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(a/n): I mean...I know that it did not went down like that but hey. let's pretend. also, I find cheating disgusting, and I do not approve it in any way. bye now...

"That was a mistake." Both of us said unison and he dropped down onto the mattress next to me. "Glad you share my point of view." He whispered with a smirk and I grinned. "Yeah...but like do you really regret it?" he stayed silent for a second. "Not I don't. Do you?" I sighed and shook my head. "Nope. Shit." He laughed silently before wrapping an arm around me to pull me closer. "Let's worry tomorrow yeah? I am a little too exhausted to talk about it already." He whispered and yawned. "Oh come on Styles as if this just completely wrecked you." I teased and I could feel his smile as he pressed a quick kiss on my neck. "Listen here, don't get too cocky alright?" I just closed my eyes and hummed approvingly. Worry we could tomorrow – and we will worry. 

I nervously brushed over the black, with shimmering ornamentals provided dress I wore for the premiere of the newest movie I stared in. There wasn't actually something to be really nervous about, the move was wonderful and so was the cast. Called "The Girl and her God's" the movie told the story of a girl diagnosed with the disease "neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis". A mutation in human genes which, depending on typos, could quickly lead to death. In the movie it actually did lead to death and the only ten years old Clara died after a long battle against death. It was a true story, which made it even more heart-breaking and I am really proud of the out coming. My role had been the one of the mother of little Clara and the father...well the father had been performed by Harry Styles. Yes, the Gucci-Campaign Harry, the one from One Direction. The star of Dunkirk and affair. Which sounds very dirty if you put it like that. I'd preferably say my...well alright there seems to be no other word. Harry and I met first at the crew's first table reading, only a few blocks away from my apartment in New York. We had quickly hit it off which was wonderful for the role as parents, needless to say, it was perfect. The chemistry was great, the girl who had the role as Clara, Beau Gadsdon seemed to like us both. She by the way was a sweetheart and really polite, a really sensitive child. She fitted the role of Clara perfectly – but enough of that. Since Harry and I were the parents of Clara we shared almost every scene which brought us only closer. That soon lead to subtle than not so subtle flirting on set. And then finally to us, or better me cheating on my boyfriend of almost a year. Graham, so his name, was also an actor by the way, which only drew more attention to us. However, I felt like a piece of crap afterwards even though I had to admit that the relationship between Graham and me had become incredibly boring. Mostly because he didn't seem to sense it when he talked about stuff I couldn't give less fucks about, or that the sex wasn't great or that he quickly made everything about himself. Or maybe also that he got jealous of my male co-stars very quickly – but actual men who flirted with me in front of him and me flirting back cared him close to zero. It was a constant switch between super jealous and as unbothered as a fish in a jar. Harry had started to make fun of him very early, describing him as dried out, care- and emotionless as a cactus. He even googled cactus species and almost died laughing when he found one with the name "Grusonia grahamii". I hadn't been able to face Graham that following day. But after all, nothing gave me a reason to cheat. Speaking of Graham, he already waited for me to attend the red carpet with me. I quickly straightened myself up and walked towards him. "I will only go with you till the middle then I'll leave you to your co-stars, the girl and Mr Styles." He said before linking his arm with mine. "Her name is Beau. And you know that Harry told you to call him by his first name." I remarked, seconds before we stepped into the storm of camera flashes and screaming reporters. Graham did how he told me, and I met Beau and Harry on the carpet. "Family picture?" Harry suggested with a smile and I nodded quickly. I haven't seen him since thatnight and that was around one and a half week ago. Safe to say he looked absolutely incredible in his deep black suit with the subtle shimmering details. "You look good." I greeted him friendly, a bit scared to really look at him. "So do you. We match by the way." I looked down at my dress surprised. He was right we really did match. "Have you stalked me Styles?" I asked, looking up at him with a smirk. He just wiggled his eyebrows before looping one arm around my waist. "Who hasn't? Ah maybe Grahamii didn't huh." He giggled and I rammed my elbow in his ribs. "You asshole." He just laughed before placing his other hand on Beau's shoulder. I did the same and we probably looked like a whole ass family. "I've almost taken another one." I informed him quickly. He frowned. "Why though?" I carefully brushed over the fabric. "Because its really tight Mister 34-inches waist size." He hummed amused. "What are you pregnant?" I threw him a warning look. "Even if, it would be none of your business." He only smirked.

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