Needy HS

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short fluff and for all those who know Othello, I salute you. I think I actually like this one ha. Alternative title lol:

Harry Hamlet and Othello

It was quite hard to continue with the conversation since Harry had basically slumped his whole bodyweight against my left side, his head on my shoulder and face snuggled into my neck. He was incredibly needy and I was just a little irritated. Though it was nice to have his unshared attention and he usually was not the type to be that needy. Only when he was tipsy maybe, or exhausted from a very long day with just little sleep. Or occasionally when he returned from tour. However, all of this could not be the case today since Anne hadn't exactly served gallons of Wine, he'd had a good eight or nine hours of sleep and tour was just around the corner and he hadn't been away for weeks.
"What's it Harry?" I mumbled quietly, trying to pry his needy frame off mine. "I can't sit like that." I tried again and he huffed reluctantly, sitting up again.
"S'nothing." I arched an eyebrow at him.
"Then why are you being so clingy?" he pouted softly, hurt flickering up in his eyes. I instantly felt bad for my poor choice of words.
"Not in a bad way Harry. I'm just surprised." I quickly added, taking his hand into mine. He swiftly brought it up to his lips and pressed a chaste kiss on my knuckles.
"S'all good pet." I gave him another smile before turning back to Sammy, another of Anne's guests. Being her neighbour, Anne had invited him to her supper, a thing she did once in a month if possible. It was just a cute gettogether and I always enjoyed the evening with everyone invited.
Though I missed the presence of a certain Styles sister, Gemma was not present this time. She was somewhere overseas, working at her second set of sunglasses she'd brought on the marked a year or two ago.
Which was also, why I spend my time talking to Sammy Withers, a nice young man with a good sense of humour. Somewhere down the table sat his girlfriend, a lovely looking redhead with adorable freckles and sparkling eyes. The reason she was sat all the way across the room from Sammy was because the two of them had had a little squabble when they came here - which is also exactly what Sammy had entrusted me with and the thing we talked about for the last one and a half our; how to calm down an irritated girlfriend.

"Sorry Sam. Now where were we..." I said with a smile, picking up my glass of wine. "If I should maybe call her over..." Sammy started again and I nodded. "Yeah right...though I do feel like you should go over since..." in this second I could feel Harry placing his hand on my upper thigh, giving it a very faith squeeze
"...yes Harry?" I sighed, turning my head towards my incredibly needy boyfriend.
"What? Nothing?" he cooed innocently, giving me big green doe eyes whilst sneakily lifting his head from off my shoulders. I narrowed my eyes at him softly before very slowly turning back to Sammy.
"I do feel like you should go over. You know, because making the first step and all...I am sure it'll go well." I started again, giving Sammy an encouraging smile. Harry shifted slightly next to me. I rose my eyebrows softly at him, but he had his eyes locked with Sammy's.
"Alright then...thanks so much for your help and advice, you're a proper angel, really." Sammy replied, slowly getting up. I gave him another smile (at which Harry frowned promptly) before handing him his wine glass.
"No problem. You need to introduce me soon!" Sammy laughed and nodded. "Will do, definitely." With that he walked away, carefully approaching his girlfriend. I finally turned over to Harry, giving him my unshared attention.

"He has a girlfriend Harry." I then stated with a small grin, seeing him relax the second those words left my lips. Though he tried to act like nothing changed.
"Sure does, but does he know that himself? He looks like's forgotten about it for a second." I snorted softly, giving him an amused look.
"I doubt that he forgot babe. We were actually talking about her the whole time...but I suppose you missed that huh?" a softly blush tinted his cheeks at that and I giggled at him.
"Look at you Harry..." I teased, caressing his cheek slowly. "Green..." He snorted but leaned into my touch.
"If you talk about my eyes, I do agree." He tip toed around the subject, making me laugh softly. "Can I just...beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat it feeds on." Harry rose an eyebrow, carefully sitting up straight again.
"What was that?" I couldn't hold my laughter at his slightly confused face.
"Othello, Harry." He rolled his eyes at me, but he couldn't fight the smile on his lips. "You mean, I just got called out by Shakespeare?" I nodded quickly. "Seems like it, hm." He shook his head.
"Green-eyed...the only green eyes there are, I recall, are mine..." he stopped for a second, before I caught a mischievous sparkle flicker up, "...or so I've been toldeth." He added with a boyish grin. I laughed out loud, pressing my lips against him in a quick peck.
"Well, those gents w'ren't wrong then. But so wast' I, thee w're jealous, good sir." I mocked softly and Harry huffed, before pulling me towards him, seating me on his lap. "Shut thy cute ass up, babe." I grinned, leaning back towards him.
"Pretty sure Shakespeare never used "cute ass" ever." He shrugged, wrapping his arms around me. "In a new interpretation of Hamlet, sure." I frowned. "A new interpretation of Hamlet? By who?" he chuckled softly.
"By one of my favourites actually. Mister Harry Styles himself." I shook my head laughing. "Oh really? And where is that lovely piece of art?" He cleared his throat quickly. "Well, it's not entirely finished yet. I've been told that it's still somewhere around the first few lines of the play." I grinned amused, placing my hand over Harry's larger one.
"Interesting that is. First few lines and already used the phrase "Cute Ass". I really need to know how he did that." Harry hummed lowly and I felt like I could hear him smirk.
"Well, it's the classic opening "Who's there?" there will follow another banger, "Show y'self, or we will beat thy cute ass!" Brilliant innit?" I laughed, shaking my head softly. "You're an idiot Harry." He grinned proudly before nodding softly. "But I loveth thee, sweet mistress."
"I loveth thee too, thee green-eyed boyfriend of mineth. So much." He pressed his lips against mine as a response, making Anne who looked over to us in this moment, smile softly.


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KISSY (havent written that in a while ay)

Nica xxxx

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