Chapter 5: The New View

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Marinette heard a familiar tap on her trap door and she walked over to open it. 

" Hey Chat. Come on in, " Marinette invited him, " What are you doing here? "

" Well, I came to see if you need any more tutoring. Don't mean to brag but I'm quite good at Chemistry too, " Chat Noir said as he leaned towards Marinette, smirking. 

Marinette didn't move for a moment. She looked at Chat up and down, confused for a second. When she finally understood what Chat Noir meant, she scoffed. 

" You like Ladybug. Remember Chat? " Marinette chuckled, slowly pushing him away, " You wouldn't want to cheat on your lady. Besides, I paid attention in class today. Completing my homework was a piece of cake. "

" It's not technically cheating when we never actually dated Princess, " Chat Noir told her as he looked around her room, " Besides, she doesn't love me like that. She loves someone else. " Chat Noir's voice was low. 

" You don't know that. Anyway since you are here, I want your opinion on some of my new designs, " Marinette tried to change the subject. 

Chat Noir shrugged and walked over to her table where her sketchpad was. 

" These are really good Marinette, " Chat Noir praised her as he flipped through her sketchpad, turning to Marinette who was studying her designs very carefully. 

" It's always the same few designs. I don't have much inspiration now. When I look out my window or go to the balcony, I see the same thing. I need new inspiration. A new thought or new view or something, " Marinette said, slumping her back against the chair she sat on. 

Chat Noir thought for a moment. Then an idea struck him. He took Marinette's sketchpad and one of her pencils and gave it to Marinette. He then grabbed Marinette by the wrist and led her to the rooftop. 

" I know a place that I'm sure will give you some inspiration, " Chat Noir said, letting out his hand. 

Marinette looked at him then at his hand before looking back at him. She hesitated to take his hand and Chat Noir seeing her reaction, slowly pulled his hand away. 

" Are you sure it's safe? " Marinette asked, her eyebrows furrowed in worry. 

" Do you trust me? " Chat Noir asked her, his gaze fixated on nothing but her. 

" What did you say? " Marinette asked, still hesitant. 

" Do you trust me? " Chat Noir asked her again as he let out his hand for her to take. 

Marinette paused for a moment and looked at Chat Noir. Then she noticed his eyes. Marinette let out a small gasp. His eyes reminded her of Adrien's eyes. It was the same eyes she could stare at forever and not get bored. They were like two gleaming emeralds. 

" Yes, " Marinette finally replied, her voice full of certainty as she took Chat Noir's hand.

Chat Noir carried Marinette bridal style as he jumped off the roofs to the place he told her about. He instructed her to close her eyes as he said it was a 'surprise'.  After a few minutes, Marinette felt her feet touch the ground.

" Okay, you can open your eyes now, " Chat Noir told her, settling her down gently. 

Marinette slowly opened her eyes. She looked around and that was when she realised she was very high above the ground. She could see the whole of of stars were scattered across the black night sky. It was a breathtaking view. Marinette was speechless. She had been to the Eiffel Tower many times as Ladybug. But for some reason, the view she was seeing now was very different from the others before. Maybe it was that she had never visited there during the night. Or, maybe it was the fact that this was the first time that Chat Noir was with her here. She turned only to see him smiling. Marinette smiled in response as opened her sketchpad and started sketching some new designs. After about 10 minutes, she was done and she again turned to Chat Noir. 

" Ready to head back? " Chat Noir asked her as she grabbed her waist with one hand.

Marinette nodded and Chat Noir did the same in response. And with that, Chat Noir carried her home. 

" Thank you Chat Noir, " she thanked him, " It's just with everything going on this past week, I really had to clear my mind. "

" No problem Princess, but can I ask you one thing? " Chat asked and Marinette nodded, " Is everything okay with you and Lila? Adrien told me that you were still acting weird and he thinks Lila has something to do with it. "

Marinette sighed and looked at the floor for a moment before looking back at Chat Noir, " You promise you won't tell? "

" Yes, " Chat Noir replied as he led her back into her room. Marinette sat on her bed as she continued to talk. 

" You know Ladybug right? Well, I know her identity and Lila found out. Lila has a video of me with her and it was clear I knew who she was in real life, " Marinette whispered to Chat Noir who just sat there, mouth hung agape, shocked. Marinette hesitated before continuing. " So she confronted me about it and I gave in and told her I knew who she was but I didn't say her name. She threatened to post the video and let everyone know I am friends with Ladybug if I didn't tell her who the girl behind the mask really was. I knew if Hawkmoth found out about this, he may hurt me to get to her and I didn't want her to risk herself for me. So I made a deal with Lila. I would do whatever she says no matter what as long as she doesn't post the video. " 

Chat Noir could see tears welling up in the end of her eyes. He could tell she was trying very hard not to cry. She was willing to risk her freedom for the sake of protecting Ladybug, Chat Noir thought. Then he pulled her into a hug. He didn't know what came over him. He just couldn't stand seeing her like this. Marinette was such a nice person. She never deserved to be sad. Marinette didn't move for a moment, surprised and shocked by Chat Noir's actions. But then she smiled and hugged him back. 

" Does Ladybug know about this? " Chat Noir asked, both his hands on her shoulders as he looked at her. Marinette slowly shook her head. 

" You have to tell her! " Chat told her and she looked at him as though he was the stupidest person in the world.

" You think I don't want to? " Marinette shouted at him a little, " If I tell anyone, Lila will tell everyone about it and post that video. I already took a huge risk and told you! She doesn't care who she hurts, Chat! Besides it's more complicated than that. But I can't tell you because it would put us all in danger. You must never tell anyone about this. Not Adrien! Not Ladybug! No one and I mean no one else must know. Do you understand Chat! " 

Chat Noir looked at her and just nodded. It was then when Chat Noir understood the meaning of 'looks can kill'. Marinette looked as if she could kill someone there and then. She held her pillow so tightly that Chat Noir could see the knuckles on her hand turn white. He had never seen her this mad before. Chat Noir then left Marinette's room. He didn't want to make her more angry than she already was. Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow, Chat Noir thought, looking back at her room one last time before jumping off her rooftop and disappearing into the darkness of the night. 

Okay here is the 5th Chapter of What Is This Mysterious Feeling? I hope u guys enjoyed it. I'm sorry if it's kinda boring but I tried to make it as exciting as I could. Chapter 6 will be better. I hope. I have an idea for what I'm gonna write so as usual I hope u guys have a Miraculous day ahead Stay Connected! 😊

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