First Birth Day

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Today is my and Hinata's first birthday. As it is our birthday father and mother have decided to throw us a birthday party that will be taking place tonight with whole clan being on the guest list with no one outside of the clan invited.

How boring i thought i would be able to meat some of the big names and start a friendship with the main characters in the anime. By the way their idea of a party is just standing around chatting to people while introducing us to the clan so it's more of a social get together then an actual one year old birthday party. I would rather be in the libary. This is going to be so boring i am going to have to try hard not to fall asleep.

"Nii!!!Nii" Said a young, soft, female voice braking me out of my thoughts about tonight.

"What is it Hinata?"

Yes that is right my sister can now talk only a few words like Nii that is what she calls me as she cannot pronounce brother yet it was also her first word. When ever she says it i die from the cuteness of it as she looks at me with those big almost puppy dog eyes.

She grabs my hand leading me out of the libary into the living were mother and father are sitting on couches drinking a cup of tea seeming to be waiting for us. They must have asked Hinata to come get me. My thourght is found to be correct as Hinata lets go of my hand and more like a fast waddle rather then running towards mother who pickes her up, sitting her on her lap.

"Mother, Father you wanted to see me?"

"Yes son it's time for you and your sister to open your presents. So come sit next to me." :Father

Thats when i noticed the huge amount of presents near were mother is sitting it was like a mountin that was about to collapse at any moment. My only thought was 'we really are too rich if they buy this many things for one year olds.'

At the mention of presents Hinata's eyes started to sparkle as she became restless becoming more impaitent by the second. I could feel her emotions as she was so happy and exicited she could explode with it at any second. So i hurried to sit down next to father who was sat on the two seat, sofa that was cream in colour oposite mother who sat on the same sofa with Hinata on her lap.

Ah yes i forgot to mention as me and Hinata have always been together since birth our twin bond has grown to the point were if Hinata is in pain i would feel it as well for example last week I got a very deep and painful cut from falling over. Suddenly i hear Hinata crying when i find her i find mother hovering over Hinata seeming to not know what to do with Hinata holding her leg seeming to be in pain but there is nothing wrong with her leg. It didn't take me long to figure out that she was feeling my pain and i told mother my thoughts she looked at my leg and used medical jutsu to heal it and as soon as my pain went away Hinata stopped crying it was as if it never happened. That was when mother and father relised how stong our bond was.

Now back to the current.

After I sat down mother started passing me and Hinata presents one by one with my presents being either shinobi books, scrolls or equipment that was perfect for me as i will be beinging my training soon. While Hinata got toys that is ideal for her as she will not start training until father feels like she is ready to start learning.

My presents were:

A guide on taijutsu, a guide on posions and A guide on hand signs.

Scrolls on water needle, gental fist and gental fist art one blow body.

Hand heald mirror and a little file things that all shinobi have at all times.

Metal posts and wood posts for training in the future.

A book on the tenketsu points within a human body and a book on basic medical ninjtsu that i asked for.

10 Storage scrolls and 10 smoke bombs.

They also got me 50 shuriken, senbon and Kunai.

"Thank you mother and father they are the best presents i could have gotten." I said giving them both hugs.

"I am just glad that you liked them Haru" : Mother

"Remember son you cannot learn those jutsu until i say that you are ready." : Father

"Yes Father"

"Now lets go both of you it's time to get ready for the party"

Me, Hinata, mother head to my and Hinata's bedroom so mother can help us get ready in our formal Yukata. Hinata's Yukata was light pink with a flowery pattern with a red sash at her waist keeping the yukata in place. Mine was black with a white sash round my waist.

Once we were ready mother lead us to were father was waiting in front of the largest door i have ever seen. When we reached father he grabbed my hand holding it within his warm, large, rough hand leading me through the door in front of Hinata and mother.

When we were through the door i found that we were in the middle of a large stage looking down on the hundreds of clan members it was as if father wanted to remind everyone were they stand so that they understood that they were below us and had to do what ever we said.As if the curse mark wasn't enough of a reminder.

I have never once felt bad about my family being the head of the Hyuga clan but now i felt ashamed at what we are doing to our own family at how my father seems to be happy with the suffering of our own clan. Once i become head of the clan i will make sure that there will never be anyone who gets the curse mark ever again.

I was dragged out of my thoughts by my father speeking to the people below us.

"Welcome my beloved clan members to my children's Haru and Hinata's birthday party. Please help yourself to the food and drink and i thank you all for coming to help us celebrate."

With that father lead me to each and every single member of the clan to interduce the next head of the clan while my mother picked Hinata up and went to talk to some of her friends.

Let's just say it was a very long night.


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