Chapter 8: We Have A Problem

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"Should I, Tikki?" Marinette asked once she regained her senses.

"Should you what, Marinette?"

"Tell Adrien I like him."

Tikki didn't answer. She just looked at Marinette. She couldn't make this decision for Marinette. It had to be Marinette's choice whether to do it or not.

"You know what? I will," Marinette said standing up.

"Are you sure Marinette?"

"I have been avoiding this for a long time now. I have to tell him. I will have to eventually so why not?" Marinette sounded optimistic. She really was.

Tikki smiled at her. My owner is finally going to do it! Marinette smiled back at her Kwami before turning in. Tomorrow was going to be a big day for her. She could feel it.


The school bell rang, signalling the end of yet another school day at Collège Françoise Dupont. Adrien picked up his bag as he headed to the door of the classroom. Before he left, Marinette stopped him.

"H-h-hey A-Adrien," Marinette stuttered, mentally slapping herself, "I need to tell you something. It's really important to me so do you mind if we speak in private?"

"Umm sure," Adrien wondered what could be so important.

Marinette held Adrien by the wrist and led him through the dim hallways of the school and down the stairs. She stopped behind the staircase, not many people passed by there so it was a good enough for Marinette. Marinette let go of his hand and turned to look at him.

"I have been meaning to tell you this for a long time," Marinette started to say.

Before she could continue, her mind flooded with thoughts.

Are you ready for this? No. I mean yes. I mean I think so. Ugh. It's not too late to run away and pretend this never happened... Marinette mentally slapped herself again. You can do this. You are Marinette Dupain-Cheng. You are a confident person who can do this. Don't chicken out. Just tell him how you feel! Before Marinette wanted to speak again, she got another thought. What if he rejects me? Then we can't get married and live in a beautiful house with two kids. Wait, no three, and the hamster. What if? What if?

"Marinette? You okay?" Adrien asked her, waving his hand in front of her face.

Marinette shook herself to clear her mind then without thinking she blurted, "I love you Adrien. I have had a crush on you for a long time but never had the guts to tell you how I truly feel. Do you like me back?"

Adrien didn't answer. He tried to speak but nothing came out. Marinette likes me? Oh my god. Oh my god. I thought she liked someone else! Wait..... Those pictures of her room.......the stuttering. Oh god! How could I not realise this! Adrien mentally slapped himself. Do I like her back? I like Ladybug and Marinette...ummmm is she more than a friend to me?

Marinette looked at Adrien. Her vision went blurry. Tears welled up in her eyes and she couldn't stop them. She tried her best to keep them from flowing. He obviously doesn't like me that way. He is probably trying to think of a way to tell me that without hurting my feelings. I am such an idiot. He would never love me.

"I messed up. I'm so sorry Adrien," Marinette said, tears flowing down her cheeks. She ran out of the school.

Adrien tried to call her but she didn't hear him. She just kept running. Adrien grunted and put a hand in his hair. What have I done? I am such an idiot. At that moment, Plagg flew out of his jacket.

" blew it huh, Adrien," Plagg stated, shaking his head.

"Oh shut up Plagg," Adrien told him, sighing, "I messed up, again."


Marinette didn't stop running until she reached her house.

"Hi sweetie, how was school?" her mother greeted but Marinette didn't answer. She ran into her room and slammed the door. She threw her small bag onto her bed and Tikki flew out, rubbing her head.

"That hurt you know," Tikki mumbled, still rubbing her head.

"Sorry Tikki. I'm just, ugh," Marinette grunted as she picked up the small bag she threw, "I don't know what to do now Tikki," Marinette sighed, looking away from Tikki.

"Are you okay Marinette?" Tikki asked her, stroking her dark hair.

"No! I'm not fine at all. I'm so tired Tikki, of all these responsibilities and having to put up a front all the time. I've never being able to be who I truly am! I can't be myself in front of Adrien! I can't be myself in front of my friends. I can't be myself in front of anyone!" Marinette sobbed, her knees giving way and she fell to the ground.

"Don't cry Marinette, think positive."

"THERE IS NOTHING POSITIVE TO THINK ABOUT THIS!" Marinette shouted, "Lila can do anything to me now and Adrien doesn't like me," Marinette sobbed harder.

"You must not let them get to you Marinette. Hawkmoth can sense negative emotions. If he senses yours, he'll send an Akuma and-" Marinette cut Tikki off.

"Quiet Tikki!" Marinette continued talking about how bad everything in her life was. The more and more she talked, the more Tikki could see the anger and frustration building up inside of her. Distracted in her thoughts, Marinette did not notice a small black butterfly enter her room. Tikki tried to warn her but she silenced her once more. Tikki watched in horror as the Akuma flew into Marinette's small bag. The bag turned black instantly.

"Oh no..." Tikki muttered as she slowly backed away from Marinette.

Princess Justice, I am Hawkmoth. So people have given you a hard life? Well I'm giving you the power to take revenge on them and give them what they deserve! All I ask in return is the Miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir. Are you up to it?

Marinette smirked and stood up, "They will pay for their mistakes, Hawkmoth."

"This is bad. I have to tell Master Fu," Tikki muttered, flying out through the window as quietly as possible to avoid being heard by Marinette.

Oooooh Princess Justice. Please vote if you liked this chapter and stay connected for the next one!

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