Harrys Sunshine, HS

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Since I've successfully avoided (Y/N) for 50 chapters or so, I thought, maybe I could "celebrate" 50 chapters and 20k (wTF) reads with this piece of trash. Just that I missed 20k by like 1k reads but whatever, tHANK YOU. I know I said it bout 10'000 times, but I can't stress it enough: I love y'all, thank you for reading this whole fuckery and I am so sorry that this one sucks so bad. I have been stressed. As soon as I have figured that whole online classes thing out and overcame my... "wow u literally suck-phase" (don worry, I be like that) I will be posting some pieces I am currently workin on, among those may or may not be a requested one...kinda. sorry for taking ages. I am trying, I promise. 

-Nica xox 

Whenever he felt lonely, deprived from body warmth and affection, he'd go over to her place. It had started maybe a month ago. He would come over when he was feeling lonely, seeking for comfort, not particularly sex, but body-warmth and someone who cared for him, or the other way around. Just to have a few hours to talk to someone who listens, you could trust wouldn't spill anything to the general public because it was just not worth it at all...and sure, sometimes sex. But Harry's lack of affection and honest attention has always been the main reason the two met up. Especially because he often caught himself slipping back into that quite dark place he'd roamed in after Camille had broken up with him. Y/N helped, helped a lot actually. Just listening to him and showing some affection (on a friends with benefit's level, obviously) he'd made remarkable progress in forgetting about Camille.

Harry carefully brought her fingers up to his lips and kissed her knuckles lightly. "Tired?" he asked huskily, adjusting the pillow behind him with a shrug of his shoulders. Y/N simply shrugged lightly. She had herself buried in the sheets, her hair messily pulled up into a ponytail. "A little. How 'bout you, ye old man?" Harry chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Ye're just a few years younger, get off your high horse." She only laughed, pulling her hand back. "Why even? To miss out in a wonderful opportunity to annoy you? I think not Mister." She teased with a wicked smile, blinking up to him innocently. Harry rolled his eyes amused. It often was like this, all playful and warm. No rushed actions, nothing that would look like a hurried fling, more delicate actually. Not that Harry minded, he just...he sometimes had to remind himself that she's leave again in maybe an hour of two, going back to that cute café where Harry would have liked a cup of tea some day. Shift from eight thirty to seven PM, Harry knew her shifts by now. And so he would return to the studio, maybe go off for a meeting or a press thingy, some tea with Alessandro...anything. They were living two separate lives after all, their equal need for somebody was the only thing that held them in one room. Not that they hated each other...but there was just nothing more to that relationship than sex and talks, and that was fine. Though Y/N had stopped dating any other men, she wasn't even really trying to make up for that lack of love she'd experience outside of Harry. She went on maybe one date after she'd first met up with Harry (trough some weird coincidence involving a broken coffee machine and Jeff himself), felt unsatisfied and then gave up. "Harry's a man with great impact, you don't just go on with your life." Was a thing she'd tended to tell her friends, nipping nervously at some beverage, trying to hide a possible blush. After all, they were just friends.

Harry on the other side...admittedly, his mind still tended to wander back to the time he'd shared with Camille...and he hated it. Then again, there was Y/N, filling him up with her light and her cheery persona. Especially now, when she looked like an angel (a tad worn out maybe), resting relaxed on his silk sheets. She looked peaceful, her breath steady and slow. Her back arched softly with every breath. She was truly magnificent...frame, glow, face, personality, all was wonderful, Harry thought. But it was just a mere thought before he decided to wipe it away and lay down next to her to finally sleep. After all, they were just friends.

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