Chapter 2: Stuck in a sticky situation

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" H–h–how did you get t–this? " Marinette stuttered, the phone almost slipping out of her hand. Marinette griped the phone tighter. 

Lila chuckled as Marinette played the video again. This can't be true. This can't be true, Marinette thought aloud. The video showed Ladybug almost falling down and de-transforming. As she watched it again, Marinette realised that the video was taken last night. The shadows I saw last night, Marinette remembered.

" Who sent you this video? " Marinette demanded, turning to Lila and pointing at the phone screen. 

" No one Marinette. Or should I say, Ladybug, " Lila answered, walking closer to Marinette, " But I will send it out and everyone will know who you really are. " Lila paused for a moment, " Including Hawkmoth. "

" Don't do this Lila, " Marinette pleaded, " No one must know! The whole of Paris would be in danger, the whole world even. Who knows what Hawkmoth wants to do once he has the Miraculouses. "

" I don't know Marinette, " Lila said,
" I do hate Ladybug, and you. Don't you think I deserve to have revenge on the girl who stole my chances with Adrien. "

" Please Lila! I'll do anything! Just please don't send that video! " Marinette pleaded again, desperate. 

" Anything….? " Lila asked her.

Marinette sighed then nodded, " Yes Lila. Anything. "

" Okay then, " Lila agreed, " You will have to do anything I say. No questions, nothing. Deal? "

" But– " Marinette tried to speak but Lila cut her off.

" Deal? " Lila repeated, pulling the phone out of Marinette's grasp. 

Marinette's gaze met the ground,
" Deal. " 

Lila held out her hand towards Marinette. I am soo going to regret this, Marinette thought, before finally shaking Lila's hand. Now, there was no turning back. Lila started to walk out of the bathroom.

" Oh and Marinette, " Lila called, not turning around to face Marinette,
" One more thing, If you tell anyone, you know what I will do, " Lila waved her phone high in the air so Marinette could see. 

Marinette just sighed and nodded her head. She waited for Lila to leave the bathroom before she did the same. 


" Hey girl! Class is about to start and I wanted to tell– " Alya stopped and looked at her friend. 

Marinette wasn't listening to Alya. Her gaze was fixated on none other than Lila as she talked to her other classmates Rose and Juleka. It wasn't an i-want-her-dead look that Marinette usually gave her. It was more of the look u give your parents when they tell you to study kind of look. Alya could tell something was off, the moment she saw Marinette. 

" Did Lila say something to you just now? " Alya asked her as she looked over to Lila.

Marinette was startled by this question, " What? No she didn't tell me anything. " She lied. 

Marinette started to rub her neck nervously and immediately stopped looking at Lila. Her gaze dropped to the floor. If there was something Alya was exceptionally good at, it would be detecting a bad liar. Alya's gaze moved from Lila to her best friend and then back to Lila. She knew Marinette didn't want to talk about it so she decided not to ask any more questions. Alya grabbed Marinette's hand and the two walked to class. The first class was physics, meaning that Ms Mendeleiev was teaching. Unlike Ms Bustier, Ms Mendeleiev wouldn't hesitate to send you to the Principal's Office even if you were 1 minute late for class. 

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