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Author note;

Hello guys sorry i have not been writing lately but i have had a loss within my family so i have to be there for them i hope you understand.

Aurthor note end chapter start

(third p.o.v)

Suddenly Sora jumped out of Haru's lap to stand behind his back in a warnning stance with a growl rummbling in his chest warnning who ever interupted our peace to stay back while curling his wings in a protective manner to Harus back sat behind him.

This caused the stranger who was covered in shadows to take two cautious steps back into the bushes while having his hands infront of thier body trying to show Sora that he ment no harm to them.

When the stranger did this Sora relaxed his stance a little but there was still a stiffness in his stance telling the starnger that he still has his garud up this caused the starnger to mutter a word under his breath loud enough for Haru to hear.


(Haru P.O.V)

I know only one person that says that word and that is the smartest person within the rookie 9 Shikamaru!!! Wait it might not be him as a lot of the Nara clan say that word plus i haven't seen the person yet so lets ask.

"Who are you?" I say with caution to show the Nara that i am still weary of them.

" Troublesome... My name is Shikamaru Nara."

As he said this he stepped out of the shadows showing a younger version of the acadamy Shikamaru with his signiture black, pinapple hair. How does he get his hair like that? Is it hair gel?

'Host! Quest notification: Become friends with Shikamaru C rank quest with the reward is a single mystery box. Do you accept this quest?'

Accept the quest.

I turn back my attention to Shikamaru i noticed that Sora was still been over protective.

*Sora enough he will not harm us.*

*Are you sure Mama?*

*Yes i would like us to all become friends with him*

With that Sora relaxed and came to stand next to me facing Shikamaru.

"I am sorry about that he is a bit over protective. My name is Haru Hyuga and this is my Ninkin called Sora." While saying this i give Shikamaru a close eye smile.

Silance settled in the clearing making the atmosphere akward i desided to brake the sufficating silance.

"So Mr Nara what brings you here?"

"Troublesome... Don't call me Mr or Nara call me Shikamaru and i am here to cloud watch on the top of that hill."

Perfect now is my chance to become friends with him.

"Do you mind if i come cloud watching with you?"


With that Shikamaru headed up he hill while i just stood there not knowing wheather to follow him or stay here.

"Are you coming?"

I looked up the hill to see Shikamaru stood still facing me with a questioning look in his eyes causing a smile to light up my face as i ran to catch up with him.



Sorry for the sort chapter but i felt that it would make it more darmatic if i ended it there hope you enjoyed it.

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