Little one HS

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Sooooo this was requested!! I am so excited for this, thank you to the beautiful @falloutofsummmer I hope u like it! She also writes Harry content, check her out, it's worth it! Also I wanted to remind you, that I (how u see here) obviously take requests and I am always open for them! That being said, enjoy<3 (ONE last thing: I am so soft for this picture, he really is the loml) 

- edited

 Having a baby had always been a dream of Harry and mine. With Darcy, this dream finally came true and we couldn't be happier. She literally was a light, a wonderful little babygirl and I and Harry loved her dearly. Having her had made our lives definitively better in many ways, especially for Harry. 

For me it too, of course...but it had also done something else; ruined my sleep schedule for good. Darcy tended to be a baby that cried a lot during the night and would wake me up at least every two hours. Harry had always had a hand for her when she cried, she settled quickly in his arms and fell back to sleep even quicker. 

Now that Darcy was older, three years already, she was known for throwing nerve-wracking  fits.  She could go from zero to one-hundred in a matter of seconds over a missing toy and it sometimes was almost too much for me. And just like when she was a baby, Harry had less troubles calming her down than I had. It was easy to see how much she loved him (and he loved her, of course) they seemed to be one heart and one soul together. 

This was also the reason, why Harry had insisted that Darcy and I would come along for a lot of his ten month long tour. 

I had been happy about it, still was to be honest. Having Harry away for month was something incredibly hard, especially because you had to explain him being away and constantly available for strangers and not for his family to your child and that was rather difficult.

"Mommy can I now please go upstai's?" I snapped out of my thoughts and turned towards my little daughter. She had placed the doll aside she had played with for the last hour and stood up. 

"I told you that daddy is rehearsing now. You can go up in thirty minutes." I explained patiently, stepping forward to wipe a strain of chocolate from her cheek. But Darcy dodged my hand, giving me a bolshie look. 

"But wan' daddy to come now! He has been up th'e  fo' so long now!" She whined and I sighed. "I know Darcy love, but it's important that they do those things you know. They need to make sure that everything works for the concert in a few hours." she pouted, lips starting to quiver. "But I wan' daddy now!" 

I rubbed my temples, feeling a headache forming. Darcy could be so extremely stubborn and if she decided to throw a fit now I could only pray for this room being more or less soundproof. Also, I felt like I couldn't handle another of her tantrums - she had them often lately. Darcy pouted at me once again before sitting down with her doll again. "Bo'ing." she mumbled to herself before picking up the play again. Relieved I decided to go back to my little nap I had had before, tourlife with a three year old kid draining me properly. A mistake.

The sound of the door slamming shut made me jerk up. Blinking tiredly I tried to figure out what that just had been, when I realized that Darcy had decided to leave the room and probably head on stage now. I stood up and rushed out of the room, jogging down the hallway. I could hear the quick tapping of little feet running down the floor and speeded up. 

"Darcy! Hey where do you think you are going?" I yelled when I was just a few meters behind her. "Want to daddy!" Darcy said determinedly before strutting away again. 

"I told you can't. I know you miss daddy but you can't disturb him now." I said firmly, grabbing her hand. She immediately braced her feet against the ground, trying to stop me from taking her with me. "No!" she exclaimed loudly and I flinched. 

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