You're FaceTiming with my mom? HS

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Some soft Harry🥺💞


kissy, a very freaked out nica in a state of panic. 

"And how is it going over there?" Anne asked friendly, placing the phone down on the marble counter. "It's aright. Snows pretty often, whole world is white. How's snow in England?" Anne just laughed and took a sip from the mug she held in between her hands. "You mean the rain? It's freezing outside, but no snow to be seen. Though, we could use it. It would rise the Christmas spirit." I laughed softly, leaning back on the couch in my parents living room. The laptop was on my legs and as I watched Anne through the screen. She had called me over facetime, to "chat a little bit with my favourite daughter in law" and who was I to say no to such an offer. "By the way, I tried your mothers cookie recipe! It's fabulous, I just don't think I sized them correctly...they exploded in my oven." I grinned amused. "Show me!" she sighed dramatically before shuffling away, leaving the phone unwatched for a second. From the spot where she had placed the phone, I now saw into the living room. A small smile appeared on my face when I looked at the cosy couches with the huge fuzzy blanket draped over them. Right next to the couch, there stood a wing chair and the two cats Dollie and Evie seemed to nap on it. Evie was actually Harry's cat and a gift from Anne to Harry for his home in London, but because he wasn't exactly home often, the cat stayed at Anne's. The thought of Harry made me sigh softly. I missed him greatly and it bothered me that we couldn't spend the last few days of my holiday with him. That, because my family had organised a big New Year's Eve party this year and had asked me to attend too (which I did with joy, obviously) so I went. The family Twist-Styles had obviously been invited as well – unfortunately, Anne had also planned a party with friends and family. So Harry and I had not spent New Year's Eve together. It wouldn't have been our first ever Silvester though, but it still annoyed me big time. Obviously both, Anne and my parents would have agreed on missing out on us, but Harry and I had both seen the disappointed looks. So we had decided to stay at each families party and simply face time during the countdown. And now, I missed him and I wanted him with me, it was as simple as that. This second Anne returned, a jar of whole grain cookies in her hands. And they were gigantic, each of them about the palm of my hand. I couldn't hold my laughter when she presented them to me and it distracted me a little bit from my Harry-Issue. "They taste good." Anne said with a smirk , pushing the jar aside. "Harry's eaten at least twelve already. Gemma is no better." I gave her a warm smile. "I miss you guys." Anne returned the smile with a sigh and nodded. "We miss you too. Harold's a little grumpy about it..." In this second I heard someone coming down the stairs behind Anne. "Me too, to be honest." I answered, before the voice of Harry made me snap up. "Whom are you trashing-talking me to now, mom?" I laughed along with Anne and she stepped aside. When Harry heard my laugh, his head snapped up. He didn't immediately seemed to see me in the screen and so he looked over the phone into the kitchen, as if I would magically appear there. "Hi babe." I spoke softly, making his eyes fall down onto the phone. Instant disappointment flickered over his face immediately. "Hello my love. For a moment I thought you're here." I gave him a sad smile and shook my head. "I'd wish though." He scrunched his nose softly before opening the cookie jar, a white-yellow mug in his hand. "So you are facetiming with my mom? I don't know if you noticed but she is the wrong member of this indeed lovely family." He mused, before biting down into the monstrosity of a cookie. He was unshaved, a shadow of his beard visible over his upper lip and the chin, hair still completely tousled into a curly mess. "Now that you mention it...I almost forgot that I am engaged to you." he just gave me a tired grin, quietly munching his cookie. It gave me time to take a proper look at the man I loved, all without him remarking something about it. My eyes wandered from the tousled hair down to the neck, where a chain of white pearls hung. It had been a gift from me, and I had bought it through advice of Mr Alessandro Michele, who had told me, that Harry had had an eye on it for a while now. Speaking of Alessandro, Harry wore his deep blue Gucci jacket with the significant green-red-green hem, a colour combination that I still struggled a bit. The green and red together were obviously fine, the red and blue as well and the green and blue an obvious yes, but all together gave it such a heavy, old look. "It's the grandpa jacket I know." Harry said with a grin, reading my face immediately. I chuckled, blowing him a kiss. "How are you doing Mr Styles?" I then asked, looking back into his tired, green eyes. Before he could even answer, the voice of Gemma behind him, did his job. "He's terrible. Slumping around like an old, sick dog with a constant pout. It's on the brink of unbearable and he misses you like crazy." Harry rolled his eyes as Gemma nudged him out of the way. "Hi there. Hope you are doing better." She ended with a grin and I broke out into a loud laugh. "Thank you Gem. You know, I had a reputation..." "No longer. Maybe you should think about your manly reputation before shuffling around like an invalid sloth." Harry mumbled something under his breath before grabbing the phone. "You weren't any better Gem, stop acting like you don't miss her. You were weeping through the whole partly about having no one to play beer-pong with properly." Gemma gave me a sly grin. "True, that was kinda lame. But Harry's still the more demanding patient to deal with." I hummed amused. "I bet." He threw me an outraged look. "And you are supposed to support me! Your fiancé !" I giggled softly, tilting my head. "I always support you!" he just hummed, but a smile tugged on his lip corners. "My family is having a bad influence on you my dear. They incite you against me. I think it would be better if I had you to myself." He explained, starting to walk out of the kitchen with the phone in his hands. "But not with my phone Mister! You have one yourself! Two even!" Anne exclaimed behind him and Harry bit back a grin. "Woups, sorry mom. Alright then, call you in an instant! I love you!" he said, lifting the phone so I could see him, and Gemma and Anne behind him. "See you in a second. Bye Anne, by Gemma, I miss you, take care!" I said and waved. "Miss you too! Bye bye love!" Gemma cheered and Anne blew me a kiss. "Call you in a sec." Harry then promised before ending the call. Just a few seconds after, my phone buzzed from an incoming photo Anne sent me. It was a picture of her, Harry and Gemma, all smiling happily into the camera. I stared at it for a few seconds, feeling my heart melt at Harry's face, before setting it as my new wallpaper. I texted back a heart emoji, when my screen already got filled out by an incoming facetime call by Harry. "Okay so where were we..." he immediately started when I picket up. "Maybe that you are behaving like an...invalid sloth?" I purred innocently and he snorted. "Nope, I am pretty sure we were already past that conversation, doll. Now...what time am I booking your flight?"  


To everyone who has requested: it's on the way. I don't have exams tomorrow or this week...I hope lol so I will work on them. have a nice day, 

nica xxx

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