brother explained to her how Chiaku got to the human village based on what Kyojuro relayed to him. He also told her how exactly they met. Senjuro peered at the fairy queen. If only she didn't look like Chiaku he might have mistaken her for an ordinary human being only with an odd outfit and striking hair.
"Ano, sumimasen, Chiyo-sama. Don't you have wings and antlers like Chiaku-sama?"
"I do have wings, of course!" Chiyo bent down and whispered on his ear. "But I can't show humans that, right?"
Senjuro blushed on both embarrassment and close proximity. "Sorry, my bad."
"No, no! It's alright, Senjuro-kun! My daughter took after me except for the antlers that she got from her father."

They arrived at the headquarters and met the pillars, sans Sanemi, that were just dismissed from their meeting.
Senjuro ran to his brother. "Nii-san!"
"Oh Senjuro! What are you doing here? Did father send you?"
"Uh no, actually-"
"Chiaku, what happened to your hair and outfi-huh?" Mitsuri stopped midway when she noticed something different.
The fairy queen smiled gently and spread her hidden wings wide, her white dress swaying in the air.
The pillars stared at her in surprise and confusion.
"It seems to be you have all met my daughter."
Chiyo simply smiled back. The pillars know the fact that unlike them, she is immortal but both fairies look like twin sisters.
"You finally lost your way here again, Chiyo the fairest."
"Kagaya! Amane! It's been like forever!"
She made her way towards the couple, giving them a warm embrace. She looked sadly at Kagaya's face but didn't say anything about it. Instead, she gave them her warm greetings.
"You look so majestic as usual Kagaya and Amane, aren't you the most beautiful?"
Amane smiled back. "I'm glad you came here safe, Chiyo."
"You came alone?" Kagaya asked, probably expecting to meet his long-term friend.
"I cannot take Reo with me. You know that guy. He has been so upset that his daughter left without a word and now he is throwing tantrums like a wild doe."
"Your daughter is safe here with us. You will meet her soon. Why don't you come inside and we'll serve you tea?"
"That's very nice of you."
Amane and Chiyo laughed softly as the three of them went inside. The onlookers stared at them dumbfounded.
"I can't believe that's Chiaku's mother." Uzui commented.
"Does this mean, she will finally leave?" Muichiro asked. The other pillars gave him a serious look. Mitsuri's face turned sour as if filled with anguish.
Obanai sighed. "What did I tell you? Shinazugawa is a hopeless case."
Mitsuri held Obanai's hands. Iguro shivered but tried to keep his composure.
"We have to do something, Iguro-kun." The love pillar gave him a serious gaze. The serpent pillar sighed deeply and nodded in resignation. After all, Iguro Obanai is also a hopeless case when it comes to Kanroji.

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