Chapter 1: The Rose

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Hi readers! This is my first time writing a fanfic of Miraculous. Just to be clear, don't own Miraculous. I'll try to post the other chapters soon. But for now here is the first chapter. Please give comments on how to improve my writing and I'll try to fix them in the next chapters when I write them. One more thing: thanks @YEEEEEEETBEEEEEEET for helping me choose the cover for the book. I really love it. That's all. Happy reading :)

Ladybug jumped onto the roof just after she and Chat Noir saved another akumatized victim. She stared out to the sky. There were no stars that night. Just the moon shining a dim light across the black sky. She turned to Chat Noir.

"Great job today Chat... " she paused.

Chat Noir was kneeling down. His green eyes seemed to glow like a cat's at night. His all black leather suit almost blended in with the night sky. In his hand held a rose. Its petals red like a ladybug's. He held out the flower to his partner.

"For you Milady," he said, gesturing for her to take the rose.

She smiled as she looked at the rose. But the longer she looked at him and the rose, her smile slowly faded. She couldn't accept it. Not from him.

"Chat... " she started to say, " I can't accept this rose from you. I told you already, I'm in love with another boy. If I take the rose, I feel like I would be lying to you about my feelings. You are more than just a partner Chat Noir, you're my friend. And I would never want to lie to a friend."

" I know Milady, " He said, slowly standing up. His voice became low, " But if he weren't here, would things be different between us? "

Ladybug walked over to the edge of the rooftop and looked at the Eiffel Tower, the only thing blocking the moonlight. She leaned on the railing and continued to stare at the empty sky.

" I don't think I can even imagine living in a world without him," she answered blankly.

His eyes lost its gleam as his gaze dropped to his feet. He did not say anything as he walked over to the railing and looked out with her. Chat Noir loved her. He loved her more than anything in the world. And she knew that. But she didn't want to toy with his feelings. For her heart belonged to someone else.


Ladybug turned her head, attempting to look at her earrings. Though she could not see her earrings, she knew what that sound meant - 1 minute before she de-transforms. She turned to Chat Noir, only to see him already facing her.

"Just go, " he said " Just go before you transform back. "

" Chat I'm sorry, I didn't mean... " she tried to apologise as her gaze dropped to her feet.

" I get it Ladybug. You don't have to apologise, " he started, putting one hand on her shoulder, " You were following your heart. I would have done the same if I were you. "

Ladybug looked up. She could see Chat Noir smiling understandingly at her. But when she looked into his green eyes, she could tell he was upset. She sighed as her gaze fell to the ground again.


Ladybug turned her head to the side, hoping to see her earrings again- 30 seconds. Ladybug bit her lip before walking to the edge of the rooftop.

" I'm sorry Chat Noir, " she muttered before throwing her yo-yo far and disappearing into the darkness, leaving Chat Noir on the rooftop.

Chat Noir watched as the girl he loved disappear. Dabbing his cheek, Chat Noir realised he was crying. He had confessed his feelings to her so many times but she always said the same thing. He stared at his wet hand, as if taking a picture of the moment before wiping the rest off his face. Glancing at the empty sky once again, he walked over to the edge of the rooftop. He extended his metal baton and just like that, he too left, leaving the rose on the rooftop. It's petals still as radiant as ever. The stem was still holding firm, not giving way to the weight of the flower.

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