Adore you HS II

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(short) PART TWOO of I don't know how many to follow but I am tempted to make a book out of it. however, double update bc I am feeling like it. Enjoy<3

"Good spot for observing for sure." A deep voice suddenly said next to me and I jerked up. There he was, Harry, no glass in his hand anymore but a warm smile on his lips. With a nod he stepped next to me towards the railing. "It is. What are you...?" I started, staring up at him quite confused. "You looked lonely up there. I thought I might keep you company." I couldn't help but smile at his words, scooting a bit closer towards him. "That is very nice of you Harry. But you didn't had to, it looked like a good conversation you had." Harry shrugged, his wandering over the filled room as well. "It was, but there are better up ahead. But does that mean that you watched me?" an amused purr was evident in his voice. I refused to look at him but I felt warmth creeping up my neck. "Apparently." I just replied and he chuckled softly. "But don't let that get into your head, I watched many people since I am bored." I added, glancing over at him. He just hummed before suddenly looking over at me. "Then why don't you tell me about yourself?" I shrugged, placing the glass down. "I don't know what you expect me to tell you know. I am not anyhow exciting or such." I said and Harry threw me a bewildered look. "Cant you at least try not to talk yourself down? Dear Lord..." I laughed at him, shaking my head. "But it's true. Let's see...I am not an outstanding cook, which is why we have a house cook, I can't sew or knit, I can draw averagely, I can't sing at all, I hate any form of athletic activity and I have a fear of heights." Harry's lips twitched amused. "You are one of a kind huh." I grinned again, leaning over the railing. "That's what Richard says as well." Harry threw me an apologising look. "Sorry if that hurt you..." he started but I waved him off. "You didn't. It's true, I really am. A pretty untalented kind." I replied with a calming smile. "Where is he?" he asked, looking over the crowd. It took me a minute but eventually I found him standing in a less crowded corner still talking to Harkness and Curtiss. "There, in the back. The one with the moustache." I pointed at him and Harry nodded as he caught sight of him. He and Richard were both dressed very similar. Both wore the traditional tailcoat, wide satin stripe dress pants, white wingtip collar shirt, black patent shoes and a white vest with a tuxedo jacket to finish off the whole look. The only difference was, that Richard wore the ensemble in a covered arrangement of browns and smoky red and Harry completely black and white. "You still have to introduce me to him." Harry said and I rose my eyebrows. "I do? You probably only wish to meet him, because you hope for an economical advantage. Am I right?" I asked demandingly but in a playful manner. Harry gave me a sly grin. "That could be a possible side-effect and not one anyone wouldn't be fond of it, yes." I frowned up at him. "Side-effect of what? What intentions do you have exactly?" he gave me another grin, this time almost mischievous. "Maybe I am just interested and want to know more about such an effortlessly beautiful Lady as you are. I'd like to know who you've given your heart too, if I am allowed." I could feel the blood rushing into my cheeks and almost chocked on the cigarette. "Oh...that is uh...very flattering to say the least." I mumbled flustered facing the ground. "So you will introduce me to him?" he asked with a cheeky wink and I nodded quickly, trying not to look into his handsome face. "Later on." I said quickly, eyes wandering over the crowd again. "Tell me about yourself?" I asked, trying to break the silence that had spread between us. "I am true lover of music and theatre and since I am in New York the Broadway has suddenly turned into a guilty pleasure of mine. I also do enjoy reading quite a lot." I was not all that surprised about this answer, the creative streak only added up to his image as a "well educated, successful and good looking" vibe he was giving. "Theatre? So have you seen many shows already?" he shrugged. "A few, yes. I can't get to obsessed with it, obviously." He added with a small smile. I opened my mouth to answer when suddenly my husbands voice made me snap around. "Sweetheart, there you are! I was asking for you..." his eyes fell on Harry and he immediately straightened himself up. "With whom do I have the pleasure?" I placed the glass down and carefully looked at Harry. "Richard, this is Harry Styles from England. He was already very keen to meet you." Harry's lips twitched amused before he offered his hand. "Harry, this is my fiancé Richard Griffith." Richard shook Harry's hand firmly, giving him a nod. "Pleasure to meet you. I meant that I somewhere already heard your name..." he said slowly. "Maybe from Mr Daniel Guggenheim? He is a closer friend of mine." At the mentioning of Guggenheim, Richard tensed up slightly before smiling thin lipped. "Yes, that would be it. Railway and steel, right?" Harry nodded, a pleasantly surprised look on his face. "Things go around fast how I see." Richard laughed, absentmindedly grabbing my waist. "Absolutely. So what were the two of you talking about? I cant imagine it being shares or finances?" he asked with a grin and I threw him a pointed look. "We were talking about theatre darling." I answered and he reacted exactly the way I expected him to: with an eye roll. "Oh please don't tell me that you bored him with that..." he mumbled and I threw him an outraged look. "I haven't! in fact, Harry started with it." Richards rose his eyebrows surprised. "Oh yeah?" Harry chuckled softly before nodding nonchalantly. "I did. I do enjoy theatre, especially here in New York where you can enjoy many different forms of theatre and content at the same time. Additionally to that, a great friend of mine is active in that field. She is currently taking part in the play Lightnin', maybe you have heard from it. I will go and watch her just tomorrow." My eyes light up at his words and I couldn't hide my excitement. "Oh really? It's been in the theatre now for so long and I still haven't seen it...Richard isn't a big fan of theatre." He nodded with a bored expression. "It's true, I am not. I just can't find the thrill in it. But she's smitten with it, for reasons I really cannot explain." I grinned softly, pecking his cheek. "It's entertaining! And Harry reminded me that I should go again some time soon." Harry watched us silently before he cleared his throat. "As mentioned I would visit the Lyceum Theatre tomorrow. I would have one ticket spare, so if you want to come with me..." I immediately nodded excitedly. "Yes! Oh I would love that!" Richard next to me mumbled something and I looked back at him. "What?" he sighed. "On a quick word?" I threw Harry an apologizing look. "I will wait." He just reassured with a smile, before Richard grabbed my arm and guided me away from him. "Are you seriously considering..." he started and I snorted. "Yes I am, why not? You are not coming to watch the show with me ever, so what's the point of getting upset. Harry's the best opportunity I get to watch the play." Richard massaged his palm, a thing he always did when he got angry. "You would attend a theatre with a man I don't even really know and you will sit right next to him during I don't know an hour..." he started and I crossed my arms over my chest. "Yes. And now calm down, its not a big deal. You flirt with your secretary as well." Richards jaw dropped, a senseless stutter escaping his lips. "Exactly. Now if you would excuse me...I will not let him wait." And with that I turned and walked away, towards Harry who had somehow organized a glass of champagne. "Everything alright?" he asked, his eyes carefully wandering over my face. "Absolutely. I will gladly attend to the theatre tomorrow with you." I explained short cut, taking the glass of champagne out of his hands. "You don't mind?" I asked, before drowning the alcohol in one gulp. Harry's facial expression was a mixture of wonder and amusement, and when I gave him back the empty glass, he broke out into a loud laugh. 

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