All for Anne, HS

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currently working on a request and the second part of Light of his life and a fight, but I have to admit that I am (again) distracted by a certain James Buchanan Barnes and a story I am writing about/with him, so it could take a while. You may ask yourself; Why? BEcause I'm an Idiot and always start projects within projects...but my Bucky-darling is worth it. ah, forgot to mention, I also have a project with Pietro Maximoff going on. why (insert sly grinning marvel-fanatic nica).  Kissy xx

(I don't know what this is or why I wrote it, okay. bye) 

Whenever Anne called, you dropped all your plans and hurried over. It didn't mattered if you already had something booked, possibly something that would look better in your biography and job description, you'd still go for Anne. For example, the last job you turned down had been prepping the lovely Dua Lipa for some charity event. But because Anne had called in panic because she had absolutely no idea how you did make-up when attending a wedding, you had excused yourself and had helped Dua's agency find someone else before you went and helped Anne. Though she wouldn't call often because she wasn't really a person for those big events, but once in a while you'd come to her house or wherever she was and would do her make-up and hair. And because Gemma often was there as well, you did hers too. It was fun working with them and you enjoyed it, greatly every time. There had even been a moment where you had tried to refuse payment, but Anne was adamant and mercilessly had transferred the money from her, to your bank account. Long story short; you were Anne Twist's stylist and you loved it more than anything. So when her caller-ID appeared on your phone screen, you didn't hesitate to pick up. "Hello Anne." You greeted friendly, a smile on your face. "Morning angel! Had a good day s'far?" her cheery voice immediately widened your smile. "Excellent M'am, how's things going over there?" You replied, closing the zipper of your make-up brush case. You had cleaned them after yesterday's work you did on no one less than Elisabeth Olsen's beautiful face. It hadn't been for a big event or anything, still who were you to turn that opportunity down? "I suppose it had been the usual... filled with coffee, adventures in my garden and cats." Anne laughed happily and you grinned. "Happy to hear that. How can I help?" there was a quick pause at the other end of the line before Anne's proud voice piped up again. "Well, you've probably seen a few posters already..." she started slowly and you immediately knew what she was talking about. "but the Dunkirk premiere is just next Thursday the 13th and well..." you laughed softly. "How could I not know about this Anne? The posters are everywhere and I already saw several trailers. It looks fantastic, honestly." Anne laughed lightly. "It does right? And since Harry's in it, I'm invited to the premiere in London!" You tossed the brush-kit into your bag. "That's exciting! So you'd want me to do your hair and make-up that day?" Anne approved quickly. "Well, there aren't many I'd let work on my face but you're certainly qualified for it, don't you think?" You chuckled amused, getting up to scribble the date into your calendar on the wall of your kitchen. A bit oldschool maybe, but that's how you remembered to check your appointments the best. "I feel Thursday the 13th  it is! Are you staying at a hotel nearby?" "I do, along with Gem and don't mind doing Gemma's make up as well, do you? She's not attending the premiere but she likes getting dolled up by ye." Anne asked slyly and you laughed. "When has it ever bothered me? Harry has his own stylist with him I suppose?" "I don't even know about that...but I will ask him and give you the heads up. You are also welcomed to stay for a night in the hotel, it would obviously be on me." But you refused quickly. Knowing that the Twist-Styles had a good amount of money it would not be a cheap hotel and you preferred to not spend your money for things like that. That also counted for others spending that money for you – you didn't thought of it as necessary so you declined politely. "I'll just take a cab home Anne-dear." Anne sighed lightly. "If you say so...but you'd be warmly welcomed." That made you smile. "And I really and deeply appreciate that Anne, I really do. Now, if you would just send me the address, time and maybe what you'll wear so I can already think about a look...that would be wonderful." Just minutes later, your phone buzzed with incoming information. "Thanks a lot." "Thank you, dear. I hope I am not being pushy again." You blinked confused. "You've never been pushy ever Anne. The decision to drop anything and anyone for you is mine alone." You laughed and she soon joined your laughter. "Well, then I'll just keep on claim your time! See you soon, my dear!" you grinned softly, nodding at her words. "You may...have a good one Anne, tell Gemma I said hi. See you in a few!" and with that, you ended the call.

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