Graham Norton HS

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Okay so its currently 2:13 A.M. but I wanted to quickly update the book. I am so tired, please just ignore possible mistakes (as for example a unintended switch of perspective, grammar...). also, harry is angel. 

The Boys of one direction were recently on Graham Norton, and I was the last guest he would call on stage. I was slightly nervous, my palms wet and I had to prevent myself from chewing my lipstick off. I had been looking forward to that show and also sharing my time with the boys of One Direction. I had seen them only once and very brief, backstage at the VMA's last year and since then they but also my career had skyrocketed even more. Which was very nice, sure, but it also added a bit more nerves and pressure. Adding to that, I had just released my second studio album which I had not talked in public before. 

I rubbed my palms over my pants. My eyes trailed nervously through the room I waited for my cue, landing on the large mirror. I got up and carefully pushed untameable curls back. I had them pulled into a tight ponytail, so that they just gently touched my shoulders and wouldn't give me the opportunity to play with it. Which was a nervous habit of mine and my media-trainer had told me many times to stop with it. My critical eyes wandered down my outfit: simple white, double breasted pants which accentuated the waist nicely. The silky tie-neck blouse with the button cuffs was tucked in and the light creamy pink colour went nicely with my hair and the pants. For shoes I had decided on heels, subtle ankle-strap beauties in a nude rose. The whole outfit was elegant but not too much, still comfortable and pretty much wardrobe malfunction proof.

I snapped up when I suddenly heard Graham's slightly muffled voice saying my name. Carefully I walked towards the door, staring into the still dark hallway towards stage. I had asked for privacy until my cue, means that my manager wouldn't have to stick around. Just a young woman who had introduced herself as Gracie would pick me up at my cue, but she wasn't even in sight yet. Graham seemed to simply talk about me to the boys... 

 "She is waiting, yes. Don't worry Harry, we will bring her out soon." Loud laughter and whistling broke out and it swallowed the young mans answer. "So you guys now her? Except for Harry, obviously." Again, muffled laughter. 

"Yes we know her. As you said correctly, especially Harry. You could say that he's a fan." I heard Liam say, and the crowd awed. I felt my cheeks heating up slightly, a nervous chuckle escaping my lips. 

"Yeah it's been known..." Harry now said, sounding a bit embarrassed. 

"She's amazing; I can't blame you Harry. Wonderful voice, and wonderful face!" Graham said. A small smirk stole itself on my lips. "She is." Harry agreed. 

"She just recently started to follow him on Instagram. The lad almost started to cry." I could heard Louis and the crowd awed again. "I didn't!" Harry exclaimed quickly, embarrassment clearly evident in his voice. "You did. When he heard that she's on show with us, he totally freaked out. Stop lying." I meant to understand the heavy Yorkshire accent of Zayn. 

"Oh really? Well we can surely get you her number if you want to...or do you want to break into her dressing room...?" Graham jokingly suggested and I grinned. That wouldn't even be too bad...I mean it was Harry Styles. Pretty wonderful boy inside and out, everyone disagreeing was just in denial. Loud laughter was the reaction. 

"Oh good lord..." I could hear Harry groaning. "Shoot your shot mate!" Louis cheered jokingly, but Harry seemed not to answer anything on it. At least not something I could hear. "She can't hear us, right?" Niall asked and I felt like I could hear him grinning. A shocked gasp from probably Harry was heard. "She can't right?!" he then asked in turmoil, sounding clearly stressed out. 

Oh if he only knew...In this moment Gracie appeared in the hallway, waving at me. I quickly took a deep breath before mincing nervously towards her. 

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