Mothers Due date

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Tusnades scrolls and books contained pure genius i mean there was some things that even i didn't think were possible but somehow she made them possible.

Thanks to those books and scrolls i am now extreamly confident that i will be able to save my mother

It makes me dissapointed in the manga and anime how they did not show most of the life saving jutsus Tusnade created as it would have made Sakura's character so much more powerful but i guess thats the reason because she would be too overpowered. Poor Sakura.

I was taken out of my thoughts by an agonising scream.


That sounds like mother with that thought i run towards the scream while preying that mother is okay.

When i arrive i found mother on the ground clutching her large stomach, surrounded by clan members there was a clear puddle under my mother.

I snap out of my trance when my mother let out another pained scream

"She is in labour! You four get the room ready for when we arrive. You! go get a bowl of room temeture water, fresh clean towels and new born cloths. You go find father, tell him mother is in labour and also go find anyone who is a medical shinobi to assist me. The rest of you will carry mother to the room."

Everone rushed to do as i said while me and the rest carefully carry mother to her bedroom.


It's been half an hour since we got to the room in that time the clan members have gotten everything ready for when the baby comes and now it is time for mother to push. With the medical shinobi ready to help mother deliver the baby on mothers next contraction she starts pushing but she suddenly starts bleeding massive amounts of blood as she is pushing.

That should not be happening.

I look to the medical shinobi for answers but she just shook her head and carried on as if nothing is out different from every other birth. She looks towards mother and says:

"Your doing great Mrs Hyuga i can already see the head." Medical shinobi says then wispers to me. "Haru start using the mystical palm technique. Do not use your chakra to scan her body as we don't know how it will effect the baby" The medical shinobi tells me

I do as the Medical shinobi says using the mystical palm technique to try and heal whatever is wrong with mother but it doen't change anything.

It took thirty minuets for mother to give birth to Hanbi but mother was still bleeding.

Now that Hanbi was out I use my chakra to scan mothers body trying to find were the bleeding is coming from but my scan tells me that there is nothing wrong with my mother.

How can there be nothing wrong she is bleeding non stop?

As i don't know the cause of the bleeding i continue to use the mystical palm technique to try to heal whatever is damaged from the labour.

There is so much blood at this rate mother will.... If only we were on earth then i could give her a blood transfusion. Damit.

What am i going to do?


Will Haru save his mother? Find out next time.

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