Loki LP

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Hi there! I thought because Lima just revealed the date for his very first album (6. Dec. LP1!!!!!) I thought I might as well upload something (short) I wrote about/with him. Hope u don't mind, have a good day❤️

"You'll never guess what just happened...are you alright?" I wasn't. Absolutely not. When Liam approached me I was crying on the floor. Not bad crying, more like...laughing so hard that I had started to cry. A bit startled he stared at me and then slowly sunk down on the couch next to me. "What happened?" he asked slowly and I wiped a few tears away. "I just...Louis and then the fans..." again I giggled and Liam's brows furrowed. "What?" panting I pulled myself next to him and grabbed my phone. "It's really not that funny but I had almost no sleep last night so I..." as soon as my phone unlocked I started to giggle again. "Look at it! Its brilliant." Liam's eyes wandered over Louis' tweet. "Liam Chain...? And that's what had you laughing for about ten minutes? Are you alright?" I only chuckled and pointed at the responding's of his fans. "Liam Spain...Pain...Brain...Stain...oh girl come on now..." he mumbled, but a small smile tugged on his lips. "And all the edits they made about it! It's hilarious! Please tell me it is." He only laughed and shook his head. "I mean...it's Louis. He tends to be funny. Funnier than Harry however." I pouted. "That was mean. Harry is funny...sometimes." He shot me sceptical look. "What do you call a fake noodle?" "What?" I grinned. "An impasta." Liam looked at me, his mouth slightly open, his eyes squinted. "That's a Harry joke." I nodded with a grin. "My favourite." He sighed and got up. "You need sleep. Now. Please." I grabbed his hand and pulled him back. "Oh come on...by the way what was it that you wanted to tell me?" his face lit up immediately. "Oh that...guess who mentioned my dog in a speech?" I frowned and looked over to it's sleeping place. "The dog? I don't know?" Liam smiled proudly and drew his phone. "Tom Hiddleston!" my jaw dropped. "What? Oh because...Loki? You are kidding!" he shook his head. "Nope!" I laughed lightly. "Unbelievable. This dog got more attention of Tom than I will ever." Liam dropped down next to me again. "Ah yeah I forgot about him being your old man crush." I gave him an outraged look. "First of all, who hasn't a crush on him. Second, he is not that old. An old man crush...maybe Brad Pitt?" he shrugged. "Fair enough." I only hummed and leaned my head against his shoulder. "But its pretty dope that he mentioned Loki." Liam wrapped one arm around my shoulders. "It absolutely is." I decided to use the following silence as a moment to hit him again with one of my puns. "Oh by the way; what's the difference between a fish and a guitar?" Liam sighed defeated. "What is it?" I brushed a small streak of hair out of his face. "You can't tuna fish." He groaned. "Please shut up. I will forbid any further contact with Harry." I giggled and shook my head. "Oh please...that was a good one." He shook his head. "It really was not." I pouted. "Okay it wasn't all that bad. Happy now?" I nodded with a small smile and pressed a kiss on his cheek. "Shall we go out tonight?" he suddenly asked and I nodded. "Sure. What have thought about?" he pulled me closer. "Oh just something sweet...we haven't been out in a while now." I nodded slowly. "What should I wear?" he shrugged. "Something pretty?" I rolled my eyes and poked his side. "Not helpful Payne." He only laughed and stretched himself. "You'll look stunning anyways. Don't think about it too much." I sighed and rested my head on his shoulders again. Men would never understand the struggle.

I sat in front of our huge mirror carefully applying mascara when Liam stepped in, a towel wrapped around his waist. I looked up quickly and smirked. "Handsome." Liam snapped up and smiled all shy. "Uh...thanks..." I giggled as he blushed softly and he shove me off. "Do you like the dress? It's on the bed..." Liam walked over to the bed and nodded. "Perfect." He exclaimed and I couldn't help it. "Liam you stay exactly where you are because you are per-fect." I quietly mumbled under my breath and Liam shook his head. "You again..." I only laughed "You can't really blame me for that okay?" he only sighed and walked over to his closet to find clothes for his own. "I really like the dress but...I don't have a matching lipstick..." I mumbled and Liam looked up from fixing his belt. "You have issues. Just take that pink one..." I shot him a look. "No Liam. No pink and light rose. Overkill." He shrugged and stepped behind me, wrapping his arm around me. "Or just no lipstick. For no specific reason of course." He mumbled in my neck and I laughed. "Sure not. By the way, when do we have Bear?" Liam pressed a quick kiss on my shoulder. "In two days. You like that little fella don't you?" I nodded and leaned against him. "Absolutely. How could you not? He is lovely." He smiled and pecked my cheek. 

"You as well." 


He just hummed amused, pressing another kiss on my neck. 


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