I Don't Care!

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Should I leave him where he is? No I can't leave him unconscious there even if he does deserve it.

Mind made up I slowly walk over to my unconscious father. When I reach him I slap his face. I said I would not leave him here but I never said I would do it nicely.

Hisashi slowly started to come round with his eye lids twitching. Once I saw that I walked over to Hinata I pick her up carefully to make sure that she doesn't wake up the I carry her in princess style with her head resting on my chest.

I looked back at Hisahi to see that he is now sitting up watching my every move.

When my eyes met Hisahi's he had a startled look but I didn't pay any attention to it as I was thinking: 'Things cannot carry on like this especially now that he has hurt Hinata. I cannot allow him to hurt her again.'

"I don't care if you blame me and let out your anger, hatred out on me for mother's death but do not bring Hinata or Hanbi in to this as their innocent in this. Hinata wasn't even there when mother went into labour and it wasn't Hanbi's choice to be born it was yours and mothers. As for me I was there and I couldn't save her no matter how much I tried so I understand if you hate me as I hate myself for it too so I will accept any punishment you throw at me." I say this so hopefully he will snap out of his grief but if that doesn't work it might at least make him see that the girls are innocent so he should leave them alone.

After saying this I left the kitchen with Sora flying behind me, as I carry Hinata not once looking back at our so called father.

I slowly and carefully walk towards my bedroom hoping not to wake Hinata from her peaceful slumber with any sudden movements.

Little did I know what horrors that speech would create but if I had looked back I would have seen Hisahi glaring at me with a face full of hatred.


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