Chapter 11: The Call

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"Hey Marinette," Alya greeted, hugging Marinette.

"Oh hey Alya," Marinette yawned. 

"Still can't sleep?" Marinette just smiled and nodded slightly.

It has been a week since they found out Hawkmoth's identity. Marinette still felt guilty for pushing Adrien's father off the Eiffel Tower to the point that she could no longer sleep peacefully. 

"It's okay Marinette. You didn't know and he attacked you. Besides you already apologised to Adrien right?" Alya asked her, putting an arm around her best friend's shoulders as they started walking to class. 

"I tried so many times but everytime I do, he just ignores me and walks away. He didn't talk to me the whole week. I don't know what to do anymore Alya."

"Give it some time, girl. Adrien is a reasonable guy, don't worry too much."

Marinette just smiled. Maybe Alya's right. I'll try to forget about it. Marinette and Alya stepped into the classroom and sat down at their seats. As they were chatting, Nino walked in. He was on the phone, a worried expression on his face. 

"Oh okay, is it just for today? *pause* Okay dude, don't worry, we're cool *long pause* It's okay, see you tomorrow. Bye," Nino hung up the phone and turned to the two girls.

"Adrien is not coming to school today. It's about his old man. He wouldn't tell me what though," Nino explained.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly for Marinette. Ms Bustier also informed everyone about the school dance at the end of the month. There was only one person she wanted to go to the dance to, Adrien Agreste. But with all that has been going on within the week so far, she knew she was the last person he would want to talk to. Marinette sighed as she packed her school bag. The school bell had just rung and she had to go to Master Fu's home for Guardian Training. 

"Do you want to study with us, Marinette?" Alya asked her best friend.

"I can't today. I have training with Master Fu right after school," Marinette declined the offer.

"Oh okay girl," Alya nodded, "See you tomorrow then. Bye Marinette."

At least she can go to the school dance with someone, Marinette thought as she saw Nino and Alya walk away, their arms linked. 


"Master?" Marinette opened the door to the Guardian's home. She walked into the main room of the house. 

Fu's Massage Shop was a place where the Guardian lived and worked as a masseur and healer. Scrolls filled with Chinese writing were hung on the walls. In the room was a door with glass that let the light enter. On the floor of the main room, lay a mat where Master Fu works and just beside the mat was a long wooden cabinet with drawers where he placed his old gramophone. A short, black round table was placed at the corner of the room.

"Hello Marinette," Master Fu greeted, grabbing his tablet from the cabinet and setting it down on the table, "I want to teach you something very important. It is called the Ladybug Incantation."

"What's the Ladybug Incantation? And why is it so important?"

Master Fu showed Marinette the picture of the incantation, "This incantation allows you to harness the Ladybug's power. It will only work for the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous holder."

"But Master, I already have Tikki. I don't need to use this incantation."

"This allows you to gain the powers without using your Miraculous. Like if you are in a situation where you no longer have the Miraculous or Tikki with you, you can use this incantation. But it comes with a price. The powers will drain a lot of your energy the longer you use the powers. If you are not careful enough, you can lose your life," Master Fu explained, a stern look on his face, "Centuries ago, the Ladybug Miraculous Holder used this incantation. Right after she used it, she perished. I do not want that to happen to you Marinette."

Marinette nodded. For the next 30 minutes, she memorised the incantation. I probably won't need this. But I can't take any chances. By the end of the training session, Marinette had finished memorising and Master Fu also managed to teach her more about the Miraculous's powers. Marinette waved at Master Fu as she left the building and started to walk back to her house. The cool Paris air brushed her face lightly. Then she heard a familiar voice singing. Marinette smiled. It was André. He is mostly known as the Sweethearts Ice Cream Maker and he makes some of the best ice cream in Paris. I don't need to be home in another 30 minutes, so I guess some ice cream won't hurt, Marinette thought. 

"Hello Andre," Marinette greeted the man, a small smile on her face. 

The man smiled back, " Hey, pretty Marinette. Can I offer you some ice cream?"

"Of course, your ice cream is the best in Paris."

"Peach Pink like his lips and Mint like his eyes," André said, handing her the ice cream. 

"Thank you. Have a good day André," Marinette waved at him after paying. 

Marinette sat down and started to eat her ice cream. She opened her bag to let Tikki eat the ice cream too. Peach Pink like his lips and Mint like his eyes. Only one person came to her mind. Adrien. Marinette's smile faded.

"What's wrong Marinette?" Tikki asked her, hovering close to her face. 

"I don't know what to do with Adrien. When I try to talk to him, he just ignores me. I'm a terrible person and a terrible friend," Marinette told her, slumping her shoulders a little as she continued eating the ice cream. 

"Why don't you call him? If he doesn't pick up, just say something for his voicemail," Tikki suggested.

"That's a great idea, Tikki!" Marinette exclaimed, "I'll call him right now."

As Marinette took out her phone, Tikki couldn't help but smile. She really cares about her friendship with Adrien. It's so cute! Tikki thought. Hopefully, those two can get together someday.

Marinette dialed Adrien's number and waited. No answer. 

"Hi you've reached Adrien Agreste, leave a message," a voice resonated from her phone. Marinette took a deep breath to calm her nerves. 

"Hi Adrien. This is Marinette. I just want to tell you that I'm sorry. Like I'm really sorry. I know you're still mad at me and I totally understand why. It's my fault your father got hurt. If I could do anything to bring your father back, I would but I can't. I wish the best for your father and I hope you will forgive me and that we can still be friends. I'm really sorry Adrien," Marinette apologised and hung up the phone. 

I hope he forgives me, Marinette thought as she turned to Tikki. The little creature had finished the rest of the ice cream. Marinette chuckled a little and smiled at her Kwami.

"You should be careful with that sweet tooth of yours," Marinette playfully chided her, walking home.

This chapter is boring, I know. But I will post the next chapter tomorrow. I'm already half-done with the next chapter and it is definitely more exciting than this one, I promise :). So Stay Connected😊!

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