Because it's Elvis HS

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Happy bday my 50ties babe....I miss u so much. (also, I meant to upload that yesterday, but I fell asleep before I could. its very short and unasked for, but because I love Elvis so much...I had to write at least something.) Nica xxx

You know the feeling when you hear a song by a specific person and you just want to roll yourself into a ball of blankets and tissues and cry? Well, I do. "Bridge over troubled water" sung by the one and only Elvis Presley with the Royal Philharmonic orchestra was that one song for me, that I always cried to. Because it was just so...beautiful. And his pure and powerful and perfect. And it made me miss the man I never knew or saw alive...but still adored so much. And because today, would theoretically be the day he'd turn 85 if he was alive still, I allowed myself to just that: listen to Bridge over troubled water and cry, because I would never see him ever, and because his life had been so tragic. Now, I know this might sound very dramatic, was Elvis. And with Elvis, I allowed myself to be as dramatic as possible.
"Honey? What are you doing?" I looked up, puffy eyes and reddened cheeks, my head sticking out of a pile of blankets and pillows. Harry stood in the doorframe of our bedroom, a slightly confused expression on his face. "I...I am listening to Elvis." I mumbled, sniffing softly. His eyebrow rose up slightly. "I hear that. But why are you crying?" I pouted softly. "Because he's dead and the song is so wonderful and his voice...and because it's Elvis! What is there not to cry about?" he shrugged, a small smile tugging on his lips. "I don't know? Normally, when I listen to him, I feel happy...not sad." I sighed and sat up fully. "But don't you get it; you might hear him on CD or vinyl or through your phone, but never live. And that is a tragedy." He chuckled. "It is indeed. But so will I never see David Bowie, or John Lennon..." I groaned, tears immediately brimming in my eyes. "No! Don't remind me of my misery!" he just grinned and dropped down next to me. "And now you just cry because you're born in the wrong generation?" I nodded, giving him another pout before leaning against him. "And you do that today because..." "because it's Elvis' birthday and I feel like being dramatic okay." He just laughed and pressed a kiss on my wet cheek. "Then let me get some tea and we can be dramatic together for today...okay with that?" I nodded slowly, a small smile appearing on my face. "I love you...tender." He laughed and shook his head. "I bet you do. Back in a minute love." I smiled softly, cuddling myself deeper into the blankets. Maybe living in this century with Harry wasn't bad after all...but Elvis I missed still. But with Harry it was remarkably easier to survive that heartache though. 

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