After mothers death

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Aurthor note:

Sorry for spelling mistakes.

End of Aurthor note

It has been a month since Mo-Mothers death. Everyone has mourned my mothers death in different ways for example Hinata cried non stop for a week while clan members clean and place flowers on her grave but the person who is grefing the most within the clan is my father as ever since Mother's death he has been angry at everything. This has made his strict leadership become suffocating for everyone within the clan, as no one is allowed to even leave the clan property for any reason. If this or any of Fathers rules are broken that person is met with harsh punishment causing all of us have become my fathers prisoners.

There is no light in this now dark prison as no one has the will to even simle. The only person that could have lightened this darkness was my mother as she was the person that everyone came to for advice or for just someone to talk to that was her role as the clans head's wife. That was the type of person that my mother was.

As for me during this past month i have been trying to shield Hinata and Hanbi from this darkness by drawing all of fathers attention on to myself by getting him to train me when ever he is not dealing with the clan. It works as father never directs his anger at them, hell he doesn't even go to see them and when ever he does he will not even look at them as he just leaves the room. This upsets Hinata but i am glad that he is not giving them even a glance as this means that they are safe from him as i know that she is to delicate and innocent to deal with the pain that i have to deal with.

For that i am glad as i will protect her and Hanbi for as long as i live...

Currently i am standing in the centre of one of the Hyuga training grounds with my whole body aching in pain and my eyes covered by a piece of fabric as i try to sense my opponent using only four senses (hearing, smell, touch and taste).

I stand there not moving a muscle trying to hear my opponents movements when suddenly i feel something heavy hit the back of my knee with strength that only a full grown adult possesed. As soon as the thing hit my leg pain became the only thing i could feel as my legs gave out with a loud CRACK!!!!. I fell to the growned clutching my hurt leg.

As i am laying on the growned clutching my leg trying to stop myself from screaming out in pain another blow hit my stomach causing me to cough up something as sharp, aching pain grows in my stomach.

"AHHH!" I scream out in pain as i curl into the fatel position hoping that another blow doesn't come as a male, voice hits the quiet air.

"Pathetic. No wounder you couldn't save your mother. Your an embassment to me and this clan." The voice says with hatred.

The blind fold that made my world black is suddenly taken away making my eyes scream out in protest as the harsh sun light hits them. It takes a couple of minuets for my eyes to ajust to the light and once they do i look up to see my opponent towering over me.

Just as he was about to say something he is interupeted by a clan member.

"Sir! The elders are calling for you as they want to dicuss the new rule you have put in place."

Thats right my opponent that used his full adult strenght on three year old me is non other then my Father, Hisashi Hyuga.

With one last look at me father leaves me leying on the grown still in the fatel position with not so much as a glance in my direction.

'System, how bad is it?' Knowing what i was asking about the system answers saright away.

'Host you currently have a broken leg and internal bleeding.'

As soon as father is out of sight i use the mystical palm technique to start healing my injuries what feels like an hour of laying there trying to heal myself my regenration ability kicks in making me heal at an even faster rate.


It takes an hour and twenty-five minuets to fully heal the broken leg and internal bleeding but i still have bruisses covering my entire body.

As i open the door to the house i hear a hoarse baby voice crying i rush towards the nesury as fast as possible.

When i arrive to the room i find Hinata cradling a Hanbi crying in her arms looking stressed and conceren with tears in her eyes. I go to her side and look at Hanbi while asking.

"Hinata, what happened?"

"I don't know what is wrong with her Haru! I have changed her and i have been cradeling her for an hour but it's not helping. I tried asking the clan members but once they heard me say Hanbi they walk away. I don't know what to do!"

The clan members not helping doesn't suprise me as father has ordered them not to touch of go near Hanbi leaving me and Hinata to be the only ones who can look after Hanbi. I haven't told Hinata this.

"Hinata calm down. She is most likley hungry. Lets go to the kitchen and i will show you how to make her food okay?"

After i say this Hinata visably calms down.

"Okay." As she says this she hands me Hanbi.

With that we went down stairs to the kitchen were i showed Hinata how to get baby food ready and how to feed Hanbi. Once Hanbi eat her fill i held her to my sholder as i lay a cloth under her chin then i start to gently pat her back burping her while humming a nursery song i suddenly hear a gasp.

I stop humming and look in the direction of the gasp to find Hinata staring at me with a shocked expersion. I look at her with concern.


"Haru what happened to you?! Your covered in bruisess!"

I smile at her and say:

"Oh this, I just trained to hard. It's nothing to worry about." I lied.

Her expersion turned from concern to relief.

No one knows about the 'training' including Hinata.


I am currently hatefully glaring at the paper work that I am currently finishing when the anbu I sent to watch the heir to the Hyuga clan appeared before me kneeling.

When I noticed this I felt concern for what could have happened for the silver haired anbu to appear.


"Yes lord third. After the death of ... Hyuga Hisahi has been blaming Haru for her death and is giving him 'harsh training' as punishment. The 'training' is causing Haru to be covered in bruises, wounds and even broken bones. I do not know how much longer the child can cope with this 'training' without braking completely."

WHAT!! How can Hisashi blame that child when he did everything he could possibly do to save her? I know that the child is a genius but even genius's cannot do the impossible. If it's anyone's fault it's his for getting her pregnant. To blame it all on a child sigh.

I have to find a way stop this so called 'training' but how? The agreement with the clans states that I cannot interfere with internal clan business or an heir's training if I do and brake the agreement it could lead to a civil war. Sounless i can find a loupewhole within the agreement I cannot do anything to stop the 'training'.

I feel so weak. I can't even help a single child. Sigh.

"Carry on watching over the child."

"Hai!!"  With that the anbu vanished.

"Akari! Get me the Hyuga clan agreement!"

I just hope I will find the solution to this problem before it's too late.


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