What is behind the door?

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Holding my forehead I open the door to find Hinata laying face down on the concrete floor beside a laid out chair similar to a dentist chair. At the head of the chair stands Hisahi looking down at Hinata with disgust written all over his face.

"Hinata!!" I shout as I ignore Hiashi's presence as I rush to Hinata's not moving figure.

Within seconds I am at Hinata's side getting on my knees I carefully check her back for any injuries. Finding no injuries I slowly roll her over. All the while I am preying that what I fear happened hasn't happened I slowly turn her over to lay on her back. I saw wet cheeks and red rimed eyes indicating she has been crying. Then I see a red bump on her forehead most likely from her falling from the chair, but the thing that i dreaded seeing on Hinata rests boldly on her forehead in green lines beside a large, green X marks on the middle of her forehead.

It seemed like forever that i stared in disbelief at those marks with the same thoughts running through my head: THE BIRD CAGE SEAL.

I have only seen these marks once before that was on mine and Hina's third birthday when Hiashi forced me to watch Neji get the same marks imprinted on his head. The reason that it's the only time i have seen them is because all of the clan members keep them hidden. I never wanted to see them on Hinata or Hanbi as it would mean that they would become apart of the branch family. They will no longer be apart of the head family.

I was brought out of my thoughts as I hear a baby wailing at the top of its lungs causing me to take my thoughts away from Hinata to Hanbi.

This thought causes fear to fill me as I think: He can't!! She's a baby! Is he insane?

I look up to the chair to see the man I used to call father making hand signs while sweet, innocent, little Hanbi is laying on the chair with her forehead glowing green as he does more hand signs the brighter the glow becomes along with her painful wails.

I have never felt so helpless before with the way that I can only watch as the bird in a cage seal solidifying on Hanbi's forehead because I know that if I interrupt this then the jutsu could go wrong and this could cause Hanbi to suffer more pain or she could even die. I cannot risk it.

So all I can do is hold Hinata close as I keep a watchful eye on what Hiashi is doing to Hanbi.

In what seemed to be the longest five minutes of my life Hiashi finally finishes the seal as soon as he does he doesn't spare any of us a glance as he walks out of the room to who knows where. But as he opens the door suddenly someone pushes past him in to the room while shouting.

"HARU!" For some reason I expected it to be Shikamaru but the person who just pushed the clan head is a worried Neji.

Not sparing him a second glance I lightly place Hinata on the floor the I rush to Hanbi as I am I tell him: "Carry Hinata to my room."

Now I focus all my attention to a crying Hanbi as I use my chakra to scan her small body to check for injuries only to find that apart from the marks on her forehead she's also hungry.

Sighing in relief. I gently pick her up into my arms as I head towards the kitchen.


After heating some milk to room temperature for Hanbi I place the bottle to her mouth stopping her non stop crying so she can drink the milk. With her sucking away I slowly walk towards my room.

After a five minute walk to my bedroom door but before I open my bedroom door i hear two male voices through the door.

"How did you even get in here Nara? The Hyuga compound is on lock down as such no one can leave or get in to the compound." This serious voice i recognise to be Neji.

Wait who is he... Oh no Shikamaru.... Why is he still here?

"Troublesome i don't need to tell you why or how i am here 'sigh' but more importantly why did you come in with an unconscious Hinata, who seems to have some type of seal on her forehead." Shikamaru says in a lazy board tone but i can imagine his eyes been razor sharp as he gazes at Neji seeing every little detail that Neji gives away.

"It's clan business and has nothing to do with a Nara." I have had enough of this so without waiting another second i use my free hand to open the door ending their conversation.

The first thing i see is Shikamaru lazly leaning against the wall next to the window with his eyes closed as he yawns as Neji's standing in front of Shikamaru with his serious mask seeming to be crumbling as even i could see the anger radiating off him directed towards Shikamaru.

I wounder why Neji is angry at Shikamaru. I doubt that Shika has done anything to anger him as he would rather sleep or cloud gaze then have a argument with anyone as it would be too troublesome for him.

Maybe it's because he's a Nara?

Well whatever it is they will have to deal with it themselfs for now as i have something more important to deal with.

Without giving them an more attention turn my attention to Hinata who is laying unconscious on top of my bed.


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