Of a rant & a needy lover, HS

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Not proofread, I think I mention the word sex and well, Harry's a tad needy (mY GaWd) and it's...a rant. Kinda personal rant (coz that situation is actually happening in my life atm) but I also wanna have a Harry for myself pls.

"What's gotten you in such a mood, love?" Harry mumbled, wrapping his arms around me. I shrugged glumly. "Dunno." Which was obviously a lie, I just felt ridiculous telling him...or even feeling so upset about it. Harry just sighed and pressed a kiss to my neck. "Ye're tense love. Just spit it out, ye know I'll listen to anything." I sighed resigned and leaned back into his arms. "It's not something big really I'm just..." Harry leaned back against the headboard of the bed, me still in his arm. "Isn't it funny that..." he mocked amused, as if he'd sensed what I was about to say. I snorted, rolling my eyes. What an idiot that one was...though it made me smile. "Yeah innit...however. You wanna listen or tell the story yourself?" I could feel his laughter vibrate through my body before he pressed another kiss to my hair. "M'sorry doll. Do tell, I won't interrupt anymore." "Alright, I'll hold you to that..." I joked, feeling how Harry's presence made my bad mood quiver a bit. Already, and I haven't even started with the rant yet.

"Fine. Now, where should I even start..." Harry luckily spared a stupid joke and simply kissed me again. "You know that feeling when you have like the bestest conversations with someone, in real life or over text? Like, you really can talk for hours completely natural and it's fun and all that?" Harry nodded slowly. "And you talk almost every day through text and the conversations are always just funny...until you stop texting first. Suddenly there is absolutely fucking nothing, not a text, no real conversations in the bus, simply because you don't start the conversation?" Harry carefully stroked over my arm. "Talking bout someone specific?" I mean, yes, but... "I still like her a lot, I don't want you to think differently about her Harry." He nodded again, intertwining his fingers with mine. "You know I wouldn't. But you don't have to if you don't wan-" "I'm talking about Elodie." I blurted out, unable to keep it from him, as very much usual. He just nodded calmly. "I noticed that you're not spending that much time with her lately." I sighed frustrated. "I know I don't! But for fucks...fuck it can't only be because I don't text first anymore? I hate this, I seriously hate putting effort into something and then not receiving the same energy back."

Harry laughed softly. "For fucks fuck?" "Yeah shut up ya twat. You know what I mean. And I always seem to be that person. I always text first and I have it up there." Harry's thumb drew soothing circles on the back of my hand. "Maybe she's too awkward to start a conversation?" he suggested and I huffed. "Yeah, she is socially awkward but not with Elma and me. At least not over text, excuse me. I am socially awkward, i fucking hate people. But that doesn't mean that I don't reach out to my friends. Besides, how comes that she really is only texting me if she needs anything? That's okay then? And doesn't she wonder why the heck I haven't been texting and why we're barely talking? There have been times where we spent hours obsessing over...like fandom stuff and all! And I know she's still into this stuff, so why can't she be the one texting me, for once in her life? It's really not that much of a big deal, unless she doesn't do it! Why do I have to be the one? It's fucking exhausting and you feel like a literal idiot because you start to realise how absolutely no contact you have until you say something. And I am so sick of this!"

Harry carefully pushed his other hand into mine. "I understand that...since when is that like this?" I shrugged lightly. "Maybe two weeks? Since I stopped texting, so much is clear." "And why have you?" I shrugged again. "I don't know...there was just this one day where I grew kinda upset about the fact that I seem to be texting everyone first and they only text if they want something. Which is fine if we don't text anyways, I don't mind doing the same then. But going from tons of texts and conversations till two AM, to absolutely nothing because you don't fucking do the first step...that's kinda hurtful." Harry just hummed, still listening attentively. "You know, I often asked like; am I annoying? Simply because I am insecure about annoying people..." Harry laughed and leaned forwards, pressing a quick trail of kisses down my neck. "Look at ye. Don't worry, ye don't annoy anyone, doll." I shrugged, feeling my heart skip a beat at his words. "Well you never know right...however, she was constantly reassuring me that I wasn't being annoying and you know, I believe her! It's just that I realised through me asking that, that I am only feeling like I am potentially annoying because I always text first. And that doesn't even have to be much, just a; how's your day been, or, today happened this and thatand so on...just give me something to show me, that this conversation and us talking doesn't entirely depend on me and my communication skills." Harry tightened his arms around me. "So you're actually disappointed?" I nodded hesitatingly. "Yeah I guess so? And hurt, because she doesn't even seem to wonder why there is like, nothing happening between the two of us, not even talking, like how do you not notice how distant we went and shit? Just, at least ask, what the hell?" Harry carefully pushed us up. "Don't stop talking babe. I just think we should get some tea and maybe doughnuts...pretty sure that helps in situations like this." I snapped around and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Best boyfriend ever." He just chuckled. "Sure hope so. Now get up doll, I'll organise a uber eats for some krispy kream, alright?" I nodded, probably looking at him like a love sick puppy. "Yes Sir. Jesus I love you." he just laughed. „It's Harry for you, doll." oh what a twat.

