Chapter 9: I Know The Truth

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(I know I suck at drawing but please I tried. I didn't know how to describe Princess Justices's outfit so I drew it so it might be clearer to you guys when you read that part.)

Marinette–now Princess Justice–leaped out of the window into the streets of Paris. There were 3 things on her mind–Lila, Adrien and revenge. She ran on top of the rooftops and stopped in front of the school. 

"Lila should be in the library studying with Alya now. Well, they're going to get little visit from Princess Justice," the villain muttered, smirking.

Princess Justice crept into the school as quietly as a mouse. (Get it? 'Cause she's Multimouse?........No? Nevermind) She hid behind a bookshelf as she continued to spy on the two girls. I need to get Lila alone, Princess Justice thought to herself. As if on cue, Alya gets up from her chair.

"I need to go to the bathroom, you can study History without me first," and just like that she left Lila, defenseless.

As soon as Alya was out of sight, Princess Justice leaped behind Lila and put her hand over Lila's mouth. 

"Hello Lila," that was the last words Lila heard before her vision turned black. 


Lila's eyes sprung open. The bright light blinded her vision for a moment but they soon got used to the brightness. She could feel the cool breeze lightly brushing her face. Where am I? Am I outside? She tried to move but realised she was tied to something. She tried wriggling herself out but it was too tight. She looked around her and gasped. She could see the whole of Paris from her view and that was when she realised she was on the Eiffel Tower. She tried to scream for help but it was taped shut. 

"You can't get out Lila. Why do you even try?" a voice said, startling her. Lila whipped her head around to see a girl wearing a short dress walking towards her. Overall, the dress had 2 colours–black and dark purple. The top liked like a qipao styled dress while the bottom of the dress looked like a round skirt. The girl wore high heeled shoes and her dark hair was pulled into a ponytail. In her left hand held a rattan bo staff. (Like I mentioned just now, I don't know how to describe looks very well, forgive me readers)

Princess Justice approached Lila with a devilish grin on her face, "How does it feel Lila, not being able to move freely, to be restricted by someone else's doing?" 

Lila squirmed and Princess Justice could hear her muffled screams. She smirked at the pitiful sight before walking away. 

"Get comfortable Lila, you'll be here for a while," Marinette snickered before jumping off the Eiffel Tower, "Next, Adrien Agreste."


"What am I going to do now Plagg?" Adrien asked his Kwami, running a hand through his blonde hair, "How do I make it up to her? Help me out here Plagg!"

"I can't help people who don't use their brains," Plagg stated, earning a glare from Adrien, "You really messed up today kid. I have never met a Miraculous holder more terrible at letting a girl down than you."

"Would it kill you to say something nice to me for once? I know I messed up. I messed up big time. And since you are so wise and all, would you please give me some advice?"

Before Plagg could even answer, Adrien saw smoke followed by a beam of light. The light was so bright that Adrien stumbled backwards and fell. He squinted his eyes as he tried to make out the person as she emerged from the smoke. 

"Well we'll, if it isn't Adrien Agreste," Princess Justice snickered as her rattan bo staff changed into a small bag. She slinged the bag on her shoulder. 

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