Grow a pair, HS

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Suggested/ Requested by the lovely lovely @25pizzas (great name btw) Sorry for taking AGES, also, I will write another one like this cuz the bitch ain't happy with that. But am I ever? Hm.

BESIDES, it's with (Y/N) again, I thought I give it another (one) shot BADUMSS (sry quarantine is driving me crazy)  but I am not ever going to do it again since I could use like 9% of my usual pet name rate and I hate that. Mehp. 

Not proofread. 

- Nica  xo

Loving Harry was like loving a fire. He kissed like the devil and was smooth and sly about it like no one other. Short; a proper fuckboy, and if you cared for your health and heart, you avoided emotional contact. He was like a thunderstorm, beautiful to watch from afar and very much difficult to handle if in it. Besides, he was a quite confident storm, at least so he seemed.

Harry was not someone seeming to be insecure about his relationships, nor about his flings. Also, friends with benefits wasn't new to Harry, and he didn't mind them at all and he was far from insecure about it. Nothing seemed to impress him all that much, nothing seemed to shake his confidence. There was just something that could tip him off the edge, or rather someone. And that someone was you. Started out as something like friends but weird and a bit more teasingly than "normal" friendships would be. You and him were not a couple but always more than friends. And very quickly, that lead to something like a drunken hook-up and a decision to just leave it at that...only that you never really left it at that. So you did their thing, everyone kinda knew but not...really. Besides, to not make it awkward or anything, the both of you barely spend time together no more, though you were friendly with each other. No bitter feelings there, just...tension.

"Y/N! There you finally are! Thought you'll never turn up..." Harry snapped around, eyes immediately searching for your face. One of your friends that had been hanging around Mitch and him for now over an hour, had called out for you. She's one of those girls Harry never really understood how you got along with someone like her. He'd been eager to see you...and then suddenly it looked like you wouldn't even come to the party. Which would mean that he'd have been stuck with her basically drooling over not only him (he was very much aware of that) but also Mitch and Sammy (they were aware as well). Apart from her, he liked your friends by the way. He just thought about Sabby being a bit of an annoying brat, especially because she claimed the spot right next to him on that shabby frat-couch and he wasn't sure how to discreetly move her over. Because frankly, and much to Mitch's amusement, he's been holding that spot free for you...not that he would openly admit that though. "Sorry, couldn't find my phone." Harry's eyes finally found you, immediately roaming down your frame. You looked good, a bit too good for his comfort. Then again, he wasn't responsible for you, nor were you his girlfriend. His eyes snapped away, quickly flickering over some random faces. "What was that about now?" Mitch hissed into his ear and Harry only rose an eyebrow. "Don't know what ye're talking about man." He just ushered, leaning back. Mitch just grinned. "Whatever. She looks good." Harry shrugged again, trying not to give anything away. "Sure does." Mitch eyed him carefully, opening his mouth to say something but Harry made him shut up with a dark look. "Just leave it already, Jesus." With that he pushed himself up and walked towards you. You were greeting your friends when your eyes fell on his approaching frame, feeling a bit hot under his gaze. He walked up to you determinedly, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you in for a quick peck on the cheek. "Y/N." "Harry?" he stepped away again. "Tha's quite an outfit huh." He stated carefully, not trying to insult you, but trying to get his point clear. Your eyebrows shot up. "Is it?" he nodded impatiently. "Good then. Anything else?" your respond left him puzzled, his eyebrows wandering up as well. "What's good about that? You'll have creeps all over you?" You laughed out loud. "Geez Harry, loosen up will you? It's not like your my plus one, honey." Harry simply clenched his jaw – you saying it like this almost sounded like you seriously couldn't even imagine him being your...well whatever. Not as if Harry cared, right? You'd already turned around, talking to Tyler. Harry walked back to the couch, brows furrowed and mood...definitely subdued.

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