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(Third P.O.V)

In a busy hospital somewhere in america Adam Thomason just finished a fourty hour shift were he performed 2 emegencey surgerys and 3 minor prebooked surgerys with no lives lost.

As he was just leaving the locker room suddenly he was hit with the feeling of extream tiredness making him dead on his feet he was about to fall to the ground when a hand suddenly grabbed him stopping his fall.

"hey Adam are you okay? If i didnt know any better i would think that you were a zombie":??

"Yeah well i feel like one with all these long hour shifts it's more like slavery then work. Which is anoying as i just want to go home and watch naruto.":Adam

"You and that anime if your not here working your *** off instead of sleeping and loooking after yourself you are either watching or reading ... what was it called againg?" :??

"Hey don't insult Naruto. We both know that you know the name of it as i mentioned it to you enough times and it just isn't any anime it is the best thing in the world.":Adam

"Okay whatever you say. We need to get you to the break room to get some sleep as i dont think you are in the right condition to drive home.":??

After saying that ?? started dragging Adam to the break room where people on shift go to have a nap so there is just a bed and a desk in each break room that has no windows making everything in the room pitch black.

?? placed Adam on the bed then ordered him "now get some sleep. i am conferscating your phone so you can't watch naruto. I will come and check on you in a couple of hours." with that ?? left the room.

" Damit. why did he have to take my phone? i only wanted to watch one episode. How annoying.": Adam talking to himself as his eyes slowly started to shut.

(Adam P.O.V)

'What where am I?' When i opened my eyes i was in a place that was entirly white 'wait is this the famous moment where i get reincarnaited. Wait if it is then how did i die? Am I dead?'

Suddenly an old man with a long white beard appeared out of no where with a golden robe around his entire body.

"Hello. sorry i am going to have to rush this as i am very short on time so lets cut to the chase YES you are dead and yes i am a God. You died from over work and due to the high amount of karma you have by saving alot of people in your surgerys it has been decided that you will be reincarnated in naruto world as Hinata's twin brother. Now because of how much karma you have you now get to chose five wishes." 

Well in the naruto world them more chakra you have the more powerful you can be so i will need a lot, i will be facing alot of battles so i need a strong body, i also need the ability to learn a lot of ninjutsu so chakra natures.

"Can i ask for things from other worlds?"

"Hmmm. I will allow it depending on what it is."

" Alright so first i would like to be born as a Jinchuuriki, secondly i would like a body that never gets ill with instant regenration, thirdly the ability to learn kekkei genkai with all chakra natures, fourthly a system that will help me get stronger and lastly i would like my own zanpakuto."

"Alright but for the tail beast is it alright if i create it as most of them already have Jinchuuriki's"

"Yes it's fine."

"Then goodbye i hope you have a nice life."

After he said that everything went black.....

             TO BE CONTINUED

Author note

First fanfiction please tell me what you think and sorry for any spelling or gramma mistakes.

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