Falling in love is a dumb idea LT

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Little Lou because...it's his birthday♥︎

Happy 28th Birthday to the wonderful Loueh-bean, sassmasta mY (smol) SON...I am honestly so proud. Oh and always on his birthday(s) I realize again how long I am already stuck in this goddamn fandom...however, my eternal support for the king of doncasta! ILY

Ohh and. this was requested by one of my best friends (but not for wattpad)  

Falling in love is always a dumb idea. There are only a few exceptions of course, like my parents or my grandparents. They were married for over seventy years, my parents for now about forty. So at least no one can blame me for believing that this kind of love really does exist – it just doesn't happen to me. So, back to this whole falling in love thing and why it is a bad idea. In my opinion there are like three people you should not fall in love with, unless you look like maybe Angelina Jolie or Marilynn Monroe and everyone just simply falls in love with you too. Made into rules, that can sound like this: Don't fall in love with your best friend's boyfriend or girlfriend. Don't fall in love with the one who gets all the girls and don't fall in love with your own best friend. Now. I somehow managed it to break all of the three rules at once with just a single person. And this very person goes by the name of Louis William Tomlinson. Many may wonder how I managed to do this so let me elaborate: Louis and I are friends since we maybe are six old. Which is a bloody long time when you consider us being now around twenty-five. We met in kindergarten and quickly became inseparable. We even got "engaged" in first grade and he got me a red candy ring as engagement ring. We had both then walked around hand in hand for a whole bloody day because "that's what couples do when they are grown up." I like to think that we basically still are engaged because no one of us called the engagement off. As we grew up we only shortly distanced ourselves when we both were in that phase where the other gender is like the grossest thing ever. We couldn't keep up to it for too long, because we simply missed each other terribly. I think it was this time around when I discovered that I might felt a little bit more than just friendship towards Louis. And just for the record, that time he wasn't really a lady's man. That should change. As we grew older we discovered his talent or singing...so after a long session of ifs and what's, he finally auditioned at the X-Factor. And as he got put into a band, we hadn't seen each other for about two years. We had face-timed each other almost daily and he had also then told me about a lady called Eleanor Calder. Just a few weeks later I was able to join them on tour and see him again – and also meet his new best friends Harry, Zayn, Liam and Niall. I also met Eleanor and quickly became very close friends with her as we travelled with the boys through the world. Eleanor and he were a couple there already and - apart from some short attacks of sudden loneliness and a slight amount of jealousy whenever they had their couple goals moments – it all went really well. There were obviously also moments where I was glad I wasn't in Eleanor's shoes. For example when the fans started to get really, really obsessive and protective over the boys and had nothing but bad words to say against possible girlfriends. They were now wanted men, and all of them had been through a certain level of glow-up that it could be considered as disrespectful. I never got hated on like Eleanor did, since the fans knew me, but also knew my status: stuck in the friend-zone for fucking ever. And then the hiatus came and Louis and her broke up. It was Louis and me again and my crush still hadn't died. Two weeks ago they had had their last performance and the boys had decided to meet up for one last party before they would all definitively go their own way for an unknown amount of time. So there we were, Louis already slightly tipsy and I...well I was tipsy as well. And because of that we sat down with a few of our friends to a round of spin the bottle – a game for twelve years old. From the boys was only Niall playing and well, Louis. He has his arm wrapped around me tightly, affectionately leaning against me. He had been really touchy the whole night and I had somehow troubles with not feeling flustered because of it. Just as the party started he had pecked my cheek and immediately guided me to the kitchen, where he had made me my first drink. Harry, Niall and Liam were already there and Harry had watched us with this amused twinkle in his eyes as if he would know about my emotional state. Louis had then placed himself behind me, his arms pulling me towards him so he could wrap them around my waist and place his head on my shoulders. I had blushed madly and had prayed that no one noticed. Harry did, obviously. He had always be the most observant of all them. Speaking of Harry, he and Liam didn't took part at the game, they sat somewhere at the bar in Louis house and talked. My eyes wandered over the inside of Louis gigantic mansion and I sighed. Who would've thought that my little Lou, my best friend and in-official husband would end up here. And