I will never forget

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Aurthor note:

Updates will be every Monday.

End of Aurthor note

It has been a couple days since my father got his sudden moment of clarity and within these two days it seems that everyone has forgotten what he has done since my mother died. Don't get me wrong i understand that the branch members have no choice but to forgive him as they risk him or the elders activating the seal on their forehead and i also understand Hinata as she is to kind and caring not to forgive him. But the elders and the other main family members haven't done anything as they haven't even given him a punishment for the mistreatment of the clan which i cannot believe as he hurt members of the clan and it's the elders job to protect the clan members.

It honestly discusts me how this clan works. If it was up to me i would have that seal on the branch family removed and the elders of the clan dismissed as they are doing more harm to the clan then good.

Anyway moving on so as i was saying within these two days father has been trying to show me and Hinata that he has changed for the better by visiting Hanbi and having breakfast, dinner, tea with the three of us while making small talk as if trying to get to know us better.

Hinata has long forgiven him and is always answering his questions, trying to get me involved in the conversations but unlike Hinata i will not forgive or forget what he has done to her and Hanbi so i always stay silent or just leave the table. I also go out of my way to avoid him by staying in my room passing the time talking and playing with Sora or i will go to Hanbi's room when HE isn't there. But sometimes i cannot avoid spending time with him like now for example.

I am currently being tied to a chair that has been bolted to the floor at the dinning room table by who you ask?

"Look Haru i know that you cannot forgive father no matter how many times i ask you to but you could at least talk to him he is our father and you cannot avoid him forever as sooner or later you will have to talk to him." Yep thats right the person that tied me up is Hinata and because it was her i had zero resistance to the puppy dog eyes that she was throwing my way.

"But Hina!"

Puppy eyes X2

"But hi"

Puppy eyes X3

Damnit she has me! i really cannot resist those eyes! I dropped my head to look at my feet as i say:

"Fiiinnnneeeee you win Hina."

After i say that she starts jumping up and down with a happy face that makes me smile, her happiness is really contagious.

It takes her a few minuets to calm down, when she does, she starts running out of the room shouting "I will be back i am just going to get father so you both can talk." with that she's gone leaving me still tied up to the chair.

"Wait!! Hinata come untie me." I shout while struggling with the rope but unfortunatly no one hears me.


Hinata finally comes back with father behind her. Before Hinata can say anything father starts talking.

"Son i know that you cannot forgive me for what i have done but i cannot change what i have done as it's in the past and i cannot change the past no matter how much i want to i can just hope that in the future you can forgive me but i don't think it will be anytime soon especially with what i have to tell you." As soon as he says this i know that what he is about to say is going to make me hate him even more then i do right now so i tense waiting for the news.

"The elders have decided that because of how i have acted i could either hand over my position as head of the clan or i could allow them to train you instead of myself." After dropping that bomb he left the room as if the matter wasn't his fault.

All i could think 'was you sold me to safe your own a**. You f*****!!!!'


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