Bloody Hell HS

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loots of fluff and husband harry, for my baby @LE_POTATO_LOVER i am sorry I took so fucking long to write this, but writersblock did me nasty. All my love, I hope you still enjoy this...kissy, nica xx

"I hate my life." I mumbled with a groan and turned over to bury my face in the soft pillows I had draped around me. "What was that love?" Harry immediately asked, turning around from his spot in front of the mirror. "I said I fucking hate my life." He threw me a unsure look, dropping the white strings of the bowtie he was tying around his neck. "Why that?" I blinked against the bright light falling through the semi-opened curtains. "Because my uterus has decided to rip my insides apart, just because I wasn't willing to put a baby in it!" I complained with a pout and Harry's frown deepened. "You're on your period?" I nodded slowly, falling back into the pillows with a thud. I curled myself into a ball, hearing Harry carefully step closer. "I am sorry baby...what do you want me to do? Can I get something for you?" I slowly and dramatically shook my head. "Unless you can somehow manage to remove my bitch uterus and implant a new" which was a lie, obviously, I could've used some hugs. From him to be honest, but since he needed to go, and was already dressed and close to ready to go... "If I could, then I would do's just that I don't really know how to implant really anything...You need anything else?" I shrugged, uncurling carefully to sit up. "Just leave already, I know you can't actually help me..." I pouted, giving him a lopsided smile. "You look handsome by the way." He smiled warily and kissed my lips carefully. "And you don't want me to go, do you?" he replied with a knowing smile. I grinned smugly, batting my lashes at him. "Was it that obvious?" he laughed. "You always get that look...can't describe it but I know." I chuckled, grabbing his tie to pull him down for another kiss. "But you gotta go to the studio, imma be okay..." I wailed softly, doing my best not to let show how bloody much I wanted him to really stay. His eyes flickered to my hands grasping around the tie and he smirked softly. "Look at you hm..." I dropped his tie immediately, rolling my eyes. "I am in pain." I dragged my words out dramatically but with an amused twitch of my lip. After a soft smile he sighed. "I know, I am sorry...but that was hot..." I rose my hand to slap his chest but he moved back swiftly. "However ! Are you sure you're going to be okay?" I sighed, pecking his lips again. "Nope. Now leave, you make me feel like crap already." He grinned. "How am I making you feel like crap?" "Because you are like something I want to have but can't and you standing there is making it worse." He laughed, slowly drawing back slowly. "Alright. Love you, I'll leave now, so you don't suffer anymore..." I groaned again, falling back into my pillow. "Kay, you." I sighed, my voice muffled through the pillow. "Love you too." I heard how he opened the door softly, pushing it open with one foot. "Harry?" he stopped. "Can you come home earlier today?" I heard him chuckled softly before he walked over to me and pressed a kiss on my hair. "Will do." And with that he left.

I shot up, maybe half an hour later, startled by the sound of someone slamming the front door shut. "Hello?" no answer just steps coming upstairs quickly. The door opened and there stood...Harry. With a bag, that looked stuffed with goods. In the other hand, he held a small posy of hydrangeas, queen roses and leaves plus a cute set of mini eucalyptus sticking up in between the soft pink petals. "Hope you didn't missed me too much there..." he greeted me with a put on neutral expression. "Oh my god I love you so much." I breathed out, staring at him from over the room. He grinned, dropping his unbothered expression. "I hope you do, wifey. Come on, budge up there." I smiled up at him, budging to the side. "What have you got in here?" I asked curiously, carefully tapping against the bag. "Take a look yourself." He mused, passing me the bag with a grin, placing the little posy in a glass of water on my nightstand. "I still needed that!" I called out with a laugh and he shrugged. "I'll get you a new glass of water if you like, now take a look." I did as he told, and just seconds later I squealed excitedly. "Oh...chocolate, and Cheetos and...Soup! Noodle soup! Lord knows how much I love you..." he laughed, starting to take off his shirt and tossing it on a chair before dropping next to me. I looked at him with big eyes. "What are you...are you staying?" he shrugged lightly. "Yep. I called off the meeting with Jeff, took me about ten minutes to convince him why. We'll have it in two days. And also..." he grabbed his laptop that rested on his side of the bed, opening it swiftly. "We could continue to watch The Witcher now..." I nodded excitedly, opening the jar with the soup carefully. It smelled heavenly already... "Where were we?" Harry mumbled with wrinkled brows as he logged into Netflix. "Somewhere in the middle of episode four..." I mumbled, mind occupied by the steaming soup on my lap. "There's a spoon in the bag." He informed me absentminded, clicking on the cover of the series we had started together maybe a day ago. "I love you. You are seriously the bestest husband one could ever have." I mumbled, snuggling myself into his frame. He wrapped an arm around me. "I love you too." He answered, pressing a kiss on my cheek. "Ready?" I nodded. "Toss a coin Sir." I joked, pressing a kiss on his lips before quickly shovelling a spoon full of noodles into my mouth. He pressed play, fishing for the bag of Cheetos. "You good love?" I nodded quickly. "I am about to be blessed with two smokingly hot brits, one on screen and one in my bed. Believe me I am living my best life." "Despite the cramps?" "Despite. Thanks to you." he grinned self-satisfied and pulled me closer. 


i am...obsessed with the witcher. I need season 2 asap, or I will riot. 

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