with here, I am talking about rich, famous, wanted of millions of girls all over the world and already through so much, not drunk on the floor sitting on his carpet leaning against the couch surrounded by intoxicated friends. Lost in my thoughts I totally missed the mood-switch in the circle. Everyone was staring at me and at Louis as if something important happened and I had (as usually) not caught it. "What?" I asked a bit insecure and then saw that the bottle pointed towards me. "Oh. What does that mean?" I asked carefully and looked at Louis who looked like someone just slapped him across the face. "Well...the dare was that he has to kiss whoever the bottle points at..." Terry, an old friend of both of us explained and I felt my cheeks heating up. "Well...this is awkward now." I stated simply. Louis still hadn't said a word. "So? Are you going to stick to the rules Tomlinson?" another friend asked and Louis seemed to awake from his trance. "I-I don't feel like its appropriate to kiss her. She is my best friend for years now and I just...can I maybe spin the bottle again?" I didn't knew if I should be offended or grateful – but I was definitively a bit disappointed. Kissing him was something I dreamed about since elementary school now and it hurt getting rejected like this. "It's okay Louis, I really don't mind." I tried to assure him. Not to sound like a desperate creep, more like to calm him down. He took a deep breath and then stood up. "Okay but can we do it in private?" everyone nodded, understanding the issue Louis had here. He had been shipped with his best friend for almost all his career and it had had a rather negative effect on their friendship. They could even drive in the same car with each other without fans creating conspiracies. I got why he didn't wanted this to be possibly recorded or somehow public. So I followed him into the kitchen where Louis simply grabbed a glass of water and leaned against the counter. I stood next to him and watched him expectantly. "Well Tommo?" I asked a bit confused. "What? Oh come on you don't really expect me to really kiss you, do you?" I rose my eyebrows. "Oh yes I do actually." I answered and he frowned. "We can just trick them into thinking we did it, no big deal." Well that hurt. And due the alcohol in my veins I seemed to lose all my impulse control. "Maybe I want to be kissed by you! For just this one time I would like to be kissed by someone I actually like Louis!" I regretted my words right after I said them and I slapped my hand over my mouth after I did so. "Oh my god...forget it Louis...I think I need some fresh air if you would excuse me..." I stuttered in a hurry and I brushed pass him, trying to get away from my best friend as quick as possible. I pushed through the crowded hallway and finally got outside where I almost stumbled over Harry. The curly brown haired boy sat on the ground, his long legs stretched out completely. He gave me a surprised look. "Hello there! Having a good night so far?" he asked politely. "Hello Hazza. Yeah I did...maybe until right now. I think I just ruined Louis and mine relationship." Harry frowned and patted the ground right next to him. "Spill. Can't think of a way you could ever ruin your relationship with him if I'm being honest. He seems to be rather smitten with yeh. In a friend-like way, of course." I dropped down next to him with a sigh. "And that's the problem...confessing that you would really like him to kiss you in a not so friend-like way does pretty much ruin a lot." I blurted out and Harry just opened his mouth without saying something for the longest time. "You said that?" I nodded. "So you...like him a bit more than friends should like each other?" he asked carefully and I nodded slowly. "Hmm." He only said and buried my face in my hands. "I am such a stupid cow." Harry only laughed softly. "Just a drunk cow. C'mere gimme me a hug and then go to sleep. You have your own room in this house if I'm not wrong?" he asked and opened his arms. "I do. But he will probably burn it down after what I just confessed." And with that I melted into Harry's warm embrace. Even though it still felt not as comforting as Louis' ones. But it was still wonderful and very much needed. "Oh come on, don't think so dark already. I am sure you can work everything out." I only shrugged. "Probably not." And with that I got up and slowly walked towards the door. Through the window right next to door I caught Louis slightly upset face. "I think he saw the hug..." I stated a bit scared. "So? It was just a hug and with all due respect I am not the one with the crush on my female best friend." He said smugly and winked at me. I only huffed and went inside. The true meaning of his words only crashed down on me when I was already in the room Louis had always prepared for me. "I am not the one with the crush on my female best friend." As much as I loved Louis, he wasn't my "female" best friend. If I wasn't wrong, I was Louis female best friend. But I wasn't going to be that stupid and get my hopes up. I curled myself up in my bed after I completely striped out of my clothes and slipped into one of Lou's tee's he always lend me. It was amazingly soft and smelt like him so I expected to fall asleep quickly. I