How much have i changed?

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I wounder just how much of the orginal plot i have changed as i know that me just being here changes the plot but i have changed alot of the plot already for example the way that i am a well known  Hyuga, heir, genius i mean people even say that i am the next Itachi, some even say that i will become the future Hokage. Which by the way is not my plan as Naruto takes that seat. I have also changed some of the charcters... no the people for example Neji doesn't go on and on about destiny as his father was not sacrificed for the 'clan' but unfortunatly he is still 'a stick in the mud' and i dout that will ever change as almost every hyuga is including me. It seems almost contagious.

Even though i have changed a lot in this world i know that there are alot of things that have stayed the same like the way that Naurto is still unfotunatly being tourchered by the village every day, Sauske admires Itachi, Shikarmaru is still lazy but for some reason he seems to be training alot more .

Most likely a lot of the plot will still take place like the Uchiha clan tragedy in less then four years with that being how Donso gets his arm full of Sharingans and most likely orchimaru will still be coming after Sauske at the Chunin exams so i better be on my gaurd during this time as if orchimaru finds out that i have both the byakugan and the sharingan then he will most certinly come after me. This will cause Orchimaru to go after either both me and Sauske or just me but knowing how greedy he is for power i bet that he will go after the both of us. Also i cannot forget about the Akaktsi as if they (obito) find out that i have a ten tail beast within me they will not resist coming after me so i must keep Masako a secret as much as posible that means that i will not be able to use large amounts of chakra, or train how to create a chakra cloke or the tail beast form as any ninjas nearby will be able to tell that there is another jinchuuriki near the hidden leaf village.

This means that i will have to be...

'Mama, watch out!!' Sora's scream intreupts my train of thought.

Before i could ask Sora what was wrong a bone crushing force suddenly hit one of my chakra points causing a burning pain to raidate though my senses. The blow also causes my chakra to stop flowing towards my dominant right arm making it to go limp as a noodle.

The way that my arm is it tells me i cannot use the arm to fight who ever attacked me. I could unlock the chakra point but it will take time that i do not have in a battle. I should really work on that.

I guess it's a good thing that this is just training.

I look towards the person who was able to land that blow to see Neji looking at me with his Byakugan activated by the buldging vains around his eyes. There was shock all over his face as he still stands in this fighting stance.

It's almost like he never thought that he could land a blow on me but i guess he has a good reason for it after all we have been training everyday together since we first met and not once has Neji been able to land a hit on me.

"You win Neji I surrender. Now could you help me unlock my chakra point."

When Neji hears this he relaxes his stance and walks over to me with his Byakugan still activated. Once he reaches me he gives me another blow to the same chakra point.

As soon as the blow hits the chakra point i feel my chakra rush back into my right arm and as the chakra comes back to my arm the burning pain goes away.

"Haru are you okay? How come i hit you normally you dodge all of my attacks."

"Sorry Neji i was thinking too much but i am glad that happened as it has made me relise that i need to train my left arm so it will be able to do everything my right arm can. If i don't and that was to happen in a real fight then i would be dead." As i was saying this i could feel Nejis intence gaze staring at me as if he was trying to see into my soul. I continue to act as if i haven't noticed by focusing on my right arm.

"Hey Haru is everything okay?" 


Why would he ask that?

"Yeah why?"

"It's jut that lately you have been training more with your father and when you finish training with him you seem to be in great amount of pain. You know you can tell me anything right?"

For once i didn't know what to say as i stared at Neji's serious expression that not once wavered.

Should i tell him? No it's best if i just walk way as i don't want him involved in this.

So thats what we did as me and Sora walked way.


Hey guys sorry it took me so long to write this as i have been having writers block so let me know what you think on this chapter.

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