Of Korean and French HS

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ANNEYONG HASEYO it has been a while! Hope you all are doing well, healthy and rested and whatnot. I haven't been writing for Harry in a hot minute, I feel like I'm out of practice lol. Also, I miss the curly idiot! :( Hopefully GOLDEN MV comes out soon, knowing him as I do, he'll probably drop it upon us out of nowhere tho.

Warings for this chapters are just that its a bit of mess and I really don't know if I like it but its whatever. feedback is appreciated (and if you are coincidentally a STAY, keep streaming backdoor and hail to president Chan) Love you all! Kissy,


I don't know if this was just me, but when I first got drunk with my friends, I couldn't help but be curious about what kind of drunk I'd turn out to be. And what kind of drunk my friends would turn out to be as well. For example, when I first went out with Niall, I noticed that he tended to be a member of the clan of the philosophical drunk people. In spite his happy nature (that did remain during his tipsiness) he tended to drag you into discussions about the big topics. Life, death, purpose of existence, favourite meal at Nando's. With just a few pints he turned into  Jean-Paul Sartre with bleached hair.

Zayn on the other hand, he was more of a... broken drunk. If you wouldn't watch out, the little ball of sunshine would suddenly just sit by himself, drowning his blue feelings in a tidal wave of sweet, soul-deadening alcohol. But he managed to snap out of it quite often, turning into some kind of concerned drunk mamma with a big heart and ready to hug everybody. Which was why Zayn and I got along perfectly well, not only sober, but intoxicated as well.

Because I, solely relying on statements given by my friends, I was one of those sentimental-cuddly drunk ones. Allegedly spending all night telling everyone how much I loved and appreciated them, often enough reminiscing about old times and very much needy. Which I wasn't sorry for one bit, because spreading love was way better than being aggressive, and pissing people off.

Which was something that Jeff tended to do, which was also why he wasn't out partying that much with us. Liam on the other hand was the exact opposite of Jeff (still wanted to go out partying with them combined and see how they'd get along) he was this very famous happy drunk. Laughing at literally everything and everyone, dancing whenever he got the chance, constantly speaking in hyperbolic superlatives and generally acting like he was having the greatest night of his life. Literally, the embodiment of the phrase "life of the party". Which was why it sometimes got a little demanding to be around sober. At least to the point where even my cuddly and sleepy self rather not cuddled up to him, since he now danced a dance, that became frightening about ten minutes in.

Now Harry...as stated in earlier recordings of his, he had the habit of undressing whenever he felt comfortable. Why was that? Nobody knew. And it wasn't like he wouldn't have the physique to strip during movie night (just the shirt) or in the studio after a finished song (shirt and sometimes pants too) no, he had the looks, the body and obviously the confidence. You got used to it too, after a few times of second-hand embarrassment and avoiding eye contact, but I was long past that. No, the problem was more that with just a pint only, Harry's inner exhibitionist started to dominate his brain convolutions and he might just spent the whole night shirtless. Again, who would complain anyways.

Certainly not me, as I certainly enjoyed the show, much to Louis' amusement. "So have you finally told him?" he asked with an innocent smile, a hint of a flush on his cheeks. "Told who what?" I obviously knew who he was talking about, I wasn't that dense (or drunk) but Louis and I had had this conversation many times now. It always ended with me running away and Louis laughing and sometimes yelling the truth across whatever facility we were in, until I bought him a drink  or food to shut him up. The truth that would be that I had just a minimal, tiny, scarcely worth mentioning, insignificant crush on one of my best friends. And somehow, probably due to my not-as-subtle-as-I-had-originally-thought pinning, Louis had gotten wind from it. And he's been giving me hell since. Which was very unfair, since it wasn't exactly my fault that the certain he and I were stuck in a very weird zone, kinda. We both were tip toeing around the elephant in the room, and in my opinion were the signals he was sending me very confusing. I never knew if I was imagining things when I thought that maybe Harry could possibly be interested in me or not. He was all handsy and then suddenly shy and distant and I had great struggled reading him. though, I probably was the same and...it was just complicated. But right now, tonight, would not be the night. Tonight was a night of confusing signals and uncertainty. That partly was because I had way too sober for a confession like that and partly, because Harry, who was shirtless already, was already talking to another girl.

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