Harrys Sunshine 2, HS

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"Who is Jeff Azoff and why is he saying those terrible things about Rob Stringer" if you got that you are officially elite and marry me.

ℹ︎ About the Shard, which I will mention in the story for everyone who doesn't know what the heck that is: The Shard's one big ass supertall skyscraper, (formerly London Bridge Tower) I think about 90 stores or such. Hella tall.

The say that Y/N was nervous would be a blunt understatement. First she started off wasting at least twenty minutes in front of her closet to find a cute dress only to then realise that it would be too chill outside. So she switched in desperation, combing through her entire collection of comfortable but not too worn down sweaters, maybe cute shirts...but she just couldn't settle on anything that would look good. And she hadn't even decided on trousers or shoes, so basically what she was, was screwed. On top of that came the make-up and hair and she still needed to shower and still have enough time to possibly re-do the whole make-up again. The only thing Y/N already knew, was that she wouldn't use eyeliner tonight. Being in this stressed out state already, she wouldn't let herself come near that black pen. It may seem like a small thing but it was at least a step forward. "Fucking hell!" Y/N cursed quietly under her breath before deciding to first get that shower now. Maybe she'd get an idea when under the influence of calming hot water and lavender soap.

Harry on the other hand was not only nervous but also annoyed. Not at her, obviously, but at the fact that he had impulsively asked her out with nowhere to go in his mind. He knew that Y/N wasn't a complicated one and she'd probably go eat greasy fries at some fast food place but...Harry would never take her there. At least not for their first official date. Besides, he couldn't just walk into some random regular restaurant without causing a fucking fuss. Of course he'd take her to the Ritz but...wasn't he then trying to hard? Besides he only told her to dress up well, not dress up for the bloody Ritz. In his state of hopelessness he finally picked up the phone to give Jeff a call. "Hi Jeff...I've got a little problem..." "Harry? All good?" Jeff immediately asked, sounding alarmed by Harry's choice of words. "Yeah, yeah, I just...got a question." Harry started out slowly, clearing his throat. "Where would ye take yer uhm...first date to? A place not too posh but...like ye know." He mumbled embarrassed, hearing Jeff breathing out relieved. "Man I thought someone leaked your nudes." He joked revived, causing Harry to chuckle. "Where would I take my date...first date ever with her?" Jeff asked thoughtfully, receiving a mumbled "yeh". "I can tell you where I took Glenne if you like?" Harry nodded quickly. "Yeah please? I kinda acted spontaneously and had no time to really think about a safe location." He explained and Jeff only nodded. He knew Harry well enough to not make fun of him just yet, because he really sounded terribly nervous. "If I remember that correctly, I took her to the Shard. And there to the Hutong, perhaps you could do that too. It's really romantic and the view is absolutely fantastic. Besides, it's nicely priced and not too posh if that's important. Still, a place to go." Harry hummed relieved: the Shard was always a good idea and he already heard that the food there was good. "Hutong ye mean? Alright, thanks a lot mate. You really helped me out there..." Jeff grinned proudly. "What can I say, always happy to help if only the nudes stay out of it." Harry rolled his eyes. "Whatcha got with those nudes. Who even says I have some?" Jeff only coughed mockingly and Harry snorted. "Who are you even going with, H? I mean, first date and all?" Harry's lips curled up at the thought of her. "Oh...Y/N. Ye know, that girl..." but Jeff knew. Of course he did. Harry's talked a lot about her and he'd told Jeff a lot about how she helped him and stuff. Hearing that he now (finally) asked her out made Jeff not only happy but also relieved. "Alrighty then. Have fun with your date lad. Don't fuck it up...would you like me to make a reservation for the two of you?" Harry smiled. "That would be amazing Jeff. Thanks a lot, I owe you!"

When Harry picked Y/N up, he noticed his palms being sweaty. It almost wondered him how much she affected him, he's been a more or less shy guy at times, but this...However, there was no turning back now as he stepped towards her doorbell at one past seven, quickly wiping his palms dry before pressing the buzzer. Y/N opened almost immediately, a soft smile and her eyes sparkling. And Harry could only stare: whatever she did with her hair and her...face she was literally glowing. Dressed simple but elegant, Harry felt unsettled with the way he himself looked. "G'd evening." He breathed out, immediately feeling like the flustered idiot he was. Y/N giggled softly, stepping towards him to greet him with a hug. By that, she subtly hid her more and more warming up face. Because in fact, Harry looked absolutely breath-taking in his simple white button up with a heavy jacket over it. Hair tousled into his usual curls and his eyes...maybe it was just the warm light from her apartment meeting his eyes but they gleamed vividly green. Short: he looked like all Y/N loved, simply Harry. "So where we going Mister?" she asked curiously, taking Harry's arm he offered her. "Ever been in the Shard?" her eyes widened immediately. "I work at a café Sir. I don't have the time or the money to go there." Harry laughed. "Sorry m'love. It's time that I take you then."

The view was really breath-taking and Jeff had made sure that the two of them would get the best table there was. They were all lined up in a vertical corridor and not placed next to each other. Even waiters weren't going to pass past Harry and Y/N. And since Jeff had done his job really well, the two of them were sat at one of the end windows, where you basically had a view solely over the city and they could spend the whole meal without seeing another guest (even though Y/N could barely take her eyes off the man sat in front of her). "The food is absolutely incredible though." Harry suddenly hummed, staring down at his plate in wonder. Y/N nodded quickly; it really was. "Chinese takeaways does never seem to be a true representative of Chinese cuisine, huh. This is the real deal." She joked lightly and Harry laughed. "Agree. But that's the same with like...Japanese cuisine. Every time I come back from Tokyo I can't believe how different the foods taste here in Europe in a takeaway." She nodded slowly. "Tokyo...you like that city don't you?" Harry smirked. "One of my favourites. I'll take you there if you like." "To Tokyo?" Harry nodded slowly. "If you...like? I mean...I could book a two rooms and a yet right now if you feel like it." Y/N chuckled softly. "Eager huh? But in all seriousness Harry, I'd love to visit Tokyo one day...I just don't get to fly a lot." Harry nodded softly, reaching over the table for her hand. "So you'd really...come with me?" Y/N rose her eyebrows. "Is that so hard to believe?" Harry only crocked a grin. "Nope. I mean look at me..." Y/N giggled at that, showing off that smile Harry loved so much. "Alright. Let's go then." She hummed amusedly, twitching when Harry sat up straight and rose his hand. "Yes. Let's go." She gave him an unbelieving look. "Right now?" a boyish expression danced on his face as he nodded. "It's Wednesday. Call in sick and we're off for almost a week. S'not that long." Y/N stared at him with big eyes. "But I don't have any clothes and money..." Harry waved it off. "I got you. You have your Passport with you?" she nodded slowly, a hundred questions in her mind. "Then that's all you need. Let's go." He placed a bundle of bills on the table (way too much) before she could say anything, grabbed her hand and pulled her after him out of the restaurant. "We're really doing this?" Y/N asked with big eyes staring up to the curly in front of her as they stood in the elevator down. "Absolutely. If you're okay with it? We can easily just..." Y/N cut him off by pressing her lips on his. "Let's bloody go." A dazed expression lingered on Harry's features as they parted, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. But he looked happy...happier than he'd been in months. "Let's bloody go, love."


not proofread and it has been a struggle. Levi, I only did this coz I love you okay.

- Nica xo(twod) (yes thats a The Weeknd reference where the xo squad AT)

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