Baby Dragon

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Aurthor note:

Hi guys sorry for the late update but I have been a bit busy but don't worry I will be still updating as often as I can so it might be just over a week till the next update.

End of Aurthor note

Ever since i got the dragon egg i have always had it on me not letting it out of my sight as i don't want the egg to hatch without me being there after all i do not know how this world will react to a dragon. Are dragons even possible in naruto world? Well i cannot take the chance of the village becoming supisous and taking the ninkin away because of its sudden apearence as according to the system the dragon will have to stay by my side until it becomes an adult that can protect itself

So that the presence of my new ninkin when it hatches i made sure to show my parents and sister that i found a stone that looks like an egg that i am keeping no matter how much they beg me to throw away 'that fillth' or 'trash'. I know that my parents are strict but not even letting your son keep a stone?

To be prepered on how to take care and train a ninkin i went to the Inzukas to get some advice by saying that i was thinking of getting my own ninkin ( behind my fathers back as he would kill me if he knew i was with the Inzukas). After that and a little bit of sweet talk they happly showed me how to train and how to look after a ninkin.

For example not all Ninkin have the ability to talk like Pakkun and that all ninkin have some sort of special bond with their person. I wounder what bond me and my dragon will have?


It's been a week since i gained the dragons egg and it still hasn't moved or made a sound it's making me anxious it's gotten to the point were i cannot sit still anymore so to calm myself down i am currently meditating in my bedroom.

I cannot wait to meet my partner! I hope that we will be able to get along. Ahhhhh i have to stop thinking about it i am trying to calm down not get even more anxious. But all of a sudden there was aloud nosie bringing me out of my thoughts


Cracks started to apear on the egg that were becoming slowly bigger when a little bit top of the egg seemed to be balanceing on something that was lifting it up to reveal a head of a creature that i have never seen before.

It has large blue eyes that are like a big sapphires, there is small pointy, horn in between the eyes with a pair of larger horns on the top of it's head but both horns are the same colour as it's eyes with the horns been made out of scales. The creature has a pair of small wings that are spread out by it's side showing the sharp pointy bottom edges of the scaled wings with the creatures scaled tail been short and pointy similar to it's wings. The whole body of the creature was crystal blue making the creature look delicate it makes me scared to touch the creature for fear of hurting it.

Is this a dragon? IT'S SOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!

I reached out my hand towards the dragon making sure to keep what the Inzukas told me in my mind.

*flash back*

First day at the Inzuka's ninkin hospital were i was helpping Hana look after the unwell ninkin to learn how to look after ninkin's. Why are they not just telling me how to look after ninkin? Well the Inzuka clan believe that it's better to learn by doing rather then getting a lecture so no matter how many times i ask hana to just tell me what i want to know but she always refused and to get me to stop asking Hana said that she will also teach me how to heal ninkin's so i guess it's not a bad deal.

"Okay Haru today i am going to teach you how to intorduce yourself to ninkins so first your going to make sure that your hands are always visable so the ninkin can see them. Second you will not make sudden fast movements as it can spook some of the ninkin next you will slowly move your hand in front of you and hold it out to the ninkin so they can get use to your smell this also shows them that you are not a threat to them."

*End flash back*

I held my hand out to the dragon who looked at it with curiousty then slowly comes to sinff it allowing it to get used to the way i smell after a few minuets it seems to get more confidence and places it's warm scaly head underneath my palm.

When i touch the baby dragon i suddenly feel a jolt of pain go through me. I brought my hand back to find a tattoo mark of a dragon apearing on the back of my hand with t's tail going round my wrist like a braclet. As i was admiring the tattoo i feel a rush of emotions happiness, excitment that do not belong to myself then i hear a cute unfamilar excited voice seeming to come from inside my head.


"Who said that?"

I grab the baby dragon out of it's shell and bring it tightly to my chest so that i could protect it from the possible intruder.


The voice seems to only be able to say that one word. No matter where i look in the room there is no one here but me and the baby so i look down at the dragon in my arms and ask.

"was that you?" After i said this the baby seemed to become even more excited if that was possible then says 'Mama'. Hmmmmmm I don't know how i feel about been called mama lets see if i can get it to call me papa instead.

"Not mama but papa."


"No papa"


"No papa"


This went on for about ten minuets before i ended up giving up so it still calls me mama.

Wait i haven't given the dragon a name i cannot keep calling it dragon and it so i am going to call you....


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