Chapter 20: In The Rain

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Marinette took the hair ties out of her hair and bent down towards the sink. Grabbing hold of her hair in one hand and the other on the water tap, she gently rinsed her hair. She could see the red-transparent fruit punch slowly turn clear as it mixes with the water and flows down the sink. She had cleaned the wound on her knee but it still hurt. There's no way I can go back to the dance, Marinette thought, it would be too humiliating. At that moment all Marinette wanted was to go home and lock herself in her room. But she knew she couldn't. If she did, she knew her parents would ask her about the dance. And that was the last thing she wanted. I have to stay in school until this dance is over. Marinette walked along the empty corridors of her school until she reached a door that stated 'Rooftop'. 

"Perfect," Marinette muttered to herself, gently pushing the door open as she entered. 

Marinette smiled as the gentle wind blew across her face. She sat at the edge of the rooftop as her legs dangled off the building. The sky was pitch black with only the moon and the stars showing off a majestic white glow. She could see the Eiffel Tower from there and a few roads lined with rows of lights. Why does it always have to be me? As she sat there collecting her thoughts, she didn't hear the coming footsteps.

"Marinette? Are you okay?" the blonde asked, his green eyes gleaming like a cats' in the night.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," she answered shakily as Adrien sat beside her, "So why aren't you at the dance? It's way more fun there."

Adrien turned to look at Marinette but turned back when he saw that Marinette wasn't even looking at him, "I can't have fun while you're up here, alone, with no one to talk to. Especially after what just happened with Lila back there."

Marinette rolled her eyes as she scoffed,"Why do you care anyway? Aren't I the last person you’d care about?"

"Marinette I-"

"I killed your father and you have avoided me ever since. So why now, Adrien?" Adrien could see her blinking away the tears and he only looked away from her, not answering her question.

"Tell me Adrien. Why?" she demanded, raising her voice. 

Adrien didn't say anything for a moment, she looked hurt. Marinette shifted away from Adrien a little when she saw tears forming in his eyes as well. Suddenly, Adrien broke the silence.

"Every time I look at you, I remember myself as Chat Blanc– trying to kill you. I remember myself killing Tikki and almost destroying Paris. I have forgiven you for killing my father, I really have. But I could never forgive myself for what I almost did that day. I could have killed you if it weren't for Rena Rouge and the others. I tried to stay away from you ever since as I was scared I'd want to hurt you again. I don't know how I could but if I did, I knew that I could never forgive myself."

She opened her mouth to say something but, nothing. This whole time, she thought it all wrong. All this time she thought he hated her but really he cared for her. Marinette's gaze dropped to the ground.

"And you know, I always thought of you as a friend but I had always felt that you were more than that. I've denied  my feelings for you over and over again. But I wondered why they kept coming back, stronger every time," he looked into Marinette's eyes, as if he were in a trance, "But now I know why."

"Does this mean you see me as a really good friend?" Marinette finally asks and a small smile tugs on Adrien's lips. 

"It means that I love you, Marinette," he whispered and Marinette felt her cheeks burn up. She had waited her whole life to hear those words from him. 

 Marinette only stared at Adrien as before slowly leaning closer to him, gently pressing her lips onto his. Adrien, shocked by her move, doesn't kiss back and Marinette pulls away. She bit her lip as she searched his face for any clue of emotions but before she could find anything, Adrien slammed his lips onto hers. Marinette was shocked but recovered quickly as she kissed him back hungrily. His lips were soft and inviting. Her hands found her way to his face while Adrien's hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer to him. Minutes later the two pulled away, panting as they smiled at each other.

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