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When i got home yesterday i luckly escaped from fathers punishment thanks to mother being super happy that i finally made a friend my own age but she was a bit worried that the Nara clan's laziness will rub off on me. I took that opertunity to ask them if one of them would take me to the libary so that i can study medical ninjutsu so that i would be able to heal my tream mates. But the real reason is to try and save my mother during child birth hopefully i will be able to stop my mothers death.

The reason i asked one of them to take me to the libary is because i am not allowed a libary card without my parents there to say that they give their permisson for me to have one.

That is the reason why today i got up extra early so that i would be able to finish my daily trainning before me and mother go to the libary.

Currently it is five o clock in the morning as i have just finished my training and i still have an hour before mother gets up so i go upstairs and take a shower to get rid of the dirt and sweat that is covering my body. Half an hour later i am out of the shower and in my casual wear i still have half an hour until mother gets up.



Name: Haru Hyuga

Age: 3

Level: 3 (Must complete 9 quests to level up currently have completed 3/9)

Location: Hyuga main house

Clan: Hyuga clan

Chakra: 100,000,000/100,000,000(Jinchuriki)

Health: 10700/10700 (100,000,000 due to never get ill and instant regeneration locked until older)

Strenght: 610/610

Stamina: 510/510

Agility: 540/540

Intellegence: 250

Stat points: 40

Chakra nature: Wind, Fire, Earth, Thunder, Yin, Yang, Ice, Darkness, Light, Water, Crystal, Wood,

Jutsu: Clone technique, Body replacement, Transformation, Fire ball, Shadow clone, Earth release-hiding like a mole, Water clone, Water prison, Clock of invisibility, Water release-gunshot, Mystic palm, Starch syrup capturing field, Gentle fist, Gentle fist- art one blow body, Water needle, Hiding with camouflage

Skills: Telekinesis ability, Total recall ability, Never get ill- MAX, Chakra control-MAX, Mind palace ability, Photographic memory, Pain resistance-MAX, Zenpkuto, Save point ability, Eagle vision ability, Animal wispering ability,  instant regenriation

Kekkie Genkai: Byakugan, Sharingan, Mokuton release, Crystal release, Ice release

Ninkin: Sora

HMMM Mystic palm will help me have more chance to save mother but it might not be enough since i am not the only one within the clan that knows the technique but mother still died so either they didn't get the chance to use the technique on mother or it did not help. This is why i nee more information on this worlds medical ninjutsu so that i can hopefully combine medical ninjutsu with my medical knowlage from earth.

"Good morning Haru. We will go to the libary as soon as we have eaten breakfast."

I looked up to see mother coming into the dining room making the room seem much more bright and happier. All i could think was 'i will save you mother.'


(Time skip)

Me and mother are standing in front of an old building that looks to have been standing for hundreds of years with people all stood near the front door of the building chatting away creating a lively happy atmosphere. This building is the libary.

That happy lively atmosphere changed as soon as we stepped foot inside the building as it was silance but instead of it been an akward silance it has a peacful feel to it making a calming atmosphere.

The libary looked just like it did back on earth but not everything was books as there was shelfs with scrolls on. There was about ten people in the libary with other people siting at a desk reading either a book or a scroll.

Mother walked to a reception like desk were a woman sat were she waited paitently for her to notice our exictence that took about ten minuets before she looked up from her book.

"Oh sorry i didn't notice you there. How can i help you today?"

WOW is this woman really this oblivious?

"I would like a libary card for my son so he will be able to take books out of the libary." Mother answered politly.

"Of course i will get you one straight away but before i do i must tell you the rules of the libary and for when or if you take a book out of the libary....." Then she droned on for about an hour before she handed over my libary card. I would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for mother pinching my cheeks.

After i got my libary card mother turned to face me.

"Alright i need to do some shopping so i will see you at home Haru. Have fun but don't study too hard okay."

"Okay mother be careful."

"I always am." With that she bent down and give me a kiss on my forehead and walked out of the libary.

I turned to the infinate number of book selfs. Okay i have five hours until i meet Shikamaru so there is no time to waste. With that thought i started looking through the sections for medical ninjutsu.

When i finally found the medical Ninjustu section it had been an hour and half before i found it but even then all of the books were on the theory of medical ninjutsu not actual medical ninjutsu but the more information the better but there was still one problem. There were thousands of books on medical ninjutsu theorys and ideas.

Ugh this is going to take a while... Wait don't i have a photographic memory ability? hmm lets she how much i can learn with that ability in under four and half hours. With that thought i picked up twenty books and headed to the nearest table.

When i opened the first book it took only a second for my photographic memory ability to capture all of the information and store it safely in to the mind palace ability in a room labled Medical ninjutsu. With both abilitys working together it took me less the five minuets to absorb all of the information that the 500 page book held then i moved on to the next book.

(Four hours and a thierty minuets later)

In those four hours i have read over half of the medical books within the libary with some of the books being completely usless there where meany of them that give me a better understanding in medical ninjutsu. They also give me meany ideas on how to save mother thanks to my memorys from earth and what these books have taught me about medical ninjutsu. But there was one problem that was all i know is the theory  so to solve this problem i will be going to visit the hospital where i will volenteer so they will teach me medical ninjutsu.

I looked up at the clock to notice that i am running ten minuets late to meet Shikamaru.

At the rate i am going i will become more like Kekashi for lateness.


The next two chapters will be coming out tomorrow!!

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