I What?!

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When we reach my bedroom I walk over to my large double bed. Then I free one of my hands without waking unconscious Hinata to lift up the covers so that I can gently place Hinata on my bed as I do this I move the white covers over Hinata making sure that she is comfortable.

I hope that she's okay after having father... what am I saying of course she isn't going to be okay after that but what ever she needs I will do as I will make sure that what he has done will not affect who she is and I will never allow this to happen again even if that means I will never leave her or Hanbi's... Wait!... Hanbi! I have to make sure he doesn't touch her.

With that last thought I quickly used the shadow clone jutsu to create a single clone that shows it self after some smoke.

I don't even look at it as I say: "You know what to do."

"Hai!" Says my clone as it runs out of the room to complete its task.

It still creeps me out when I hear my own voice coming from a look alike me.


'Yes mama?'

'Can you please watch for Hisashi out side the door until my clone comes back?'

'Okay mama.'

Sora flys using his small wings out of the room to keep watch while we wait for the clone to come back from his task.


Five minutes later.

My clone carefully came in to the room in a way that makes me want to laugh as he is walking as if he is carrying a bomb not a sleeping baby.

Yes the task that the clone had was to get baby Hanbi.

I silently walk towards the clone hoping not to wake the sleeping Hanbi with any loud noises. When I get to the clone I gently take Hanbi from him cradling her in my arms feeling the small weight of a two month old baby.

Once she is settled in my arms I reach out to the clone for Hanbi's favourite stuffed Wolf that she always has with her because if she doesn't have it with her she will not stop crying until she has it back in her arms.

"Now stand watch outside the door. Make sure that HE doesn't show up as I think that the less Hinata sees him the better." I whisper to the clone.

He turns to leave as I walk back towards the bed were on the left side Hinata is soundly sleeping as if nothing ever happened. Oh how I wish that was the case.

I place Hanbi gently on the right side of the bed while placing her wolf next to her so she can reach it if she needs it.

Just as I was about to place the covers over Hanbi Sora flys in to the room then flys over to where I am standing.

'Mama I didn't see the mean man.' Sora says this with his head tilted as if to say 'aren't I a good boy? So don't you think I deserve a reward'.

I gently pat his head as I say: "Yes you did an amazing job Sora tomorrow i will treat you to your favourite food. Now go get some sleep with the girls."


Sora flys to the gap in middle of the two girls where he gets nests under the covers. Once he is under the covers I gently tuck Hanbi in.

"Good night." I whisper to the three sleeping peacefully.

After doing that I go to the end of the bed where I sit ready to meditate.

Time to get some answers. With that thought I closed my eyes letting all of my thoughts and worries leave my mind as I try to enter my mind space.

It took a couple of minutes for me to enter my mind space where I came face to face with a beautiful river that leads to a mystical waterfall with a seemingly endless forest. Well this place hasn't changed since I first came here.


Maybe I should go to her? After all knowing her she will be sleeping.

With that thought I start walking through the woods where Masako appeared from last time.

It took me two hours to find where Masako lives!! I found it by following the giant paw prints that lead me to a large, dark, cave. I took about ten steps inside the cave before I could see her huge sleeping form.

"Masako wake up!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs to hopefully wake her up.

Which she did slowly but in the process she almost took my head off with a lazy swipe of her paw as she stretches out her body while letting out a huge yawn.

Getting impatient I blurt out: "I am here for answers Masako."

"Good morning to you too."

"Sorry Masako I haven't slept and I am worried about not been there when Hinata wakes up."

"Don't worry time here is faster then the outside world so I doubt you have even been here an hour."

"Really? That's good to know. Masako what was that wave of power?"

"That was a mixture of two things. The first was my chakra that you triggered from all of the rage that you were feeling at the time but don't worry it wasn't enough for my chakra to cover your body as  the most it did was change you a little by for example your eyes changed colour and you grew claws."

"Okay I can understand that but what is the second?"

"The second surge of power was because you unlocked your Mangekyo sharingan and as you already know the mangekyo sharingan becomes more powerful with hatred creating the second wave of power.

"I WHAT!!!!!!!!"


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