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(Adam P.O.V)

Was that all a dream? i hope not.

I noticed was a warm, peaceful feeling with my body feeling weightless as if it was floting but for some reason i couldn't open my eyes no matter how much i tried.I then streched my arm out as far as i could when i felt something solid and smooth through the jelly like substence that surrounds my body.

Wait didn't God say that i would be Hinata's twin so then this liquid and the reason i can't see is not because my eyes cannot open but it is just pitch black because i am in my mothers womb and what i just touched was Hinata my twin sister. So then that means that it wasn't just a dream... My thourghts were suddenly interupted by a mechanical voice.

'Correct you are currently in your mothers womb for coming to that conclusion on your own you have triggered a hidden quest at S rank so you have gained one mystery box and two lottery tickets. would you like to open your mystery box or use the lottery tickets now?'

Who are you? How can you hear my thourghts? Wait wasn't my fourth wish to have a system so then your my system?

'Correct again host i am system 1648745 here to help you get stronger by giving you quests were you can earn mystery boxes, lottery tickets, stat points and scrolls that can contain Jutsu or methords for training to get stronger. For remembering and figuring out what i am you have triggered a hidden quest at S rank so you have gained a mystery box and another lottery ticket. Would you like to use them now?'

What sort of things can the mystery boxes contain? What are the lottery tickets for?

'The mystery boxes can contain any thing from scrolls to kekkie genkai there is also a chance of you getting some other abilitys such as photographic memory or telekinesis but they are extremly rare. As for the lottery tickets you use a single ticket and you will get something random that can be somthing like the first hokage's wood release to equipment, wepons like explosive tags.'

Wait isn't the kekkie genkai in the mystery boxes pointless with my ability to learn them?

'There is no way to learn other kekkie genkai without been born in that clan so your wish was added to the system as rewards.'

Okay then. Lets open the mystery boxes.

'Opening two mystery boxes... congratulations host you have gained the sharingan kekkie genkai and a scroll of shadow clone jutsu. As host already has the byakugan the sharingan can be conbined this will make you have a single totam in the middle of your byakugan (shown at the top)even when you have not activated your eyes but you will still have to awaken the sharingan. Host would you like to combine the two kekkie genkai? I must warn you if you do the pross will be painful'

hmm... if i combine the two would it not make a fuss between the two clans? wouldn't it make me an outcast in my own family? would i be hated by my own clan? But it will make me more powerful in the future, in the shinobi world every thing is about power especially with the fourth war in 15-16 years and if I have them since birth it would less suspicious. Okay combine the two and after that use the lottery tickets.

'Starting to combine the two...'

As the system said that a hot agonizing pain in my eyes it's as if they were been burned out of my skull. All i could do was suffer through the pain thinking that it is a good thing that being in the womb i cannot talk so no one could hear my screaming.

Two hours later...

'The prosess is complete. Opening five lottery tickets... congratulations host you have just gained 20 kuni, ice release, a set of weights, 10 shuriken and 20 senbon needles. These will be kept in your inventory along with any scrolls you have gained'

Thank heavens that is over i don't want to go through that again and wait did you say five were did the extra two come from? inventory?

'You gained three lottery tickest for completing two s ranked hidden quests and the other two were a gift from the system for starting your journey in the Naruto world. Inventory is were all of the things you have gained from the system is stored.'

Am i allowed to place things inside the inventory? oh and don't systems allow you to see your status if so can i see mine? also what quests can i currently do?

'No you cannot place objects into the inventory as it's only for the things you gain from the system are kept. Yes you can see your status and there are no current quests for you to do as you are in your mothers womb. Don't worry i will notify you when there is a quest. Opening your status...'

Suddenly a game like screen popped up in front of my eyes saying my status that says:

Name:?????? (you have not been born yet so you do not have a name)

Age: 6 weeks old

Level: 1

Location: mothers womb

Clan: The Hyuga Clan

Chakra: 0/100,000,000(Jinchuuriki)

Health: 10/100,000 (embro)

Strenght: 10/100 (embro)

Stamina: 10/100 (embro)

Agility: 10/100 (embro)

Inteligence: 110

Stat points: 0

Chakra nature: fire, water, thunder, wind, earth, ice

Justu: (not learned yet)

Skills: instant regenraition Level: MAX, never get ill Level: MAX, zenpakuto(cannot use yet as host must be older)

Titles: 10 tail jinchuuriki, Hinata's twin brother

Kekkie genkai: byakugan, sharingan

Wow... i am an over powered for a baby. Wait ten tails? is that the tail beast God created for me, i hope we get along it will be annoying if we argued all the time like how Naruto and Kurama were at first. I hope we get to meet soon. Ahh i want to be born now. I am just itching to get stronger.

Seen as i have a lot of time until my birth i might as well start trying to feel my chakra but how? i decided to try meditating i shut my eyes and started meditaiting...hmm i dont feel anything different am i doing this wrong...

'congratulations host you have just gained the skill meditating.'

Ohh so i am doing it right so is it because i am too young to find my chakra? Even so i might as well carry on meditating as i have nothing else to do.

To be continued

Hinata's twin brother (Naruto)Where stories live. Discover now