The Head Of Clan Meeting

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(Hiashi P.O.V)

The next day

While my son was in hospital I had to go to the heads clan meeting about my son's unique kekkie genkai.

The meeting will be held at the Hokage's building that is built in the centre of the leaf village.

The building stood out within the village with it's bright red colour it was the only building in the colour red within the village but it wasn't just that as the buildings design was unique as it was a tall circle building with six pillars on the top of the building. The word... was placed in a way that no matter what angle you looked at the sign you would still be able to read the sign.

As i walked up to the main doorway of the building an anbu that apeared suddenly, stood in front of me signaling me to follow him. I followed him down a corridoor and then up two sets of stairs that lead to another corridoor that held ten doors. The anbu opened the third door on the left and indicated for mr to go in.

I went in to the room to find a large room that held a long table with more then nine chairs not all of te chairs were empty as the Hokage along with three other people were siting at the head of the table waiting for the rest of the clan heads to show up. I took my seat and waited for the others.

"Welcome i have asked you all here today to talk about the Hyuga clan's next heir Haru Hyuga. The reason we are is because he has awakened a very unique kekkie genkai. This kekkie genkai seems to be a combination of the sharingan and the byakugan."

Gasps followed this sentence along with a lot of shocked faces but i didn't show either as i had my usual calm, serious mask on.

"Can you explain what his kekkie genkai does?" : Shikaku Nara clan head

"I can only tell you what Haru told me that is that he can see the chakra path way as well he can see all around himself jut like the byakugan but unlike the byakugan it seems to be able to make things slower allowing him to move faster just like the sharingan can." :me

"Impossible!!!!" : Fugaku Uchiha clan head who broke the silance.

"Can we see the boy's eyes?": Inoichi Yamanaka clan head

"Unfortunaly my son is currently in the hospital from getting hurt during his trainning. But i have brought a photograph of my son as a baby with his eyes open." As i say this i get the photograph out and pass it to the Hokage who brings out another photograph.

"This is a photograph of Haru's eyes activated that i asked an anbu to capture as soon as i saw the boys eyes. The photograph from Hiashi proves that the child has had these eyes since he was born." : Hokage explains what the image is of as he hands the images over to the nearest clan head this leads to more gasps to be heard.

"Do you have evidence that he is indeed a pure blood Hyuga and not a half breed between the Hyuga and Uchiha clan?":

Before i could answer and show that i have already had a blood test done on my son when he was born the Hokage answered form me.

"As Haru is currently in the hospital i have asked them to do a blood test to find out."

With this some of the clan heads started to argue amongst each other until they were interupted by a knock at the door.

"Enter.": Hokage

A woman wearing a medic outfit calmly walked in bowing towards the Hokage before speaking.

"I am sorry to interupt but i have Haru Hyuga's medical report that you asked for Hokage." Says the nurse who just walked in holding out a file to the Hokage.

Why do they want my son's medical report? Is it to make sure that my son is my son and no one else? Is there something more different about my son then his eye's?

"Thank you. Don't leave yet as we might have some questions to ask you." He reached out and took my son's medical file off the woman. The woman then went to stand to the side of the room.

After reading the file for a few minuets something interesting caught the Hokage's attention.He turns towards the woman and points at something in the file and asks "Is this right?"

"Yes Sir. Everything in that file has been double checked more then once." Says the woman.

The Hokage then turns back towards us and says:

"Indeed Haru Hyuga is a pure blood Hyuga. But it seems this boy's kekkie genkai is just the tip of the ice bearg as it seems this boy is healing quicker then even the first Hokage could as in the file it says that they have run tests on Haru and it turns out that he seems to have a strong regeneration ability as if he gets hurt he instantly starts to regenerate. Interesting" The last bit was wisppered under his breath.

"Alright I have made up my mind Hiashi you will carry on trainning Haru until he reaches three and a half years old then i will give him a trainner so he will have you teaching him your clan's jutsu while he is learning from another in any speciallty he wants. Then when he is old enough to go to the Acadamy he will join i expect great things from this child. Your all dismissed" : Hokage

With that i headed towards the hospital.


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