Watch me LT

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lil Louis for your soul:)

Yawning I opened my eyes. The light in our bedroom was only dim, the curtains still closed. I rolled over to the other side, where I actually expected my boyfriend to sleep, but I felt nothing. Confused I opened my eyes fully, looking around. "I'm here love." Louis stood next to the closet in just a pair of grey sweatpants, chest bare and hair messy. "What are you doing out of bed already?" I asked, my voice still hoarse from sleep. "I thought we're having a free day?" Louis turned to me with a smile, walked towards the bed and pecked my nose quickly. "We do have free day. This is why I decided to finally treat you like you deserve." I frowned, not fully awake. "And that is?" another quick peck on the cheek this time. "Good? Well I decided to cook some breakfast for you." A tired smile made its way to my lips and I wrapped my arms around his neck. "You're an angel Lou." He smiled proudly at me and then carefully let go of me. "But cooking without a shirt?" he glanced down at his trained stomach. "Now let's pretend we both don't know how much you enjoy seeing this..." he pointed at his abs, "and let's just say that I'll grab one downstairs?" I laughed and winked at him. "Yeah lets." He gave me a cocky nod, as if to say "told you so," before stretching himself. Purposely slow of course. "So I'll better head downstairs I guess. I'll call you when I'm ready." I nodded and leaned back again. "I will repay you one time. What would you like?" he only shrugged and slowly walked towards the door. "A massage? I am a bit tensed lately." I rose my eyebrows. A massage...? "Oh not that kind of massage. I mean a real one. But I like the way you think darling." He added cheekily as he caught my suspicious glance. Grinning I closed my eyes again, hearing how his steps slowly receded. I managed it to fall into a light sleep again, a tender slumber how Louis would probably call it. For like fifteen minutes and then Louis slightly stressed out call woke me. "Love? Could you maybe...erm come downstairs quickly. I think I broke the blender." I immediately shot up. "Coming, one minute. I need to get dressed quickly..." I answered, looking for one of Louis' oversized tee's "Oh don't mind that...just come like god created you. From my rip. And naked if you somehow missed the subtle hidden message behind my words." Louis yelled and I grinned. "Shut up Adam." I shouted back, earning a chuckle from him. I grabbed a black shirt and pulled it over my head before slipping into simple velvet shorts. Then I speeded downstairs. "Just for your information, I slept in my underwear tonight and...what the hell are you wearing Louis?" in front of me stood an innocent smiling Louis, dressed in a shirt that was ripped to shreds. It looked like a tiger attacked him. "Found it in this basked back there and I thought because it's already a little bit ripped, I could just use it to cook." I eyed him sceptically. "A little bit ripped? Louis that was a shirt I wanted to use for...rags or flannel or something. You know like Harry who recycles his old shirts as bandanas." Louis looked down at his flour powdered self and grinned. "Oh. But do you think I can pull it off though?" I grinned and nodded. "Of course Mr Tomlinson Sir. Now, what's wrong with our blender?" He turned around and walked towards it. "It doesn't work? I tried to make that delicious smoothie-drink thing you always do. And it did work when I put the strawberries in, the peppermint. But when I tried to add vanilla ice cream and the almonds... it kinda made weird noises like this." he pushed the button and the blender really did made scratchy, spitting sounds. I quickly ripped Louis hand away from the button. "Then why are you pressing it you idiot? You are really going to break it." He pouted. "Sorry chef. So what to do?" I carefully lifted the lid off the blender. "Have you chopped the almonds? And how frozen was the ice cream when you put it in?" he gave me an innocent smile. "Very...frozen?" I shove him off with a eye roll. "You can't expect from a twenty dollar smoothie blender that he chops solid ice and almonds. You need to melt the ice a little and chop the almonds then blend it with the rest." Louis eyed the blender hostile. "But why the heck have I worked my arse off for us to have a twenty dollar smoothie blender? What a bad buy was that if I am allowed to ask?" I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his chest. "Don't know. Not that bad. How about you finishing whatever you are working on and I do the drinks?" he nodded, a bit calmer. "Kiss for the stress?" he then asked, looking down at me with big eyes. "Needy much?" he shrugged, a smirk tugging on his lips. "Frustrated more like. A kiss would be one thing to help me." I shook my head amused. "Not even going to ask what else you perv. Now get going!" with that I pressed a quick kiss on his lips and turned around, his chuckle in my back. "I love you princess." He quickly pecked my cheek from behind and then walked towards a large bowl on the counter. "Love you too Adam." He laughed warmly. I walked over to a cupboard to get a bowl, to pour the solid ice cream into. I then had to handpick every single almond this lazy idiot had thrown in to chop them into tiny splinters. By the time I was finished with that, the ice cream had melted a bit. It was now creamy and velvety, perfect to blend. Louis behind me was stirring aggressively and I watched him amused. "Everything alright?" he looked up and gave me a dashing, fake smile. "No. I can't fucking get this to a softy and silky mass. What is this shit?" I busted out in laughing and made my way over to him. "Oh silly...maybe add a little flour?" he shot me an annoyed look. "Yeah maybe..." I kissed his cheek and carefully added a few spoons of flour. "Stir again." Louis did so and watched satisfied. "Perfect. Can you help me with the pancakes pretty please?" I nodded. "Sure. Let me cool the smoothies first okay?" he nodded and leaned patiently against the counter. "By the way...would you mind taking off that shirt Lou? It's not only ugly, its also frustrating to look at. Like be bare or not, but nothing in between." He laughed and shot me wink. "Oi look at that...well would you mind?" I carefully placed the smoothie in the fridge before turning around and wiping my hands at my legs. "What? Taking off your shirt?" he shrugged innocently. "Yeah, that as well of course." I threw the butter at him and he caught it with ease. "Atta girl...I am sorry. Your wish is my command." He then finally took it off and threw it on a chair nearby. "Happy now?" I nodded walking towards the stove. "Happier more like. I still am hungry." Louis nodded and carried the bowl with dough over to me. He helped me with buttering the pan slightly and heating it up, everything whilst standing behind me, on arm wrapped around me. "Is it hot enough?" he asked, or more like mumbled into my neck. "Yes. You can pour the dough now. But not too much." Louis carefully made the pancakes and after a while I left him for preparing the rest. I decided to eat outside since it looked like it would stay warm. I placed two plates and some toppings on our balcony table before returning to Louis. "I'm done! Look at those beauties." He exclaimed proudly and I rewarded him with a kiss. "Perfect babe. Now, mind to bring the to the balcony? I am just getting the drinks." He nodded and balanced the plate with the pancakes towards the couch and the table outside.

"How are they?" he asked expectantly and I gave him a nod. "They taste delicious. Well done." His smirk quickly turned from proud into sly, his eyes flashing up mischievously. "What?" I asked suspicious and he just smirked. "Oh I know I would say that you taste better but," my cheeks flushed immediately, "I don't think that would be appropriate right?" I groaned and hit his chest. "You are the biggest idiot I have ever met and dated. What's up with you today?" he only laughed and pulled me closer. "Nothing you're just really beautiful and I really love you." I smirked up at him. "That was sweet. I love you too Louis, even though you almost broke our blender." He snorted. "That's just a shit blender. I'll get a better one tomorrow." I chuckled and rested my head on his chest. "You will not find one who cuts through solid ice cream Lou." Louis just absentmindedly caressed my cheek with his hand. "Watch me love. Watch me." 

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