Life as a baby

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Life as a baby is very boring as there is nothing to do but sleep, eat and dippar change i would say that the only thing that the biggest pain about been a baby is how we eat. Yes that is right the dreaded akward moment of feeding from your mother's boob. It's so embarsing!! to go from a 40 year old man to a baby feeding on your mothers milk. I am so jelous that Hinata will not remeber this moment of being a baby.

There is another annoying thing about being a baby and that is the uncontrollable crying no matter how much i want it to stop i can't especially when i need to eat or dippar change. But the good thing is that i dont cry as much as Hinata who is almost non stop crying that gives our father a headache so at the minuet he cannot stand Hinata at all that makes my plan alot easier.

I find it so unsual the bond between twins as i feel more comfortable when Hinata is next to me as when she is out of my sight i feel unexplainable panic and it seems to not be a just one way bond as soon as i leave her sight she crys and dose not stop until she can see me again. This annoys our mother and father as when my mother wants to dress up Hinata and father wants to read me a book on chakra in his office we non stop cry until we are together again. So now we are never apart from each other even for a second.


It took me a week to be able to turn my head and hold my head up while it took Hinata three weeks it was just after this in our fourth week mother took me and Hinata to walk around the clan grounds.

I was suprised at how large the clan property is and just how many houses and other buildings there was as i counted over a hundred buildings until i lost count. All the buildings where mainly made out of wood with a white concret in the old japanese style buildings that were simply beautiful i would love to meet the person who created them just to tell him what a great job he did.

I met a lot of clan members that i have never seen before who all greeted my mother with formal bows before cooing at me and my sister that made her laugh but i was looking at the people as if they were stupid which they were in my eyes after all i am mentally 40 years old. This caused them to visably sweat drop creating an akward moment of silance.


I learned to sit up at two months old while Hinata learned to sit at three months old it was also around this time that i was able to stop crying at will so now i hardly ever cry anymore that allowed my perants to take me away from Hinata. As long as they were okay dealing with Hinata's non stop crying which my father was as he wanted to 'spend some time with me as the next head of the clan' or that is what he says but i think of it as father, son bonding time.

During these times father takes me into his office and reads books that no child let alone baby would understand and he would also play with me using my toys. These are the moments i love being a baby. I feel sorry that father is never like this with Hinata as he never really spends time with her as he just leaves mother to look after her i hope their relationship can get better in the future.


When i was five months old i was able to crawl this was the time when i discovered the libary that contained thousends of books so many that i couldn't see them all. All of the books were about shinobi stuff from chakra to forbidden jutsu this lead me to add another goal for the future that was to read all of these books but to do that i would have to start now.

It would also be better for me to start reading them now as i cannot train with how young my body is as it would do more harm then good so if i read these now then i can spend more time training in the future and with my total recall ability i will never forget what is writen in any of these books. I am so glad i gained that ability.

The problem is how to convince father how to teach me to read as i will not be able to explain how i can read a book that i am reading if i am caught. Hmmm.

"Haru what are you doing here?"

The person who said that was non other then father who must have walked in while i was deep in thought.

To answer his question i pointed towards the nearest book while stearing into his eyes.

He understood my hint and picked up the bookplacing it were i can see were i point at one word non stop until he said it out loud and then did it with a different word. I did this until he eventually got my hint.

(Hiashi P.O.V)

Wait is he wanting me to teach him how to read? No he can't be. Not even a genius would ask this or even understand words at five months old. But if he did that would make him a genius amoung geniuss.

"Do you want me to teach you how to read?" I said this not expecting any answer at all. But to my absolut shock my five month old son nodded his head while all i could do was stare at him with eyes wide and mouth open so wide it could hit the floor.

My son is a genius!!!!!!!!!!!

That was the day when i started to teach him how to read but within a week he learned every word i taught him. All i could think was 'genius' with a proud smile spreading across my face.


(Haru P.O.V)

I learned to walk at six months while Hinata learned to walk at eight months old it was also around this time that i was able to finally rotate my chakra around my body without it going back to it's original position. Now i have started to gather my chakra near my stomach mixing it with my spiritual energy creating a small blue flame within the centre of my body.

As i have gotten to this point i have decided to train my chakra by making my chakra reserves larger by exhausting it to do this i use my chakra to stick a toy to my hand until i have exhausted my chakra making the flame a tiny bit larger everytime i do this.

I bet your woundering why are you doing this when you have the ten tails? Well i think that chakra is not my own yes it is handy to have but i dont want to become dependent on anothers strenght when i can make myself even a little bit stronger on my own. Also what if in the future Masako dosen't want to help me then there is nothing i will be able to do which will be a weakness not a strenght.

So now when i am not reading one of the books in the libary then i am training my chakra so my days are no longer boring.

As for Hinata she still crys when ever we are apart so she is always by my side wherever i go. Normally i would see this as an annoyence but i have grown use to been together so to be honest it doesn't feel right when she isn't there.

oh i almost forgot i am also able to talk now although it is just words instead of sentences at least i can talk to mother and father now.


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