Mangekyo Sharingan

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"H-how is that even possible?!"

I mean someone close to you has to... Die.

"It is very possible. You see you actually unlocked your Mangekyo sharingan five months ago but your Sharingan was not fully matured so it was not powerful enough to evolve into the mangekyo sharingan. As you recently fully matured your Sharingan it was still not enough for it to evolve as it needed something very emotional and traumatising to happen to trigger the evolution. Seeing and feeling (through their twin bond) your sister being beaten by the man that gave you life was enough to trigger the evolution of your eyes causing the second wave of power." Masako says with a 'duh' tone within her voice as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I didn't even know that was possible. I thought that you have to fully mature the Sharingan before it's even possible to unlock the Mangekyo sharingan."

"Well normally yes that would be the case but because of your very powerfull body that is able to surpass all human capabilities and the fact that your sharingan has been combined with you Byakugan it has made this possible."

Wow... just wow.

I think that i might be to overpowered... Well at least i will be able to protect my loved ones and that is what matters. It will also help in the future during the fourth Shinboi war.

Maybe i can help relief Naruto of some of his burden so that he doesn't have to go through so much pain alone in the future.

Why not help him now?NO!! The pain he is going through now is what makes him Naruto and it was the pain that Naruto went through that allowed Naruto to get through to Gara, Nagato and  many others. It is not just the people Naruto got through to but also the pain he is going through created his Nindo I WILL NOT TAKE THAT WAY!

Before i could carry on with my thoughts, i am interupted by aloud "Ahem!"

I turned towards the voice to see Masako impaitently tapping her ten tails on the ground causing a heavy 'thud' to sound through out my mind space.

"Ahh... Sorry Masako."

"Just be glad that i was not your enemy or else you would be dead or worse i could have taken over your body."

"It's because i trust you Masako." This statement caused an almost invisable blush to appear on Masako's fur covered cheeks as she looked way from my diection.

"Ahem... anyway do you have anymore questions?"

"No i don't."

"Then you better leave so i can go back to my beauty sleep."

"Are you sure that you are not a Nara?" I wispered under my breath.

Masako's head turned back to me so fast that i was shocked then terrified when i saw her enraged expression.


In that moment i chose the right decision to leave my mind space leaving the enraged beast alone.



I found myself back sitting in meditating pose on the bed in my room. I look towards the top of the bed to make sure that everyone is safe and peacefully sleeping.

Alright now that is done time for me to see what rewards i gained.


'Yes Host?'

Give me the result of the quest.

'Host you have completed three quests. The first quest is: Save Hinata from the drunk Hisahi, Rank AA with the rewards being two mystery boxes and two lottery tickets along with an special reward that is an ability called Dungon create. The second quest completed was a hidden quest that was: Punch Hisahi, Rank E with the reward being a mystery box. The third was another hidden quest that was: To unlock your mangekyo sharingan, Rank was orginally B but because you unlocked it at such a young age the quest turned into rank S so the rewards are five mystery boxes and four lottery tickets and a special reward from God for being the youngest person to unlock the mangekyo that is an unique kekkie genkai called Blood (I didn't know what to call it so if you have any ideas just comment) God will also change your Mangekyo sharingan to an eternal mangekyo sharingan whenever your ready.'

Yeyy! i don't have to worry about going blind.

What is the blood kekkie genkai?

'Blood kekkie genkai has three stages as it starts allowing you to have control of your own blood, it also alows you to use your own blood for jutsu's for example some water jutsu can use your blood instead of water. With stage two it allows you to make your ememys bleed faster or slow/stop the bleeding of allies wounds. The third and final stage allows you to control your ememys blood from inside their body causing you to be able to control their entire body.'




Hehehe i cannot wait to try it out.

Well it's been a long day and i am tired so it's time for bed i will open the rest of my rewards tomorrow.



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