Plan for kidnap event

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It was the morning after the curse mark was placed on to Neji when i finally got another quest.

'Good morning host a quest has been found. The quest is to stop Hinata from been kidnapped from the cloud ninja that is ranked as an SSS quest the reward will be five mystery boxes and ten lottery tickets. There is also a bonus to this quest that is to stop Hizashi's death with the reward been a sepcial one time reward.'

Wait why is the quest ranked SSS and why is the reward so high on this quest?

'This is because you will not only be going up against a Chuinin Ninja who is at least twenty years older then yourself also it is your first time going up against a ninja at just 3 years old so this quest is almost impossible to complete.'

Well watch me because i am going to do anything it takes to complete this quest to protect my sister and to stop Neji becoming annoying like he is in the anime/manga.

What i know about the kidnapping event is that it happens while the cloud ninja are here for peace talks but in reality they are after the Byakugan that is why they then try to take hinata in the middle of the night from her bedroom but is stopped by our father. Then the cloud wants revenge as there is no evidence to say that the ninja did anything wrong so they demand my fathers head who is replaced with Hizashi resulting in his death.

So first thing i have to do is find out when or if the cloud ninja are in the village then i will have Hinata sleep in another room while using a shadow clone to sleep were she normally sleeps just incase i cannot stop the ninja so when he is trying to take Hinata (shadow clone) I will attack him not killing him so he can be interigated. While this is happening i will be recording all of this so that the Hidden cloud village cannot ask for anything in return for the ninja's capture to do this i will be using a camera that will be used by one of my shadow clones. To make it more fun lets give this plan an operation code name hmmmm .... lets call it operation Black cloud.

To find out when or if the peace talks are taking part i go find my father who as the head of the clan would know when the talks will be taking part unlike others who would have to wait a couple days before to find out.

I make my way to my fathers office which is were he normally is if we're not trainning or had no meetings to go to.

When i arrive at my fathers office i knock on the door waiting to here 'enter' before making my way inside the large old style office that has dark, glossy, wood bookcases lining the walls with a large oak desk covered in piles of paper work in the centre of the room with father sitting behind the desk.


"How can i help you Haru?" Father didn't even glance at me as he seemed to interstead in his paper work.

"When are the cloud ninja coming to the village for the Peace agreement?"

"They arrived today about an hour ago."

If they did then why is this the first i am hearing about it? Arn't we ment to go and show our support at the treaty as one of the clans of this village? All the other clans will be there so then why are we just carrying on like it's every other day? Does he know that something is going to happen?

"How come we didn't go to greet them like everyone else?"

"We didn't go because i do not believe that the peace between the two villages will last very long after all history has proven that no matter how many peace agreements are astablished there will always be war in this world."

"So you don't believe in peace?" After i said this father finally took his eyes off his paper work and give me his full attention.

"I believe that as long as we live in a shinobi world there will be no true peace as there might be periods of time were there is no war but there will still be missions for us ninja so to me there will never be any true peace."

"I see. Oh father do we have a camera that takes video?"

"Yes we do why?"

"Well i wanted to make a birthday presant for mother. Is that alright father?" I lie as i could not tell him the truth he would think that i am bonkers and he would never allow me to use the camera. I could try to find it but this house is too big it would take me a couple of days to find it that would be too late as the kidnapping could happen on any night.

"Of course i will have someone bring it to your room later." Yes operation Black cloud has taken it's first step.

Thank you father. I will be going now." And with that i left the room and went to find Hinata.

I found Hinata in the garden helping mother water the flowers. Gardening is my mothers hobby so she is always outside when it's nice weather which is most of the time, so thanks to mother the garden is like a paridise for flower as everything is in it's very best condition.

"Hinata" As soon as i said this sis started running to me saying"Brother!!!" When she reaches me i grab her hand and lead her to the closest place with no people as this house is always filled with clan members but no one can hear what i am about to say to Hinata. So just to make sure i start wispering in my sisters ear making her blush.

" If you need to speek please wisper as no one can hear what i am about to say okay?" She nods her head 'yes'.

"Hinata i need you to not sleep in our room so instead sleep in one of the unused guest rooms for about a week."

When hearing that Hinata pouts and wisppers back "Why?"

"Sorry Hinata but i am working on a suprise for mother so no one can know that your sleeping in a guest room. Is this okay?" I couldn't tell her the truth so i said something similar to what i told father so that if she does tell him then he won't be suspisious of me.

"Alright!" She agreed with a bright grin on her face after hearing that it's a supprise for mother.

And with that the preperations for operation Black cloud is done. Just you wait cloud shinobi I have a great suprise for you!! HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE (evil laugh)


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