didn't however. Even when the party toned down and seemingly everyone had left at around 3 am, I still couldn't fall asleep. I tossed myself from side to side, opened the window and even tried to count to thousand – nothing helped. Around three thirty I suddenly heard someone come upstairs. Due to the slight shuffling noises I figured that this could only be Louis and not just another friend staying over. He stopped at my door and I saw how the handle slowly got pushed down before he seemed to chicken out, stopped and let go of it. I could hear his frustrated huff before his door slammed shut. I took a deep breath. "What am I supposed to do now...god..." I whispered to myself and nervously chewed my lips. The clock on my phone showed ten to four am when I finally stood up and carefully sneaked to Louis room. I took all my courage together and knocked softly. I could hear covers shuffle and tired steps approaching the door. Seconds later, a tired Louis opened the door. His hair was all messy and his eyes were slightly reddened from the lack and sleep and alcohol and he looked beautiful in a really raw and humanlike way. "Cuddle?" I only asked, not able to look him in the eyes. He sighed deeply and stepped aside. "So...you come to my room and wake me up at four am to cuddle?" he asked as he closed the door behind me, but I caught the slight amusement in his sleepy voice. "Have you really slept?" I only asked, still not daring to really look at him. He sighed deeply. "Haven't. You?" I shook my head and dropped down on his bed, after placing my phone on his night stand and immediately stretched my body out fully. "Oi budge up a little will you?" Louis protested and I huffed unwillingly. He squeezed himself between the wall and me, shuffling slightly. "Now now...you can't banish me. This is my bed too!" he carefully pushed me aside and I finally moved aside a little. "Better?" I could feel him relax behind me. "Much." That was all we spoke for about ten minutes. Normally both of us would have fallen asleep by now but not today. The thick tension that hung in the room made it impossible. "Hey...erm I wanted to ask somethin'..." he suddenly whispered. "Hm?" I only responded, fearing his next question. "That in the kitchen...you really meant that or not?" I fiddled nervously with my fingers, not knowing how to possible answer. "Well...I kinda..maybe." I stuttered and internally hit myself immediately. What a stupid answer. "So you...how do you feel about...like about me?" he asked insecurely and I could feel his shook up breathing on my neck. "Please look at me love." He begged silently and I turned around, glad that the darkness probably hid my blush. The only light came from the street outside and it barely lit up the room. "I...I think, no I know that I'm in love with you and it scares the crap out of me because I don't want this friendship to be destroyed but I feel like my feelings just...I am sorry but I just cant help it and I feel horrible." I rambled I knew it but I just had to get everything off my chest before I would chicken out again. Louis just listened without saying a word. Then he suddenly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. "Please don't say you're sorry love." He said lowly before carefully leaning his forehead against mine. "Never say sorry for something like love." My breath hitched in my throat as he carefully placed his lips on mine. It was as if the whole tension around us just somehow transferred into the kiss and it swept me off my feet. I am positive that if I would have already laid I would've fell. Louis carefully pressed me on my back and softly pushed himself over me so he could support his body with his elbows pressed into the mattress left and right from my head. We pulled apart, both of us heavy breathing with wide eyes. "That thing in the kitchen..." Louis started, his voice now hoarse, "I didn't wanted to offend you...I just wasn't sure if my feelings were mutual and I didn't wanted to ruin it...just like you." He said with a small smile and I lifted my head up and pecked his lips quickly. "it is." He only smiled before nuzzling his face into my neck. I carefully stroked his back as he sloppily pressed small kisses onto my neck. The next Moring I woke up to Louis legs tangled with mine, his head on top of mine. I had snuggled myself into his shoulder and neck and he had wrapped his arms around me. The sun already shined through the high window and I only wanted to pull the curtains over her light and go back to sleep. Back to sleep with Louis...my Louis. So I wiggled myself carefully out of his grip und did exactly that. "Love? Where are you goin?" Louis immediately asked. "Only drawing the curtains Lou..." I quickly slipped back under the covers, grabbing my phone quickly. I opened Harry's contact and quickly texted him: 

"You were right." 

A reply came almost immediately and I switched off my phone with a small smile on my lips. 

"I'm always right. Take care of him, good luck from Jamaica. All the love H. xx"     


OH and because its Christmas, next Update will follow in a few hours...stay tuned friends. 

Vote if you liked! All my love and Merry Christmas to everyone,


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