2 - perfect

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dear malia,

i saw you kissing austin today at your locker. you were practically sucking each other's faces off. i had to look away.

seeing you with him, it just doesn't feel right. you're too good for him, malia. he's an asshole and you're. . . perfect

you said hi to me today in science.

i said hi back, just to be polite. i was a little annoyed with you because you haven't spoken one word to me for a week and now suddenly you are. but i can't stay mad at you.

your smile, your hair, your eyes.

it's all perfect.

i've told all of this to parker countless times. he thought it was sweet.

"hi," he said to me at lunch.

"hey," i replied. "malia said hi to me in science." i grinned, feeling good.

"that's great," he told me.

and we continued chatting after that until the bell rang, indicating that our lunch break was over.

my dad wasn't home when school had finished. i guess you could say i was glad. my dad and i were never close, but i didn't really mind. he wasn't always that friendly.

i hope you say hi again soon.



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