20 - anywhere

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dear malia,

aren't parents supposed to love you no matter what? aren't they supposed to support you during rough times in your life? aren't they supposed to be there for you?
isn't that, like, their job?
i told them. about me. in case you didn't get that right away.
my dad said, "no."

and i said, "no? what do you mean 'no'?"
he told me i was confused. that it was just a phase. that i like boys, not girls. that i'm not gay. 
i tried to explain but he cut me off. 
my mum - she didn't say anything. she just sat there while my dad did all the talking.
and when my dad left the room, my mum stood up and took his side.
turns out, josh had been listening in on the whole conversation, because the next thing i know, i'm being pulled out of the living room and upstairs.
"get your clothes, your hairbrush, your blanket. get whatever you think you need - we're leaving," he told me.
"where?" i asked him.
"anywhere," he said. "anywhere but here."
and that's just what we did.


Dear Malia (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now