"And why don't you talk with her about it?" Harry asked, taking a bite of his glazed doughnut. "Because..." I mumbled, swallowing my bite down in between the words, "it's bloody awkward? Like, what am I supposed to say without sounding snarky? Jeez I don't even know what you say in a situation like this!" Harry just shrugged, reaching for another doughnut. "Besides, I'm starting to get annoyed by her since I feel...petty about that one thing. It's this very weird, very bitchy chain reaction where I feel like she's failed the phase of even realising that she's showing no effort to keep this friendship going if I don't go first, it's just awkward really." Harry's eyebrows shot up. "How so?" "Cause there are some random bursts of trying to socialise with me and I am absolutely not having it. I know it sounds kind mean..." "It is." "but i hate it when people just pretend nothing happened or is happening and act like we're like before. Like no, darling, that is not how we show that we care and I also don't need you trying to show interest and then not really having the balls to approach me about it. Fuck off with that." Harry snorted softly. "Harsher words have never been spoken before." I rolled my eyes at him. "Sorry. I am just very much annoyed by such behaviour." Harry took a deep breath, eyes flickering over my face briefly. "Listen doll. I see how this behaviour and her awkward or whatever those attempts are to you make you feel, I would be frustrated as well. Though I hope you know that she's not a bad person, right? Or ungrateful..." I frowned. "Never said any of that?" He just nodded. "I know, I know. I just wanted to make it clear. And we know her...she is socially awkward and a tad shy, but you can't really blame anyone for being this way. I know you're not, just...saying." He quickly added as he saw my outraged face. "But what I think is important now, is that you, as a less introvert person or as a more talkative character get over it first. I know it sucks..." "Yeah sucks balls, you're supposed to be on my side you impostor." He only laughed, leaning towards me and kissing my lips. He tasted sweet, like a glazed doughnut himself. "What I mean, is that you're clearly upset because you still care. Sometimes, giving in and being the softer one but saving a friendship, that's more important than pride. Even though it really sucks being the one texting first every time...being bitter about it only brings problems. Just talk to her...maybe, if you're willing to, talk about that. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to figure it all out together." I sighed, miserably showing another doughnut into my face. "Whatever..." I mumbled then, feeling somehow called off and also a bit stupid and upset...because all I wanted was not being the one responsible for communication. "I know it sucks doll. I've had that before." I sighed, slumping back against the headboard. "Yeah whatever. I'll need to get a shower now anyways...but guess you're right or something like that. I'll call her in the evening if I don't forget it..." He just laughed. "Good girl. Now about that shower..." I shove him off, fighting a smile off my face. "Jesus Christ Harry..." he just tilted his head and blinked innocently. "Yeah then come along, you needy brat." Harry just grinned, getting up faster than I could register. "Not my fault I have a hot girlfriend. Besides, it might cheer ye up, moody blue." And with that he pulled me up and almost dragged me into the bathroom. "Needy much?" he shrugged coyly. "They say that angry sex is exceptionally good..." I frowned at him. "I'm not even angry anymore?" his eyebrows shot up, a smirk dancing around the corners of his lips. "What if I tell you, that I will not text you anymore until you ask something or I need you to do something?" I hit his chest with my flat hand, a huff escaping my lips. "Fuck offwith that, you unbearable git." He just grinned. "Mhm, much, much better."


Bye, tell me what you think pls and maybe request coz I am uncreative as fuck rn (aaand I should probably use this time to work for...my future but I'm a dumb bitch so no.)


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